The Millionaire Musician Live Event

Millionaire Musician 

Wealth Attraction For Musicians

Join The Wealthy 1% - Even If Playing Guitar Is Just A Hobby - By Learning And (More Importantly) APPLYING The Principles, Strategies And Tactics To Increase Your Income, Enrich Your Life, Build Real Wealth And Live The Lifestyle You Want (With Or Without Playing Music) 

Dear Musician,

Would you like an electrifying surge in your cashflow, substantially increase your income… and more importantly, keep more of it? 

Do you want to feel thrilled about your financial future and experience the peace of mind that comes with it - instead of constantly worrying about having enough money, now or in the future?

Are you:

Really struggling – wanting to finally put an end to financial stress, the annoying month-to-month uncertainty, and feeling the overwhelming weight of your unpaid bills - crushing you like an 800-pound gorilla?

Unpaid bills

Just getting by – wanting to get out of the rat race and stop being just mediocre because you know that to be mediocre is to live life unfulfilled, incomplete and your best life unlived. Life is too short to just settle for a mediocre existence. 

Stop being mediocre

Earning a lot, but not yet (truly) wealthy – wanting to transform your income into real, sustainable wealth and security - and stop being just one unforeseen problem (a catastrophic injury, illness, recession, business failure, job loss, etc.) away from losing it. 

How to earn money for a musician

Whether you’re a guitar player, guitar teacher or an (aspiring) professional musician, I’ve been in all three situations – I get it.

There’s more than one way to get in the driver’s seat of your life and get rich, but there’s a whole lot more wrong ways… reckless ways… dangerous ways that just don’t work. Here are a few…

How Not To Be A Millionaire Musician, EVER…


1 Keep doing the same old things over and over and over again, hoping for a different result.
2 Blame all your problems on everyone else, the economy, your location, the president, shape-shifting-lizard-aliens, your family, your childhood, your race, your gender, your age, Mickey Mouse or anything else beyond your control.
3 Wait for things to change – without you changing personally or changing anything you’re doing in your life, job, career or business.
4 Half-heartedly, skeptically ‘trying a few things’, then giving up easily because you knew all along they wouldn’t work.
5 Keep giving yourself lots of negative, limiting and destructive self-talk, like “I’m no good” … “I hate this stuff”, “I can’t do it, it’s too hard for me …, “I don’t know what to do” … “Life’s not fair ...” etc. Talk yourself out of success, prosperity, and the awesome life you could (and should) be living.
6 Wait until “the time is right” to make a bunch of changes. Wait until winter. Or spring. Or next summer. Or until you can afford to learn more. Or until your spouse “gives you permission". Or until there is zero risk, and you never need to move a single inch outside your comfort zone. Or until …
7 Save money by staying home and not investing in yourself – thinking “I’ve already heard it all before. I probably already know this stuff. I’ve been around the block. I certainly don’t need somebody telling me what to do.”

Business Training For Musicians

Making Money And Building Lasting Wealth Is A Lot Easier Than Most People Realize

It’s not luck. It’s not magical. It’s not mythical. It’s not genetic. It’s not a matter of intelligence (although intelligence helps, average intelligence is more than enough).

Financial independence is achievable for anyone, including you.

Financial struggle, mediocrity or wealth are a choice. Not a single choice, but many small choices added and compounded together. It is that simple – whether you realize it or not, believe it or not, accept it or not, or like it or not. 

“Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance.”

How to grow in the music industry

“Resistance to what?”, you ask.

Resistance to change.

Resistance to move outside your comfort zone.

Resistance to sacrifice the easy decision in the short term that makes your life harder in the long term.

Resistance to start.

Resistance to finish.

Resistance to say yes to opportunities in front of you.

Resistance to say no to self-doubt, or the doubts of others.

We resist solutions, opportunities, breakthroughs because they challenge what we habitually believe or do, and that locks us in.

The difference between 5-figure or 6-figure and 7-figure, and then mid-7-figure, even high-7-figure income is not really about actual opportunity, skill or resource limits. 

Almost everything that keeps personal income below 7-figures is manufactured internally. 

Not by external circumstances.

In fact, the external circumstances of your life – including income – are reflections of the requests made of the marketplace, the people around you, and yourself. 

Personal history repeats itself day by day, year by year, only because of personal resistance. 

You cannot become wealthy until and unless you really get this. 

I’ve been there. Done it. 

When I was flat broke, married, with a newborn baby and I was the only one working, I didn’t yet understand any of this, and that kept me (and my family) stuck, struggling, frustrated, worried, stressed and afraid from the moment I opened my eyes in the morning to the moment I fell asleep. I had no idea what to do differently but the fact is, at the time, it would not have mattered if someone told me exactly what to do and exactly how to do it. I would have failed then anyway. 





Until one day, I stood on the balcony of our tiny apartment, cooking cheap sausage (that was all I could afford), while reading a magazine article that contained this quote: 

“Success or failure is a choice that only YOU make – deliberately or by default, or by making no choice at all.”

I made my choice right then. I chose success, but there was one problem: I had no idea what to do. 

Over many years, I eventually figured out what to do, and how to do it. 

I’ve done what you want to do - build (and protect) serious wealth. 

Since 2010, I’ve enjoyed a 7-figure-annual income and today, enjoy a healthy 8-figure net worth and all the benefits that come with it. 

In addition, I’ve coached many musicians, guitar players and teachers from around the world to collectively earn far more than I ever have.

“I wish someone had taught me this 10 years ago… I’d be much wealthier today.”

- Most common comment from my coaching clients

Hardly a week goes by that I don’t get an email or message from a musician asking how they can increase their income, build their wealth, and live the lifestyle they want.

Which is why I’ve created:

Millionaire Musician 

The Wealth Attraction Live Event By Musicians For Musicians

Crystal Lake, IL, USA

June 25 – 27, 2023

At this one-time only 3-day event, I’m going to personally teach you my 4-step millionaire musician process to attract and build real, sustainable, predictable wealth.

Live Business Event For Musicians

Lots of people just like you have done this, so why can’t you? 

They are not better than you. They are not different, or special. 

Most aren’t smarter. A few may be more talented, others surely are not. 

There is absolutely no inherent power, intelligence or other advantage possessed by any of these people that you, too, do not possess.

You might be wondering what these wealthy people have in common with each other.

Well, they live in different parts of the world. They have different backgrounds. They are of different ages. They play different instruments - or no instruments at all.  

Some are Christians – some Jews – some atheists – others can’t decide.

Some faithfully married, some divorced for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th time. Some chasing groupies, others running away from them. 

Some with high IQs, others who don’t know what “IQ” stands for. 

Some interested in guitar, God, and golf - others in guitar, girls, and guns.

Some are so introverted, you have to pull words out of their mouth like pulling a big fish out of the water – others are so extroverted, the only way you can shut them up is to put a ball gag into their mouth. 

Some have master’s degrees – others barely escaped high school.

Some who love to tell jokes - others who love to be offended by them. 
Some who have hairless heads – others who have 24-inch beards, and one who has both (hey, that’s me).

Some who spring out of bed at 5:30 am every morning – others who don’t get up until noon. 

Some who like to work less – others who would like to work more. 

I could go on and on. 

The point is, while they have very little in common, the few things they DO share are critically important and profoundly significant – but also surprisingly simple to copy by anyone (including you… yes, YOU!).

These things I will teach you to understand, adopt and become.


The 4-Step Millionaire Musician Process


Building Block 1: Increasing Cashflow 

Here’s something most people don’t realize:

Not All People With High Incomes Are Wealthy – And Not All Wealthy People Have High Incomes.

Most doctors have high incomes but are far from wealthy. Few have much saved for retirement, many have high expenses and lots of debt (expensive mortgage payments, car payments, credit card balances). As a group, doctors are notorious for being poor wealth attractors despite their multiple 6-figure incomes. They tend to make poor financial choices and have poor money habits.

Then there are people with modest incomes (under $100,000) who consistently, predictably, but quietly – under the radar – through the right decisions and habits, over time, become millionaires. You may not see it, you may not know it, they typically don’t show it, brag about it, or reveal it, but it’s there. 

How? By mastering each of the 4 building blocks of wealth attraction that have made them rich.

The starting point for them - as it ought to be for you - is increasing cashflow. This is totally separate from increasing income. And no, it does not mean cutting coupons, eating cheap cat food, walking to work to save a dollar on gasoline, or counting toilet paper squares to save a few pennies. They still have a life to enjoy.

Cashflow isn’t necessarily about how much you earn, it’s about how much you keep.

I show you how to keep more and increase your cashflow (I promise, no cat food or counting toilet paper squares). There are cashflow potential advantages for musicians that don’t exist for most other people. I’ll reveal those too.

Building Block 2: Generating More Income

There are 4 primary ways to generate more income:       

  1. Earning more doing what you’re already doing
  2. Earning more doing something different
  3. Earning more by adding more streams of income to what you’ve already got
  4. Earning more through the leverage of assets

I show you all of them.

The rules have changed.

The rich know them.

– Do you?

Building Block 3: Creating Wealth

Most people receive all their money through their work, not from leverage of assets. 

Their money is entirely tied to their manual labor. 

This is not how smart millionaires think or function. 

In fact, work vs. leverage is a defining difference between 6-figure and 7-figures. 

Most people’s work FAILS to create assets that can be leveraged; their work creates only income for the present moment. 

Attracting wealth is more than just creating income. It’s about what you do with the money once you’ve earned it – and kept it.

The ultimate purpose of money isn’t to spend it, it’s to consistently, constantly, and automatically generate more money for you. 

This is a crucial principle of wealth attraction that I’ll coach you to understand, learn and master.


Building Block 4: Protecting Wealth

New fortunes are created every day. Some of them last a lifetime, others last far beyond one generation, but some are lost – suddenly, unexpectedly, sadly. 

There are many threats to your income and (future) wealth. These threats can wipe out everything you’ve worked so hard to build. Do you know what these threats are? If you don’t, you’re vulnerable. You can’t defend against a threat you’re unaware of. You can’t protect your wealth from things you can’t see coming. 

If you lose it, it doesn’t matter what you made. 

Protecting one’s income and wealth is the last thing that most people think about. They foolishly believe that there’s no point to plan for this until and unless you’ve already built a fortune. But this is dangerous thinking and reckless. Protecting your assets and your income is among the first things you want to learn and master even if you’re flat broke right now because the only thing worse than being broke is being broke after becoming rich. 

I show you many ways you can plan to protect yourself and your (future) wealth. It’s impossible to protect against all possible scenarios but after this event, you’ll have a much stronger understanding of asset protection.

I’ve occasionally shared bits and pieces of most of these things in the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle but quite frankly, it was “elementary school” compared to what I have planned for this 1-time-only, no holds barred, EVERY secret revealed 3-day live event.

What This Event Is Not:

Let's be clear: this is NOT some “magic pill” you swallow, go to sleep and wake up the next morning rich. Implementing these principles, strategies and tactics does require some effort from you. There is real work involved, but this is not complicated nor very time-consuming. This event is for musicians, not rocket scientists.

You will be equipped with an entire new arsenal of very powerful wealth attraction principles, strategies and tactics. 

This is definitely not for everybody. 

You really should NOT attend if:

You’re perfectly happy with frequently having to say “no” to yourself, your wife or your kids, to the good things in life - because you just can’t afford them.
If a life of mediocrity & struggle excites you as much as watching the grass grow.
If you get a tingle up your leg thinking about never being able to retire - since you just can’t afford this either. You know, by the time you’re ready to retire, social security will be bankrupt and those who aren’t prepared will be FORCED to work well into their 70s and 80s. Good luck getting a job at 83 years old. Mmm … smell the cat food yet?
If you are ok with being a burden to your kids for the last 25 years of your life, this event is not for you.
If you’re one of those people who have their head buried in the sand, too afraid to even look at what life will be like when you’re old, without wealth, security and peace of mind, this event is not for you.
If you’re good with flushing your dreams down the toilet because you don’t have the time, money, or freedom to pursue them.

This event is for winners, champions or anyone who wants to become one.

ATTEND IF… you’re serious about building wealth, living life on your OWN terms and experiencing the thrill of doing what you want & the peace of mind that comes with it. Finally start living your unlived life.

How to build wealth for a musician

Why Should You Trust Me?

1 You don’t have to believe a word of this webpage because you get a DOUBLE-Your-Money-Back-Attendance-Satisfaction Guarantee!

You will be very happy you attended – guaranteed!

Don’t make your decision now.

Instead, register, attend the event, test my strategies. And if you aren’t 100% convinced this is not one of the very best investments you have ever made in your life … and you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day of the event … I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that all payments are final, and refunds can only be given under this condition).

As the second part of this attendance satisfaction guarantee, you also get the same amount again in “credit” that you can use for purchasing Tom Hess Music Corporation books, CDs, eBooks, eGuides, subscription/membership upgrades, future-year live event attendance, or future-year VIP live event tickets. Terms & conditions apply.

In all my years in business, I have NEVER offered such a guarantee. That should immediately tell you something about just how incredible this event is.

2 I spent 30+ years as a musician, testing wealth attraction strategies that work, what doesn’t, and why.
3 I know what it’s like to work hard and spin my wheels, work smarter and succeed, increase my income, build wealth, protect wealth, have my money work for me (I don’t work for money anymore, it works for me), stop trading time for dollars, build and buy assets instead, supporting a family of four primarily from assets for two decades with most manual labor required only in the beginning.
4 I’ve built wealth both inside and outside my businesses using multiple strategies in good and bad times, good and bad economies, pandemics, lockdowns, changing times, new opportunities, uncertainties, and during massive inflation. Few musicians can make that claim.
5 And finally, I’ve built multiple successful businesses (while helping many other musicians successfully build their own!).

“There is no surer way to succeed in life than to follow in the footsteps of those who have successfully journeyed before us.”

Live Music Business Training



Here Is What You Get:

  •  How To Increase Your Cashflow Literally Over Night that’s not an exaggeration. There are many cash flow opportunities unique to musicians – even if you’re not yet an advanced player.

  •  How To Increase Your Income using all 4 primary income generating avenues. Fact is, making money is not a big deal, it’s just another skill like driving a car, riding a bike, or playing a barre chord on the guitar. Once you learn how to make money, it’s no different than any other skill. Most people think it’s different but it’s not really different.

  • The one thing you can do  immediately to increase your earning power

  •  The Grow-Your-Wealth-Quick-Start-Kit - growing wealth is a lot like growing a garden. I show you how to prepare the soil, plant the seeds, grow the garden, fertilize the garden, weed the garden, harvest the garden and finally enjoy the life you want. (I show you how to develop a green thumb AND a green wallet. :) )

  • I teach you  how to protect your wealth like a strong, protective castle wall, defended by armed guards and a mote full of alligators, all fiercely guarding what you’re building.

  •  You learn what most people will never know about the 4 types of expenses – some expenses are healthy, others destructive. Not knowing and respecting the difference is what separates the rich from the not rich.

  •  Discover your “money personality” to know exactly what (if anything) must change in your relationship with money.

  •  You get your baseline financial strength audit - whether your financial situation is already strong, or you’re basically starting at zero, this is the basis for everything we do together, so that you can begin to build wealth from where you are financially – wherever that is.

  •  You get wealth-building templates and easy-to-follow checklists to build a foundation for creating, building and protecting wealth so that you know exactly what action steps to take next. Most of these things are very easy to do, you’ll have very clear (and specific to you) action items.

  •  You learn how to set yourself up for success with immediate and easy action steps you take at the event so that your financial situation is already stronger by the time you leave the Millionaire Musician event and you go home with a rock-solid foundation for attracting wealth.

  •  You discover what successful millionaires understand about the disconnect between work and money.

  •  Learn to leverage the 4 currencies that anyone can use to build substantial wealth (no, I’m not talking about monetary currencies like the Dollar, Euro, Yen or Swiss Franks).

  •  Avoid the most costly (and very common) mistakes that almost everybody makes. Making these mistakes ensures that they never become (and stay) wealthy. You want to avoid these like you want to avoid unnecessary enemas (or eating cat food… mmm).

  •  Dive into your untapped wealth attraction potential like the obese pig diving into the buffet.

  •  Discover the one single characteristic that is common to almost all self-made millionaires. They develop this and protect it like a momma bear protects her cubs.

  •  Burst Bad Money Habits like a fat hippopotamus sitting on a balloon.

BIG BONUS GIFT #1: The Millionaire Musician 3-ring binder filled with wealth attraction worksheets, templates, checklists, action steps and more.

The Millionaire Musician Course

Having all this in your hands will not only enable you to get the maximum possible results from the event itself, but will also solidify for you everything that you have learned, done and experienced here once you go home… Years from now you’ll have everything at your fingertips and know exactly what and how to do things… forever! This course is so extremely valuable and contains such Top Secret strategies that I’ll only give it to LIVE attendees, and only after signing an agreement not to sell, copy, share or redistribute the course in any form or fashion. 

It’s not for sale anywhere, for any price (but if I did sell it, I’d set the price at $1000).

BIG BONUS GIFT #2: 1 Free The Millionaire Musician Live Event Ticket For Your Spouse.

Free The Millionaire Musician Live Event Ticket For Your Spouse

If both spouses are EGTIC members (Platinum or Diamond membership) now and continuously remain active EGTIC members through the end of the June, 2023 live events, then your spouse may attend for free. If your spouse is not an EGTIC (Platinum or Diamond) member, there are other ways she/he can attend this event.

Total value = $1,497

The Millionaire Musician Live Event Value $5000
The Millionaire Musician 3 Ring Binder Value $1000
Free The Millionaire Musician Live Event Ticket See details here Value $1497
A lifetime of wealth building (and preservation) know-how Priceless

TOTAL you get $7497
(You don't pay $7497)

There are now two questions to consider:

Question #1 – Should you attend my Millionaire Musician Live Event? I mean, is it really important to do so? How can you tell? I actually have a MATHEMATICAL FORMULA to help you decide.      Question #2 – How much should you be happy to pay to get your Millionaire Musician Live Event ticket? Yes, I’ve got a mathematical formula for that too.

Let me show you an important number, as preface to trying to answer the questions.

Here’s the number:


Do you know what this number means?

It’s the average American life expectancy.

With that number, let’s do some quick math. I’ll show you my math. Then you can do your math. My current number as of this writing is 48.5 (I’m six months away from turning 49). 

77.5 minus 48.5 leaves 29. 

I’ve got an expected 29 years left. 

On average, we lose 33% of our time sleeping, 6% eating, 3% in the bathroom/shower, another 10% dealing with paperwork, paying your bills and taxes, and standing in lines. 

That leaves me with 13.9 years I can actually enjoy. 

Just 13.9 years.

Your number may be more. Or less than mine.

But here’s the question that determines just how important what I have to share with you about building wealth and the peace of mind, satisfaction, and pride that comes with it, is ...

... just how much of whatever your number is, do you want to spend:

  • Feeling insecure about your financial future?
  • Not being able to do (and experience) everything you would like to do?
  • Not being able to allow your mind to relax instead of constantly feeling anxious about money?
  • Having to say no to things you wish you could say yes to?
  • Not having the lifestyle you’ve always wanted to have (and could have)?
  • Not smiling from ear to ear, as you experience the adrenaline rush in every fiber of your body as you not only build your personal fortune and preserve your wealth, but also are able to enjoy it – plus, soak up the admiration of everyone who knows it?

Write YOUR number down and stare at it. Hard.

Now, just how quickly and radically do you want to improve your cashflow, income, wealth attraction and preservation? Or, how much longer do you want to continue ‘as is’???

The clock’s ticking. If you’d like to experience a lot more fulfillment in your life … then I think I’ve laid out a very, very strong case for you to get the wealth attraction shortcut you need at my Millionaire Musician live event.

Which brings us to Question #2:

How much should you happily invest into this Millionaire Musician live event?

If you spend an average of just 3 additional hours per day, doing whatever you want, with whom you want, where you want, how you want, with your newly acquired wealth attraction skills, that’s 1096 hours per year x 29 years (my remaining life expectancy) = 31784 blissful hours feeling fulfilled and feeling great about what you will be able to do ... 

... But it gets even better than that ... because you won’t feel fulfilled ONLY during those 31784 hours - it’s a feeling you get to have 24 hours a day, every day!

Now all you have to decide is – If you could buy such blissful hours, from a seller, what would you offer? for each hour?

If you’d offer just ONE dollar:

Then the event is worth $31,784.00

If you experience the transformational outcome of my Millionaire Musician live event – then we both know you’d pay more than a dollar for every blissful hour you enjoy afterwards.

Let’s get to the real price.

I asked some of my students what the price should be, knowing if I agreed, they would have to pay that price.

One said: $20,000.00.

A few others suggested: $7,500.00 - $12,500.00.

The lowest suggested price was: $4,997.00.

They’ve come to these prices because they’ve experienced my other events in the past and KNOW how massively those events have transformed their guitar playing (and in a few cases, their entire lives). But you may not yet have experienced that, so ...

“It’s the best investment I’ve ever made as a musician without question.  Maybe one of the best investments of my life, I’m not joking.” - Robert Lo | USA

"Absolutely best value for your dollar. Ever. Ever. Ever." - Mark Turko | USA

“I think it is really, really valuable and relative to the value is a low price for me, if you counter balance the value you receive.” - Massimo Canonaco | Switzerland

“Even though it may cost a little bit of money, this is a program that will help you reach your dreams.  There’s no doubt about it.” - Robert Badgley | USA

“if you don’t have a lot of money to invest, it does seem like a big investment, but it is absolutely worth every penny and you will see it very quickly once you are in it.” - Billy Jones | USA

“The first time I ever came I had some doubts initially but not even by the end of the first day it was very clear it was a really good investment. For anyone who teaches as well, you ‘ve got just a massive amount of material that you can use on your own students.  The amount you gain yourself in your own development is just huge, it’s priceless.” - Ben Armstrong | UK

“These Events are a massively invaluable investment in your present life and the future.” - Grant Schinto

... I have taken the lowest price suggested to me by anyone: $4,997.00, cut it by half, to $2,497. Then cut another $1,000 off to an insanely low price of only $1,497 - just for this limited time early-bird ultra-special offer. After that, the investment goes back up to $2,497.

This is - simply put - a ‘steal’.

The way I see it, you now have 4 options:

Option 1:

You can reject this offer and keep doing what you’re doing (in which case, you’ll keep getting what you are getting). Or you can invest in yourself and your future, and put yourself on the road to start living your unlived life and fulfilling your dreams.

Let’s face it, if you aren’t willing to spend a relatively small amount of money to put yourself in the driver’s seat – if you don’t think you’re worth $1,497 – you really need to go stand in front of the mirror and seriously ask yourself if you have what it takes to get where you want to be.

If you do not have enough money for an investment, remind yourself that if you do not solve that problem and find a way to get it, you will have money problems ALL your life.

Option 2:

Of course, you could do nothing right now and tell yourself you’re going to “think about it”, or you just could wait until the “timing is better”.

FORGIVE ME, but things will never be any better in your life, UNTIL you make some changes in what you are doing.

Think about it, I’m offering you the chance to jump into the driver’s seat of your life. Don’t respond by procrastinating.

“The greatest difference between men is the ability to act. “Tomorrow-men” accomplish nothing in the world.”

And about doing nothing right now so you can “think about it”.
Oh, come on… now is certainly not the time to become wishy washy! I gave you everything you need to make an informed and intelligent decision.

Make your decision and feel good about it.

Option 3:

You can try to “go it alone” – try to “reinvent the wheel” and try to figure all this out on your own. However, even if you do get lucky and eventually get it right, it will cost you many, many times more than $1,497 – in time, energy, money, struggle, disappointment. I guarantee it.

So going it alone is not really an option and neither is “maybe I’ll do this later.”. Either you act on your dreams or you don’t. Period. End of story. Success doesn’t come from being wishy-washy. Successful people know when to take their shot. TO BE SUCCESSFUL, YOU MUST BE DECISIVE. 

If you are NOT (yet) rolling in more money than you know what to do with… if you are NOT yet relaxed and secure with a steady, predictable flow of income… if you don’t have your money working hard for you yet… if you are NOT yet TOTALLY, thoroughly happy with your income, lifestyle and wealth…. Then what ARE you waiting for? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Option 4:

The only really intelligent decision is to act right now. Remember, I will be guiding you every step of the way in using the Millionaire Musician system. So, here it is - a proven formula to success, freedom and total independence and I guarantee your satisfaction. Don’t turn your back on your future! Act Now.

Here is what you need to do right now:

  1. Scroll down.
  2. Click on the orange button that says "Add To Cart"
  3. Then, on the next page, follow the very simple instructions (it's very fast and easy to do)

Do it right now. 

Once that is done, I’ll show you exactly how to book your hotel room (at our special low $99 discount rate) and then book your airplane tickets (you will get easy step-by-step instructions once your tuition payment is processed).

Yes! Tom Hess, I want to get in.
Please enroll me in your upcoming

The Millionaire Musician Live Event

June 25-27, 2023
In Crystal Lake, Illinois, USA


Plus I also want:

Big Bonus Gift #1: The Millionaire Musician 3-ring binder filled with wealth attraction worksheets, templates, checklists, action steps and more.

Big Bonus Gift #2: 1 Free The Millionaire Musician Live Event Ticket For My Spouse.
*See details here

 Fretboard Domination Bootcamp Sold Out

Sorry, You Are Too Late. This Event Is Sold Out!!!!! To not miss out on other events too, send an email to to receive information about other live events.

Pay via a card or PayPal


Remember, you get my DOUBLE-Your-Money-Back-Attendance-Satisfaction Guarantee! You will be very happy you attended – guaranteed! Don’t make your decision now. Instead, register, attend the event, test my strategies. And if you aren’t 100% convinced this is not one of the very best investments you have ever made in your life … and you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day of the event … I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that all payments are final, and refunds can only be given under this condition).

As the second part of this attendance satisfaction guarantee, you also get the same amount again in “credit” that you can use for purchasing Tom Hess Music Corporation books, CDs, eBooks, eGuides, subscription/membership upgrades, future-year live event attendance, or future-year VIP live event tickets. Terms & conditions apply.

PS: The only life really worth living is a life lived on your own terms. Start living life on YOUR own terms today!

Live business event

Look How Far People Travel To Come To The Millionaire Musician Live Event & My Other Live Events!

Tom Hess Events Attendees Map

Still have questions?

I’m frankly not in very good financial shape right now. How can I get the money to get started?

First, don’t be embarrassed. Many of my most successful students started with me when they were in the same position. 

If you have the money to get started in your bank account, if you have the cash value of an insurance policy you can borrow against, or if the money is otherwise available, you just go for it – get your discounted $1,497 Millionaire Musician live event ticket. 

Find a couple of people who want to learn to play guitar, teach them lessons and you’ll have more than enough extra money coming in to afford your $1,497 ticket. 

We accept VISA and MasterCard too, so you can buy your ticket today. We also an easy-to-pay monthly payment plan so that ANYONE (yes, including YOU, can afford to attend this life-changing, one-time only, live event.

Some musicians have gotten started by borrowing the money from family members or friends. 

I know one musician who borrowed just $200 each from 5 different friends and relatives and used $500 of his own money.

Another young musician I know got a friend to put up the money he needed to get started in exchange for 50% interest to be paid in one year. And yes, that sure is a lot of interest – but the young man has continued on earning hundreds of thousands of dollars. I guess what I am saying to you is, that you CAN and WILL find a way to get started if you have a sincere desire to do it. And I’m very pleased that I’m able to help musicians get started attracting wealth for just $1,497.

I really want to attend the Millionaire Musician live event and can afford it, but I am not sure of my schedule in June 2023. What can I do?

Send me an email at and tell me about your situation. I may help you find a solution.

Where will I be staying?

This Tom Hess live event takes place in Crystal Lake, Illinois, USA.

You will get full details with the hotel address and a link to book your (deeply discounted) hotel room after you register for the Millionaire Musician live event.

Are hotel, flight and meals included in my wealth attraction event tuition?


I’m concerned about safety while traveling. Is your event held in a safe area, and is it generally safe traveling to and from the airport/to your event?

In all the years we’ve been hosting various live events, we have never encountered any safety related issue for any of our attendees. The event takes place nowhere near a high crime area, nor does one need to travel through any high crime area to get to and from the event from O’Hare airport. 

What if my situation is unique?

Send me an email at and tell me about your situation. 

I’m a musician who wants to build their music career, is this event right for me?

Yes. The wealth attraction event is for you.

Guitar playing is just my hobby and I don't intend to build a music career or guitar teaching business, is this event right for me?

Absolutely, yes. The principles I teach you apply to everyone. The strategies I teach you apply to everyone. 95% of the specific tactics I teach you apply to everyone. About 5% of the tactics will apply to musicians only. (You do not need to do those 5% in order to attract wealth! They are a bonus for musicians to build wealth a little bit faster)

What if this doesn't work for me?

If you read this entire page & still doubt I can help you – there is no pressure to attend. This event is not for everyone and it may not be for you. 

That said, I’ve yet to see anyone show up to any of my training events, do what I told them to do and have it “not work” for them. 

Of course, there is always a chance you might be the very first attendee whom I can’t help. You might become the 1 blemish on my otherwise perfect track record. That IS possible. But even then – I’ve got you covered.

You are protected by…

My DOUBLE-Your-Money-Back-Attendance-Satisfaction Guarantee! You will be very happy you attended – guaranteed! Don’t make your decision now. Instead, register, attend the event, test my strategies. And if you aren’t 100% convinced this is not one of the very best investments you have ever made in your life … and you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day of the event … I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that all payments are final, and refunds can only be given under this condition).

As the second part of this attendance satisfaction guarantee, you also get the same amount again in “credit” that you can use for purchasing Tom Hess Music Corporation books, CDs, eBooks, eGuides, subscription/membership upgrades, future-year live event attendance, or future-year VIP live event tickets. Terms & conditions apply.

Do I get a refund if I buy my ticket, but can’t come?

Here is the refund policy:

My Ironclad 100% Money-Back-Attendance-Satisfaction guarantee! You will be very happy you attended – guaranteed! Don’t make your decision now. Instead, register, attend the event, test my strategies. And if you aren’t 100% convinced this is not one of the very best investments you have ever made in your musical life … and you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day … I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that all payments are final and refunds can only be given under this condition).

As the second part of this attendance satisfaction guarantee, you also get the same amount again in “credit” that you can use for purchasing Tom Hess Music Corporation books, CDs, eBooks, eGuides, subscription/membership upgrades, future-year live event attendance, or future-year VIP live event tickets. Terms & conditions apply.

What if I have other questions?

Schedule a (free) 15-minute phone consultation with a member of my team and get all your questions answered.

Don’t worry – we won’t lie to you and tell “you are ready” if you aren't. We also won’t twist your arm or try to “convince” or “hard-sell” you to come.

We only want you here if you: 1. Are truly ready for this. 2. Actually want to be here. (The team member you will be speaking to has strict instructions from me about this.) I’d much rather turn you away if this event is not a good fit for you than have you come and be disappointed.

You can also email me directly at

Yes! Tom Hess, I want to get in.
Please enroll me in your upcoming

The Millionaire Musician Live Event

June 25-27, 2023
In Crystal Lake, Illinois, USA


Plus I also want:

Big Bonus Gift #1: The Millionaire Musician 3-ring binder filled with wealth attraction worksheets, templates, checklists, action steps and more.

Big Bonus Gift #2: 1 Free The Millionaire Musician Live Event Ticket For My Spouse.
*See details here

 Fretboard Domination Bootcamp Sold Out

Sorry, You Are Too Late. This Event Is Sold Out!!!!! To not miss out on other events too, send an email to to receive information about other live events.

Pay via a card or PayPal


© 2002-2025 Tom Hess Music Corporation