5 Reasons Guitar Teaching Specialists (Usually) Make More Money Teaching Guitar

by Tom Hess
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If you want to make more money teaching guitar...

... attract more serious guitar students (and more of them)...

... plus - have way more fun teaching music...

... this guitar teaching article will show you a simple shortcut doing just that.

What is that shortcut?

As you can guess by the title...

... it comes down to specializing in a guitar playing niche.

As well as becoming ‘the’ guitar teacher for that niche in your local area.

Do THIS And You'll Get A Lot More Guitar Students
This Will Get You A Lot More Guitar Students e-Guide

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“How in the world is becoming a guitar teaching specialist going to help me make more money teaching guitar”, you ask?

In a nutshell...

Being a specialist affects how your guitar students see you AND how you (the person teaching guitar) see yourself.

Here are just 5 ways that becoming a guitar teaching specialist helps you make money teaching music:

5 Reasons Guitar Teaching Specialists Make More Money

1. All Guitar Teaching Specialists Have Automatic ‘Expert’ Status

Specialists in any profession are seen as ‘experts’ (think: a heart surgeon vs. a general ‘doctor’). This perception of expertise makes it possible to charge a higher price and have people gladly pay it, just for the privilege of working with you.

Here is what I mean:

When guitar students have a burning (guitar playing) frustration they want solved, they are far more likely to look for a guitar teacher who specializes in the things they want help with.


Because those guitar students assume that the person who claims to be teaching guitar players solve the exact problem they have, will do a much better job helping them than anyone else could.

So, those guitar students become more interested in taking guitar lessons with you before they even talk to you.

More importantly...

... when guitar the students are more motivated to study with you, price becomes less of an issue for them. In essence, those guitar students are paying for ‘certainty’ in getting their problem solved.

And you benefit from this by an increased ability to make money teaching guitar.

2. Guitar Teaching Specialists Attract Far More Serious Guitar Students.

What do I mean by “more serious guitar students”?

These are the guitar students who are far more likely to know what they want (and thus – be more motivated to get it). 

And on top of being more willing to pay premium prices for guitar lessons (which makes it easier to make more money teaching guitar)...

... those guitar students typically practice more, become better players, stay longer and refer more (additional) guitar students to you. 

Why does this happen?


Guitar students who come to you because of your expert guitar teaching status are usually more motivated and more trusting to do what you tell them...

... even if your approach to teaching guitar is diametrically opposite to what they experienced with other guitar teachers. 

(All this directly helps you to make more money teaching guitar.)

3. Guitar Teaching Specialists Usually Have More Fun Teaching Guitar Than General Teachers

We tend to specialize around things we enjoy teaching (and that come easily to us). This means, guitar teaching specialists are far more likely to put in more effort into teaching.

Here is how this ‘effort’ helps you make more money teaching guitar:

- you will be more likely to create more classes for your current guitar students. (Thus - creating more opportunities for yourself to make money teaching guitar.)

- you’ll try a lot harder to help your current students when they feel stuck or become frustrated because they don’t get something that you’re trying to teach them.

- when you have more fun teaching guitar, you will be far more likely to market yourself and help more people. This helps you make more money teaching music.

4. Guitar Teaching Specialists Are More Likely To Receive Guitar Teacher Training.

When guitar teaching is more fun, there is usually more time and energy to put into developing your business know-how that helps you grow your business a lot faster.

(It should be obvious how improving your guitar teaching business skills can help you make more money teaching guitar.)

But on top of this...

When you receive guitar teacher training, you also develop your guitar teaching skills. This enables you to add more value to your guitar students by helping them reach their goals faster and thus – be more likely to stay with you longer.

Here is an example of what guitar teacher training looks like:

5. Guitar Teaching Specialists (Often) Have Teaching Skills Far Beyond Their Claimed Expertise. 

Just because you ‘attract’ students as a specialist, doesn't mean you can’t ‘also’ teach them other things relating to their goals ‘after’ you’ve solved the problem they first came to you for.

That means: 

You don’t have to worry that specializing will limit your potential to make money teaching music.

You can still keep your guitar students for a long time (years) ‘after’ you’ve earned your guitar students’ trust and have proven that you can deliver results to them.

Now that you know why guitar teaching specialists generally have a much easier time making money teaching music...

... the next step is to attract more guitar students and fill your guitar teaching schedule. I can help you with this in my free eGuide to getting guitar students to start lessons with you.

Download it today and discover the guitar teaching secrets most guitar teachers will never know.

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Tom Hess
About Tom Hess: Tom Hess is a guitar teacher, music career mentor and guitar teacher trainer. He trains guitar teachers from all over the world how to earn 6-figures per year teaching guitar, while working less than 40 hours per week.

Learn how to start teaching guitar and make a lot of money doing it.

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