Assessments About Your Music Career

If you aspire to become a professional musician and earn a living with your passion, you will need to know what it really takes to break into this industry.  Contrary to popular belief, your potential for success in music is not determined by "who you know" or by "getting lucky".

Take the assessments below and find out what it really takes to become a music business professional.  You will also be able to evaluate the current steps you may be taking towards a music career.  After you complete the questions, you will receive your score together with detailed comments from me.  I will show you how you can begin to move your career forward much more quickly and powerfully than before.

Test yourself below:

Do you need a music career coach?

In order to succeed in music (and in life), it is very helpful to follow the advice of a mentor and coach, someone who has already done what you want to do and can teach you to do the same.  How about you? Do you need a coach and trainer to help you reach your music career goals in the fastest way possible?

Find out here.

Are You Prepared to Pursue a Highly Successful Career as a Professional Musician?

Many people talk about wanting to make it in the music business, but few have all the "pieces of the puzzle" necessary for long term success in this industry.  How about you? 

Test yourself here.  


How well do you understand the mindset of successful music industry professionals?  While all people are different, there are common threads to both failure and success.  Do you live with this mindset? 

This test will tell you.


What Does The Music Industry Look For In You?

Many musicians want to know what it takes to attract the attention of the major people and companies in the music business.  In order to understand the answer to this question, you must know WHAT these entities look for in all artists they choose to work with.  Most musicians have no about you?

 Find out here.


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