The Best Ways To Rehearse With Your Band

Does your band struggle to play as good when you practice at band rehearsals compared to when you play real concerts? Many bands sound best during rehearsals and things don’t seem to go as well when playing live gigs most of the time.

So what can you do about it? Here are some ideas that can really help.

  • Don’t blame the sound guy, the PA, the venue, your gear or the mood of the audience. It’s important to take responsibility for your performance, even if gig conditions are sometimes difficult or unpredictable. 
  • Practice your rock band’s stage presence during rehearsals. On stage (hopefully) you will be moving around as you play, do you do this in the same way when your bad is practicing? If not, you should.
  • Think of your band’s rehearsals as a ‘simulator’ not as a time when you ‘practice’ playing your songs. ‘Practicing’ is what you do when you are trying to improve a skill. A ‘simulation’ is what you are doing when you try to recreate the same conditions as you may face at your next gig. Most inexperienced bands never do this. They practice their songs, but they don’t really try to ‘simulate’ their next gigs. Think about how many possible conditions you might expect to encounter at future concerts you play. Now ask yourself how many of these can we recreate in detail at our next band rehearsal. This is what professional bands do to prepare for a tour. 

If you and your band wants to become a successful professional band, then you need to think, act, work and rehearse like one. So your first step should be to find out all the things that professional bands do to stay at the top of their gameā€¦ then do the same. To find out EXACTLY what professional bands do and how to become a successful rock band, get coaching for your rock band


Alex Staropoli

Alex Staropoli Rock Musician

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