You’re Not A (Real) Musician If You Can’t Do This …

“If you can’t hear the notes in your head before you play (or improvise) them, you’re not a real musician yet!”

Does that hurt to hear?

It should …

… at least it did for me when one of my music professors said it to me.

It hurt because it’s true.

When you can’t hear the notes in your head before you play, you play the same old licks, the same old patterns, the same old clichés, and everything you play sounds the same. 

Or worse … you don’t hear music in your head at all.

Sad Guitarist

Your playing sounds and feels boring – light years away from the playing of your favorite guitarists.

It’s just mediocre.

Once in a while, something might sound pretty good, other times it just sounds lame. I hear this all the time from guitar players. Here are a few emails I received recently:

"Every time I improvise something, it's hit or miss. It's all trial and error (mostly errors)"

"When I jam with my buddies and make up a solo, it's so embarrassing. I can't play what's in my head"

"Poeple tell me to play the music in my mind, but I never hear music in my mind. Help!"

I get it. I’ve been there. This is exactly what I went through, and it frustrated me for years. Until I finally got so disgusted that I did something about it.

I paid a top expert to spend a week TRAINING me to develop my ear and stop sucking. It was one of the very best investments I ever made - ear training literally changed my entire musical life.

And that’s when everything started to change. As a direct result of my improved aural skills ...

  • My improvising instantly improved
  • My songwriting instantly improved
  • My music theory knowledge instantly improved
  • Jamming with my friends instantly improved
  • Playing by ear instantly improved

And most importantly, playing guitar became a lot more FUN! 

Now, it’s your turn.

Happy Guitar Player

How Most Musicians Try To Develop Their Ear …
So That They Can Play Guitar How They Want

Most musicians’ way of developing their musical ear is simply playing music for many years – gradually getting better over a painfully long period of time. This is especially true for guitar players. 

Using this very inefficient “method”, it takes DECADES to improve aural skills and master your ear (and guitar playing). It’s the slowest, hardest and dumbest way to learn anything.

There’s got to be a better way!

What about ear training classes, apps and courses?

Here’s the problem with those:

  • They’re boring
  • They’re hard to stick to
  • They don’t INTEGRATE ear training with all the other areas of your guitar playing. You don’t need pieces; you need to tie (integrate) everything together in order to actually use it. Ear training classes and apps don’t (and can’t) do that.

Hey, I’ll admit, ear training apps and courses are better than NOTHING. But if they really worked as promised, you wouldn’t still be reading. Yet here you are! :)

Enemies Of Guitar Playing FUN:

  • Not being able to hear notes in your head
  • Not being able to hear the notes BEFORE you play them
  • Not being able to instantly play the notes you hear in your mind
  • Feeling insecure about jamming with your friends because you don’t know if the next few notes you are about to improvise will sound good or not
  • Not being able to improvise reliably (because you can’t hear the notes in advance reliably)
  • Feeling frustrated when you lose musical ideas you had in your mind because you don’t know where the notes are on the guitar
  • Feeling frustrated because you try to create music using the trial-and-error approach ... and have a LOT of “errors”
  • Lack of musical creativity because you don’t know what to play
  • Struggle to write songs because your ear isn’t good enough
  • Struggle to learn songs quickly and accurately by ear

There IS A Short Cut To Developing Your Ear. Here It Is …

Actual live ear training with the world’s top trainers who will not only help you gain the aural skills you need, but will also show you exactly how to integrate your aural skills with all your other guitar playing skills … so that you can seamlessly synthesize everything together …

Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp Live Event

Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp

June 23-28, 2022
in Crystal Lake, Illinois, USA

Your musical goal
... is to completely master your guitar playing, which means:

Mastery is playing …

  • What you want
  • When you want
  • How you want
  • With whom you want
  • With the confidence you want
  • With the conviction you want
  • With the emotion you want

Your musical goal

Mastery is playing …

  • What you want
  • When you want
  • How you want
  • With whom you want
  • With the confidence you want
  • With the conviction you want
  • With the emotion you want

... all while smiling from ear to ear, as you experience the adrenaline rush in every fiber of your body and soak up the admiration of everyone who hears you play - the priceless feeling of exhilaration that comes with being who you’ve always wanted to be as a musician.

This is THE place you want to get to, as quickly as possible. If you agree with this - if this is the place you aspire to, and you want to get there now, not “someday”, then you will find my Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp to be THE most important and beneficial training you have ever experienced, at any price – I promise you that.

YOUR MISSION - should you choose to accept it - is to get perfectly, totally in sync, mentally, emotionally, strategically and behaviorally with excellent guitar players, so you can enjoy the results that excellent guitar players get.

Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp Provides You With A Number Of Different Ways You Can Do That:


Here’s Exactly What We’re Going To Do:

You, me and a very limited number of other extremely motivated guitar players lock ourselves in a room, 8 HOURS a day … EVERY DAY … for SIX FULL DAYS … No distractions. No B.S. 

And we drill the critical aural skills into your brain so deeply that they stay there forever. 

Yes, you can really transform your aural skills (and as a result, your entire guitar playing) in just 6 Days – with the right training, the right coaching and the right guidance every single step of the way. 

Fact is, you can sit at home and practice all you want, but until and unless you learn (and actually do) the right things to train your ears, you’re wasting a lot of precious practice time. Sure, a lot of practice time on your own may help you, but getting the right training now will be the difference between getting a little better over time and getting MASSIVELY better quickly.  What I’m going to give you in 6 days, you will take with you for the rest of your life and every time you pick up your guitar, you’ll know exactly what, when, why and how to do things … compare that with whatever you are struggling to do now on your own.

Let’s GET THIS DONE ... once and for all … in six days.

Live event for guitar playerlive guitar teaching event

Here Is What You Get:

  • Play Guitar With Total Freedom
    When you learn what every note on the guitar will sound like before you play it, you can play anything you want, with total freedom. No more guessing, no more trial and error, no more “bad” notes, no more thinking about what to play, no more mediocre guitar playing.
  • Accurately, Reliably & Consistently Express Your Deepest Emotions Through Your Guitar
    You have deep emotions inside of you that are screaming to be expressed. We’ll train your ears to match the emotion you are feeling with the notes on the guitar so that you CAN play with real, authentic and unique emotion. Ever felt like people don’t really understand the real you? This is how you can show the world the real you without speaking a single word.
  • Kiss Mediocre Guitar Playing Goodbye And Improve Every Aspect Of Your Guitar Playing Rapidly
    Ear training (and improved aural skills) directly affect every other aspect of your guitar playing. (yes, even your physical technique). We help you turn your guitar playing into a grab-you-by-the-throat fountain of musical ecstasy so compelling that listeners can’t resist.
  • Hear Music In Your Mind BEFORE You Play (Or Improvise) It
    This ear training bootcamp gives you the aural skills you need to hear musical ideas in your mind before you play them ... and that is THE MOST IMPORTANT skill you need to create your own unique, creative and expressive ideas on the guitar.
  • Play The Music You Hear In Your Head
    There’s nothing worse than having a cool musical idea in your mind and then losing it because it took too long to figure it out on the guitar. We will train you to find your ideas very quickly (instantly is our goal!). Losing your ideas will become a distant memory of a dark chapter in your musical life.
  • Learn To Create Songs, Solos, Melodies, And Play By Ear Much Faster
    Every aspect of your guitar playing and creativity gets much easier (and happens for you much faster) when your ear is trained to hear music in your mind and know where that music is on the guitar. If you think playing guitar fast must be fun ... wait until you can hear music in your head and express your feelings on the guitar right away.
  • Break Free From The Amateur Trap
    Break out of the trap that so many amateurs fall into (and struggle to ever get out of): chasing all other guitar skills while neglecting their aural skills. The result? ... Their playing sucks. It’s lifeless. It lacks conviction, emotion and purpose because they really can’t hear what they play in advance ... so they play prefabricated licks and patterns ... and that’s exactly what it sounds like ... yuk! We train you to:
  • Gain The ONE BIG Skill That ALL The Best Musicians Have In Common
    Some great players play fast, others slow. Some focus on rhythm, others on lead. Some play jazz, others play metal. Some play aggressively, others play sweetly. Some sweep pick like crazy, others alternate pick everything ... but the ONE BIG skill ALL the best guitar players have in common is aural skills. They all trained their ears to become great. You CAN (and should!) too!
  • Perfect Improvisation Training, Predictive Emotion Playing, Expression Control, Play By Emotion, Aural Skill Imaging, And Ear Training Integration
    These specialized ear training bootcamp sessions are designed to help you develop your aural skills very quickly so you can become the killer player you want to be faster. There’s only one place on Earth you can get this kind of aural skills training. You can’t get this in a book, an app, a YouTube video, from a local guitar teacher or a major university. The only place you can get these transformative aural skills lessons is at my Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp.
  • The Absolute Most Fun You Will Ever Have With Your Ears
    The best way to develop your aural skills is to really enjoy the training. It’s not enough for the training to be the world’s greatest ear training ... if it’s not fun, you’re not going to want to do it ... and that means you won’t get the maximum result you could be getting. This is precisely why we make it FUN!
  • An Experience Of A Lifetime
    You (and nobody you know or have even heard about) have never experienced anything like this before ... because there has never been another ear training event like this anywhere else in the world.
  • Ironclad 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee!
    You will be very happy you attended this ear training bootcamp – guaranteed! If you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day … I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that refunds can only be given under this condition).

Plus… You Get These HUGE Bonuses For Free To Maximize Your Ear Training Bootcamp Results …

Ear training binderBig Bonus Gift #1: The Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp Blueprint with all my ear training strategies, tactics, and secrets in a 3-ring binder – Having this in your hands will not only enable you to get the maximum possible results from the ear training event itself, but will also solidify for you everything that you have learned, done and experienced here once you go home… Years from now, you’ll have everything at your fingertips and know exactly what and how to do things … forever! This blueprint is so extremely valuable and contains such Top-Secret Training secrets that I’ll only give it to LIVE ear training bootcamp attendees, and only after signing an agreement not to sell, copy, share or redistribute the course in any form or fashion.

Total value = $1,000
Ear TrainingBig Bonus Gift #2: 10 Full Weeks of Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp Pre-Training before the event even begins – To maximize the results you will get at this incredible Tom Hess live event, you need to learn the main concepts we’ll be using at the ear training bootcamp, before you get here. Why? Because the more you learn and do things before you arrive, the more time I can invest directly into your ear training (and less time explaining fundamental concepts you should have learned before) … So, I’m going the extra mile (in advance) to ENSURE your ears and guitar playing will be completely transformed at this event! This ultra-exclusive private aural skills training will prepare you for the ear training event and ensure that you become a better guitar player EVEN BEFORE you attend this event!

Total value = $684
Certificate Of Ear Training Event CompletionBig Bonus Gift #3: Certificate Of Ear Training Event Completion - This certification document will look great on your wall and not only is it cool to have, but if you are a guitar teacher, you will also gain superior authority, credentials and certification to charge more money for your guitar lessons, classes, and programs. Your competitors will not have these certifications, but you will!

Value = Priceless!
The Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp Blueprint
package value $1,000.00 FREE
10 Weeks Of Pre-Training $684.00 FREE
Your Certificate Of Ear Training Event Completion Priceless FREE


BUT ... BUT ... BUT !!!!

  • “I wasn’t born with a good musical ear” --> A “musical ear” is NOT hereditary. You can develop your ear like 99% of all other (now great) musicians did (they weren’t born with a better ear than you). They trained their ears ... and YOU can too.
  • “Nobody in my family has a musical ear” --> Nobody in my family has a musical ear either... it doesn’t matter. A “musical ear” is NOT hereditary.
  • “Ear training is hard/it’s too much work” --> There is work involved, but you only need to do the work once ... after that, you have a LIFETIME of fulfillment through massively improved guitar playing. Plus, there is something MUCH harder than ear training... it’s all the endless work and frustration of remaining stuck at a mediocre level of guitar playing. Which do you prefer?
  • “Ear training is boring” --> If it’s boring, you’re doing it wrong. Besides, you know what’s more boring than ear training? --> Boring guitar playing.
  • “I’d rather just play guitar” --> Me too. I just prefer to play it better. Don’t you?
  • “My ear is good enough” --> Good enough to play guitar how you want? Good enough to accurately play anything in your mind the first time? Good enough to express yourself accurately when improvising with complete conviction?
  • “I can get by without ear training classes/improving my ear” --> I once thought that way too ... until I realized this was a lie. Let me ask you a question. When you bought your first guitar, did you buy it because you “just wanted to get by” - playing mediocre guitar licks - struggling with everything just to “get by”? ... or did you start playing guitar because you wanted to play guitar great, feel great and be admired by those who hear you play?
  • “I’m just too lazy to learn this” --> I get lazy too ... that’s exactly why I invested the time to train my ear... I want to play the way I want to play the first time... I don’t want to sit for an hour trying to figure out the right notes to play.
  • “My ear sucks and it’s too frustrating to work on improving it” --> Not being able to play guitar the way you want is what’s most frustrating. Weak aural skills hold you back in sooooo many ways. Training your ear is the only thing that will liberate you from this frustration.
  • “I don’t want to get chicks that badly” --> No comment.
  • “I can do this on my own” --> You can... but you won’t... and if you did, it would take many years to do it alone. Will take longer, be harder and way more frustrating.

BUTTS are for sitting and s***ting ... not for excuses! You CAN DO This!


There are now two questions to consider:

Question #1 – Should you attend my Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp? I mean, is it really important to do so? How can you tell? I actually have a MATHEMATICAL FORMULA to help you decide.      Question #2 – How much should you be happy to pay to get your ear training event ticket? Yes, I’ve got a mathematical formula for that too.

Let me show you an important number, as preface to trying to answer the questions.

Here’s the number:


Do you know what this number means?

It’s the average American life expectancy.

With that number, let’s do some quick math. I’ll show you my math. Then you can do your math. My current number as of this writing is 48.5 (I’m six months away from turning 49). 

77.5 minus 48.5 leaves 29. 

I’ve got an expected 29 years left. 

On average, we lose 33% of our time sleeping, 6% eating, 3% in the bathroom/shower, another 10% dealing with paperwork, paying your bills and taxes, and standing in lines. 

That leaves me with 13.9 years I can actually enjoy. 

Just 13.9 years.

Your number may be more. Or less than mine.

But here’s the question that determines just how important what I have to share with you about becoming a real musician (with the tools to make the music YOU WANT), is ...

... just how much of whatever your number is, do you want to spend:

  • Playing guitar in frustration?
  • Not truly expressing yourself?
  • Not really making an emotional connection in the notes you play?
  • Not becoming the musician you’ve always wanted to be (and could be)?
  • Not smiling from ear to ear, as you experience the adrenaline rush in every fiber of your body and soak up the admiration of everyone who hears you play?

Write YOUR number down and stare at it. Hard.

Now, just how quickly and radically do you want to change your guitar playing? Or, how much longer do you want to continue ‘as is’???

The clock’s ticking. If you’d like to experience a lot more fulfillment in your musical life … then I think I’ve laid out a very, very strong case for you to get the aural skills training shortcut you need at my Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp.

Which brings us to Question #2:

How much should you happily invest into this live ear training event?

If you spend on average 90 minutes per day between playing, practicing, songwriting, improvising, etc. with your new (integrated) aural skills, that’s 548 hours per year x 29 years (my remaining life expectancy) = 15,892 blissful hours feeling fulfilled (musically at least) and feeling great about what you will be able to do ...  

... But it gets even better than that ... because you won’t feel fulfilled ONLY when you have your guitar in your hands for those 15,892 hours - it’s a feeling you get to have 24 hours a day, every day!

Now all you have to decide is – If you could buy such blissful hours, from a seller, what would you offer?

If you’d offer just ONE dollar:

Then the event is worth $15,892.00

If you experience the transformational outcome of my Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp – then we both know, you’d pay more than a dollar for every blissful hour you enjoy afterwards.

Let’s get to the real price.

I asked some of my best guitar students what the price should be, knowing if I agreed, they would have to pay that price.

One said: $12,000.00.

A few others suggested: $5,000.00 - $8,000.00.

The lowest suggested price was: $3,997.00.

They’ve come to these prices because they’ve experienced my other events in the past and KNOW how massively those events have transformed their guitar playing (and in a few cases, their entire lives). But you may not yet have experienced that, so ...

“It’s the best investment I’ve ever made as a musician without question.  Maybe one of the best investments of my life, I’m not joking.” - Robert Lo | USA

"Absolutely best value for your dollar. Ever. Ever. Ever." - Mark Turko | USA

“I think it is really, really valuable and relative to the value is a low price for me, if you counter balance the value you receive.” - Massimo Canonaco | Switzerland

“Even though it may cost a little bit of money, this is a program that will help you reach your dreams.  There’s no doubt about it.” - Robert Badgley | USA

“if you don’t have a lot of money to invest, it does seem like a big investment, but it is absolutely worth every penny and you will see it very quickly once you are in it.” - Billy Jones | USA

“The first time I ever came I had some doubts initially but not even by the end of the first day it was very clear it was a really good investment. For anyone who teaches as well, you ‘ve got just a massive amount of material that you can use on your own students.  The amount you gain yourself in your own development is just huge, it’s priceless.” - Ben Armstrong | UK

“These Events are a massively invaluable investment in your present life and the future.” - Grant Schinto

... I have taken the lowest price suggested to me by anyone: $3,997.00, cut it by half, and set the price for my Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp (and ALL Bonuses) at just $1,997.00.

This is - simply put - a ‘steal’.

Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp - 
Ultra Badass Package

So, you want even more awesome ear training? ... a LOT more killer aural skills training? I’ve created for you the most badass package of ear training classes ever! Check this out:

Here’s what you are going to get when you choose the Ultra Badass Package:

1. Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp Event
 $1,997.00 value
2. Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp VIP Event
Learn more
$497.00 value
3. HESSFEST Event Ticket 
Learn more
$697.00 value

Plus You Get These Huge Free Bonuses:

4. HESSFEST Event Ticket Free For A Friend *You can give your free ticket to any friend you want over the age of 18 who is also not a current or former client/student of mine. $697.00 value
5. The Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp Blueprint $1000.00 value
6. 10 weeks of Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp pre-training $684.00 value
7. Your Certificate Of Ear Training Event Completion Priceless!

Complete Ear Training Event Package Value 
package value$5,572.00 Total Value
Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp – Ultra Badass Package Deal  $2,797

arrow Read the full details about the Ultra Badass Package Here arrow


The way I see it, you now have 3 options:

Option 1: you can do nothing, close this page & continue playing guitar the way you have. There is nothing to stop you from doing this right now. If you are happy with your guitar playing today, and aren’t serious about becoming even better – this is the best option for you.

Option 2: you can procrastinate and not get your ear training event ticket right now and take the (big) risk of the 2022 ear training bootcamp selling out ... and it WILL sell out because we can only sell a very limited number of tickets (unlike my other training events, we can NOT have 200 guitar players in the room for an EAR training event). So, if you procrastinate, you will miss out in 2022 and would have to try again to get in in 2026 ... and possibly paying DOUBLE to attend next time).

Option 3: you can join us at the upcoming ear training event in 2022 and transform your aural skills and your guitar playing quickly ... instead of years from now (or never).

By this point, you should know what’s best for you.

Here is what you need to do right now:

  1. Scroll down.
  2. Click on the orange button that says "Add To Cart"
  3. Then, on the next page, follow the very simple instructions (it's very fast and easy to do)

Do it right now. 

Once that is done, I’ll show you exactly how to book your hotel room (at our special low $99 discount rate) and then book your airplane tickets (you will get easy step-by-step instructions once your tuition payment is processed).

Yes! Tom Hess, I want access to this now.


Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp

June 23-28, 2022
in Crystal Lake, Illinois USA



Plus I also want

Big Bonus Gift #1: The Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp 3 Ring Binder

Big Bonus Gift #2: 10 Weeks of Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp pre-training

Big Bonus Gift #3: Your Certificate Of Ear Training Event Completion

Sorry, You Are Too Late. This Event Is Sold Out!!!!! To not miss out on HESSFEST as well, get your ticket for HESSFEST now via

Pay via a card or PayPal

Yes! Tom Hess, I want access to EVERYTHING now.

Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp - Ultra Badass Package (Incl. Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp - VIP and HESSFEST)

June 19-28, 2022
in Crystal Lake, Illinois USA



Plus I also want

Big Bonus Gift #1: The Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp 3 Ring Binder

Big Bonus Gift #2: 10 Weeks of Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp pre-training

Big Bonus Gift #3: Your Certificate Of Ear Training Event Completion

Big Bonus Gift #4: Complimentary HESSFEST Event Ticket For A Friend

Sorry, You Are Too Late. This Event Is Sold Out!!!!! To not miss out on HESSFEST as well, get your ticket for HESSFEST now via

Pay via a card or PayPal

P.S. When you’re locked in a room for 6 days, you have NO CHOICE other than to improve your ear MASSIVELY so that you can call yourself (and actually be) a real musician when you walk out the door on the evening of day 6.

P.P.S. Ironclad 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee!
You will be very happy you attended – guaranteed! If you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day of the event … I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that refunds can only be given under this condition).

Still have questions?

I really want to attend Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp and can afford it, but I am not sure of my schedule in June 2022. What can I do?

Send me an email at and tell me about your situation. I may help you find a solution.

Where will I be staying?

This Tom Hess live event takes place in Crystal Lake, Illinois, USA.

You will get full details with the hotel address and a link to book your (deeply discounted) hotel room after you register for Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp.

Are hotel, flight and meals included in my ear training event tuition?


What about COVID-19?

Let me tell you what happened in the past (2020 for example).

Our goal was to hold the events live in person, as we always do. Nobody saw COVID coming. But our commitment was still to deliver on the promise I made to everyone who had their event ticket and give them a super massive breakthrough.

So, because we couldn't hold events in person that year - we live-streamed them.

The feedback was so great, many people told us this was the best event ever and immediately booked their ticket for the next year's events ... even with all the uncertainty at the time about COVID.

Why? Because they trust I will find a way to deliver on my promise behind the event and give them the musical results and breakthroughs they want, no matter what ... (WITHOUT putting their health at risk).

Point is: the ear training event is happening in 2022, no matter what. And everyone who has a ticket will be able to attend it and get the big boost in their aural skills and guitar playing (without risking their health to do it).

What if this doesn't work for me?

If you read this entire page & still doubt I can help you – there is no pressure to attend. This ear training event is not for everyone and it may not be for you. 

That said, I’ve yet to see anyone show up to any of my training events, do what I told them to do and have it “not work” for them. 

Of course, there is always a chance you might be the very first guitar player whom I can’t help. You might become the 1 blemish on my otherwise perfect track record. That IS possible. But even then – I’ve got you covered.

You are protected by…

My Ironclad 100% Money back guarantee! You will be very happy you attended – guaranteed! Don’t make your decision now. Instead, register, attend the event, test my strategies. And if you aren’t 100% convinced this is not one of the very best investments you have ever made in your musical life … and you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day … I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that all payments are final and refunds can only be given under this condition).

Do I get a refund if I buy my ticket, but can’t come?
Here is the refund policy:

My Ironclad 100% Money back guarantee! You will be very happy you attended – guaranteed! Don’t make your decision now. Instead, register, attend the event, test my strategies. And if you aren’t 100% convinced this is not one of the very best investments you have ever made in your musical life … and you are not 100% satisfied by the end of the first day … I’ll gladly refund 100% of your tuition! (Please note that all payments are final and refunds can only be given under this condition).

What if my situation is unique?

Schedule a (free) 15-minute phone consultation with one of my top trainers (who will also be at the event). Tell him your situation & get all your questions answered. 

I’m a beginner with no aural skills, is this event right for me?

Yes. The ear training event is customizable for each person’s skill level.

I’m an advanced player with a good ear, is this event right for me?

Yes. The ear training bootcamp is customizable for each person’s skill level.

Will this work for my style?

Yes. Your style doesn’t matter. Aural skills are necessary for all styles.  

The training process is exactly the same for every style. 

Will this work for acoustic guitar playing?

Yes. (See previous question.)

Will this work for bass guitar?

Yes. (See previous question.)

I don’t play guitar, is this event about ear training for guitar players only? 

No. Although the vast majority of attendees will be guitar players, we expect a few bass players, keyboard players and singers to join us as well. 

Can I attend Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp if I have a hand injury and/or a health condition?

What I say below may sound crazy (so be skeptical if you want).

But guitar players with these health conditions & disabilities have been to my events:

  • 2 students were totally blind.
  • 3 students were legally blind.
  • 1 student was legally deaf. (obviously, this person did not attend my ear training event)
  • 2 students had focal dystonia. (They admittedly struggled. But we tailored the training to their ability to play.)
  • 1 student was recovering from a recent liver transplant. (He had to wear a special mask over his face during the training.)
  • 1 student flew across the country with a wheelchair.
  • 1 student had Autism.
  • 2 students had Asperger’s syndrome.
  • 3 students had Crohn’s disease (it’s not contagious).
  • 2 students had a terminal heart condition.
  • 3 students had broken arms, wrists or fingers at the time of the event (we made it work for them and they were happy). 

Did all of them make the same progress as my top students? No, of course not. But they made enough progress to want to attend my events more than once (in several cases). And if you join us in 2022, you’ll meet some of these people too.

Bottom line?

If you are healthy enough to drive – there is no reason this training can’t work for you. (That is - if you apply what I train and coach you to do).

What if I have other questions?

Schedule a (free) 15-minute phone consultation with one of my top trainers (who will also be at the event) & get all your questions answered.

Don’t worry – we won’t lie to you and tell “you are ready” if you aren't. We also won’t twist your arm or try to “convince” or “hard-sell” you to come.

We only want you here if you: 1. Are truly ready for this. 2. Actually want to be here. (The trainer you will be speaking to has strict instructions from me about this.) I’d much rather turn you away if this event is not a good fit for you than have you come and be disappointed.

You can also email me directly at

P.S. Look at what guitarists are saying:

Tom Hess Live Events Attendees
Feedback from students

Yes! Tom Hess, I want access to this now.


Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp

June 23-28, 2022
in Crystal Lake, Illinois USA



Plus I also want

Big Bonus Gift #1: The Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp 3 Ring Binder

Big Bonus Gift #2: 10 Weeks of Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp pre-training

Big Bonus Gift #3: Your Certificate Of Ear Training Event Completion

Sorry, You Are Too Late. This Event Is Sold Out!!!!! To not miss out on HESSFEST as well, get your ticket for HESSFEST now via

Pay via a card or PayPal

Yes! Tom Hess, I want access to EVERYTHING now.

Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp - Ultra Badass Package (Incl. Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp - VIP and HESSFEST)

June 19-28, 2022
in Crystal Lake, Illinois USA



Plus I also want

Big Bonus Gift #1: The Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp 3 Ring Binder

Big Bonus Gift #2: 10 Weeks of Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp pre-training

Big Bonus Gift #3: Your Certificate Of Ear Training Event Completion

Big Bonus Gift #4: Complimentary HESSFEST Event Ticket For A Friend

Sorry, You Are Too Late. This Event Is Sold Out!!!!! To not miss out on HESSFEST as well, get your ticket for HESSFEST now via

Pay via a card or PayPal

© 2002-2025 Tom Hess Music Corporation