You already know that there is nothing else like this anywhere else in the world, and you also know by now if this event is right for you or not.
… but just in case there is any chance you're not 100% sure yet, consider this:
- Guaranteed Implementation – How many times have you been taught something, read something or watched something about how to improve as a guitar player and then did NOT implement it?
If you are like most people, the answer is “A LOT”.
When you come to this event, YOU WILL IMPLEMENT EVERYTHING, because that’s what we’re going to be doing every day of the event.
This is not about learning what to do, nor even how to do something, this is going to be about learning what to do, how to do it and then we are going to actually correctly implement it.
- Massive Access to me and my team – This is where I’m going to be right in the room with you, not simply ‘teaching you stuff’, but literally sitting right in front of you and coaching you on EXACTLY what to do every single step of the way and then training with you as many times as it takes until you ‘get it’.
Then we are going to ‘BURN IT IN’ your mind so that when you go home you can create/practice/play things perfectly every single time… once you have these unique skills, there will be NO STOPPING YOU!!
- This event is the only place on Earth that you can attend and get this one-of-a-kind, super intense and powerful guitar soloing and creativity training that will totally transform your guitar playing and creativity forever.
- Best investment of your time and money. Even though it’s not possible to get this training anywhere else, what would it cost you if you could get it? 48 hours of training x $50 an hour from some mediocre guitar teacher = $2400 (note: a mediocre guitar teacher wouldn’t have a clue how to do anything like this type of elite guitar training anyway).
Or you could pay me for private 1-1 time (48 hours x $250 an hour for private live guitar lessons = $12,000).
But let’s forget about money and just talk about your time…
If you do not attend the Complete Guitar Player Training Week, how long will it take you to train yourself?
As mentioned above, what I’m going to give you in 6 days, you will take with you for the rest of your life - and every time you pick up your guitar, you’ll know exactly what, when, why and how to do things… compare that with whatever you are struggling to do now on your own.
- Ironclad 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee! You will be very happy you attended – guaranteed!
If you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day of the event… I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that refunds can only be given under this condition).
Complete Guitar Player Training Week - Ultra Badass Package
So, you want even more awesome guitar training? ... a LOT more killer training? I’ve created for you the most badass package of guitar training ever! Check this out:
Here’s what you are going to get when you choose the Ultra Badass Package:
1. Complete Guitar Player Training Week Event |
$1,997.00 value
2. Complete Guitar Player ELITE FORCE Special Training Event Learn more |
$997.00 value |
3. HESSFEST Event Ticket Learn more |
$697.00 value
Plus You Get These Huge Free Bonuses:
4. HESSFEST Event Ticket Free For A Friend *You can give your free ticket to any friend you want over the age of 18 who is also not a current or former client/student of mine. |
$697.00 value |
5. Complete Guitar Player Mastery Course |
$1000.00 value |
6. Complete Guitar Player 12-Week Pre-Training |
$924.00 value |
7. Your Certificate Of Complete Guitar Player Training Completion |
Priceless! |
8. Your Certificate Of Elite Force Special Training Completion |
Priceless! |
Complete Package Value |
$6,312.00 Total Value
Complete Guitar Player Training Week – Ultra Badass Package Deal |
$2,997 |
Read the full details about the Ultra Badass Package Here 
The way I see it, you now have 3 options:
Option 1: you can do nothing, close this page & continue playing guitar the way you have. There is nothing to stop you from doing this right now. If you are happy with just playing bits & pieces forever and don't want to become a complete guitar player - this is the best option for you.
Option 2: you can wait to join Complete Guitar Player Training Week in 2029. This may be the right thing to do (if you’re ok with waiting 4-5 years… and possibly paying DOUBLE to attend next time).
Option 3: you can join us at the upcoming event in 2025.
By this point, you should know what’s best for you.
Here is what to do right now to join us at Complete Guitar Player Training Week
- Scroll down.
- Click on the orange button that says "Add To Cart"
- Then, on the next page, follow the very simple instructions (it's very fast and easy to do)
Once that is done, I’ll show you exactly how to book your hotel room (at our special low $104 discount rate) and then book your airplane tickets (you will get easy step-by-step instructions once your tuition payment is processed).

Still have questions?
I really want to attend Complete Guitar Player Training Week and can afford it, but I am not sure of my schedule in June 2025. What can I do?
Send me an email at and tell me about your situation. I may help you find a solution.
If I don't attend the event in 2025, can I attend in 2026 (or 2027)?
No. This event is only happening in 2025. The earliest possible time it may happen again (not guaranteed) is 2029.
Can't I figure out how to become a complete guitar player on my own?
Not really. Can you (eventually) become a complete guitar player without this training? Yes, BUT: it will take many more years of grueling extra (wasted) practice time. It will be much harder. It will cost you much more in terms of time, money (for extra lessons), and frustration (because it will keep you from playing guitar how you want).
I'm already taking guitar lessons with someone else; can't I learn this sort of training from him/her?
No. Even if you have a great teacher who is aware of the specialized training process required to become a complete guitar player (hint, most aren’t), and you have all the necessary pieces ... when you are home alone practicing, you won’t form the habits to follow through on this training process.
What you need is someone watching over you, holding your hand AS you practice – correcting every little flaw, telling you precisely what to do, how to do it and when to do it so that failure is impossible, and your success becomes inevitable. You cannot get all of this taking lessons (even in-person private lessons).
At the Complete Guitar Player Training Week Live Event, you not only learn “what” to do, and “how” to do it, you get the actual training all day, every day for 6 days ... THIS is what you need to form the habits to become a complete guitar player.
Where will I be staying?
The event takes place in Crystal Lake, Illinois, USA.
You will get full details with the hotel address and a link to book your (deeply discounted) hotel room after you register for Complete Guitar Player Training Week.
Are hotel, flight and meals included in my event tuition?
What if this doesn't work for me?
If you read this entire page & still doubt I and my team of trainers can help you – there is no pressure to attend. This event is not for everyone and it may not be for you.
That said, I’ve yet to see anyone show up to any of my training events, do what I told them to do and have it “not work” for them.
Of course, there is always a chance you might be the very first guitar player whom I can’t help. You might become the 1 blemish on my otherwise perfect track record. That IS possible. But even then – I’ve got you covered.
You are protected by…
My Ironclad 100% Money back guarantee! You will be very happy you attended – guaranteed! Don’t make your decision now. Instead, register, attend the event, test my strategies. And if you aren’t 100% convinced this is not one of the very best investments you have ever made in your musical life … and you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day of the event… I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that all payments are final and refunds can only be given under this condition).
Do I get a refund if I buy my ticket, but can’t come?
Here is the refund policy:
My Ironclad 100% Money back guarantee! You will be very happy you attended – guaranteed! Don’t make your decision now. Instead, register, attend the event, test my strategies. And if you aren’t 100% convinced this is not one of the very best investments you have ever made in your musical life … and you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day of the event… I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that all payments are final and refunds can only be given under this condition).
What if my situation is unique?
Schedule a (free) 15-minute phone consultation with one of my top trainers (who will be training you at this event). Tell him your situation & get all your questions answered.
Will this work for my style?
Yes. Your style doesn’t matter. We’ve trained guitar players in metal, blues, classic rock, jazz, fusion & classical styles. We trained acoustic players, bass players, as well as 7 & 8-string guitar players.
The training process is exactly the same.
Will this work for acoustic guitar playing?
Yes. (See previous question.)
Will this work for bass guitar?
Yes. (See previous question.)
How much time do I need to practice to attend this event?
Most guitar players who come here practice between 30-90 minutes per day. (Only a few consistently practice longer than that.)
That said - at this event, you will practice guitar a minimum of 8 hours per day – for 6 days.
So you should plan to increase your practice time to an average of 60 minutes per day in the 2-3 months before the event. This prepares your mind (and your finger calluses) for long days of playing during your training.
Can I attend Complete Guitar Player Training Week if I have a hand injury and/or a health condition?
What I say below may sound crazy (so be skeptical if you want).
But guitar players with these health conditions & disabilities have been to my events:
- 2 students were totally blind.
- 1 student was legally deaf.
- 2 students had focal dystonia. (They admittedly struggled. But we tailored the training to their ability to play.)
- 1 student was recovering from a recent liver transplant. (He had to wear a special mask over his face during the training.)
- 2 students flew across the country with a wheelchair.
- 1 student had Autism.
- 4 students had Asperger’s.
- 1 student had a terminal heart condition.
- 3 had recently undergone major surgeries, but wanted to attend our events so badly, they came anyway.
Did all of them make the same progress as my top students? No, of course not. But they made enough progress to want to attend my events more than once (in several cases). And if you join us in 2025, you’ll meet some of these people too.
Bottom line?
If you are healthy enough to drive – there is no reason this training can’t work for you. (That is - if you apply what I train and coach you to do & you meet the minimum skill level standard.)
Am I really ready for this event? What if I’m the worst player in the room?
If you can play simple barre chords and can play basic hammer-ons and pull-offs, you are ready.
In addition, I prepare you further in the 12 weeks of pre-training you receive from me as a free bonus. This pre-training ensures you are ready.
Many people are fearful of being “the worst guitar player” in the room. Don’t be.
First, there will (very likely) always be someone less skilled and less knowledgeable than you.
Second, the other attendees as the event won’t ever really hear you play (maybe the guy next to you hears a little, but he’s too focused on what he is doing).
Third, this is not a contest. Nobody cares who the most (or least) skilled player is. Everyone is here to learn, train and make massive improvements. In addition, people tend to be ultra-supportive, helpful and nice. You have absolutely nothing to fear!
Will I get enough personal attention?
Yes, of course. We wouldn’t be able to deliver the sort of (massive) success for everyone if that wasn’t the case! You will get more than you need to make enormous guitar playing improvements.
Am I too old for this event? Is the event only for younger people in their 20s and 30s?
The ages of our attendees range from late teenage years to several people in their mid 70s (we’ve had a few attendees in their 80s over the years).
We do have a lot of people in their 20s and 30s, and we’ve got a lot in their 60s and 70s, others in between.
No matter what your age, you’ll fit right in!
I don’t live in the US. Can I still attend?
Yes, of course! More than half of our event attendees travel from outside the USA. They come from all over the world (55 countries, on 6 continents).
But what if I’m just a hobbyist?
Great! Most of the attendees who attend are hobbyists - but they don’t want to SOUND like hobbyists when they play; that’s why they attend! (Note: we also do have pro-level players attending too, but they are the minority)
I see it’s a great investment, but I don’t know if I can afford it.
1. There are payment plans available.
2. Instead of thinking, “Maybe I can’t afford it”, ask “How CAN I afford it?” Where there’s a will, there’s always a way! If you want to become a complete guitar player, you will find a way.
If you need help on finding ways to afford it, contact me, I’m happy to offer suggestions on how you can make this happen. Contact me directly at:
3. Attending the Complete Guitar Player Training Week is an experience you’ll never regret, and a decision you will not regret!
What if I have other questions?
Schedule a (free) 15-minute phone consultation with one of my top trainers (who would be training you at this event) & get all your questions answered.
Don’t worry – we won’t lie to you and tell “you are ready” if you aren't. We also won’t twist your arm or try to “convince” or “hard-sell” you to come.
We only want you here if you: 1. Are truly ready for this. 2. Actually want to be here. (The trainer you will be speaking to has strict instructions from me about this.) I’d much rather turn you away if this event is not a good fit for you than have you come and be disappointed.
You can also email me directly at
Look at what guitarists are saying: