Learn How To Get Better At Guitar Fast By Developing Excellent Playing Habits

Great guitarists have the best guitar playing habits. No matter what skill level you are at, you quickly improve any technique when you train yourself to use correct playing habits like them. This is done by slowing down what you are playing and focusing on the fundamental movements being used. With correct, focused guitar practice - you massively improve any skill in a matter of days.

Watch the  below to learn how to train yourself to become a better guitarist fast using effective playing habits:

Click on the video to begin watching it.


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Here are a few other guitar practice habits that speed up your playing quickly: 

Guitar Practice Habit 1. Separate Your Hands When You Practice

Very often your biggest challenges on guitar are caused by inefficient motions in one hand.

But guess what?

Most people play everything using both hands and don't put their full attention on the hand that is causing the mistake.

The result is: slower progress and a lot of frustration.

To solve this: practice the motions of each hand in isolation. For example: mute the strings with your fretting hand (don’t fret any notes) and only practice the picking motions.

Or conversely: 

Cover the strings with your picking hand and practice fretting notes (without picking them) with your fretting hand.

Do NOT do hammer ons or pull offs while doing this. You don’t want to hear any sounds – you are just practicing the motions.

This approach helps you refine your guitar technique very fast.

Guitar Practice Habit 2. Set Micro Goals For Every Guitar Practice Session

You know how you have your long-term, medium-term and short-term goals?

These goals are something you want to reach anywhere from 1 month to a few years from own.

But how can you tell if you are on track to reach your goals in the meantime?

Enter: micro goals.

Micro goals are things you intend to achieve in 1 practice session.

They should be small enough to achieve, even if your practice time is very limited…

… but concrete enough for you to KNOW you have achieved them.

For example: 

- Increase your speed with an exercise by 1-3 beats per minute.

- Read a chapter in a music theory book (or read a music theory article online).

- Repeat an exercise 500 times with a new picking hand motion to ingrain it into your muscle memory.

The idea is: you will move towards your short, medium and long-term goals one micro-goal at a time. 

Guitar Practice Habit 3. Track Your Progress

Can you get where you are going if you don’t even know where you are today?

Of course not… 

And that’s why tracking your progress on guitar is so valuable. 

Guitar Practice Circuit

Tracking progress allows you to:

- identify your strengths and weaknesses on guitar with laser-like precision. This tells you what you should be practicing to improve most quickly. 

- spot where your practice time is being wasted (on things that aren’t making you better). If your practice time is limited, this can be a life-saver.

- make guitar practice fun. What can be more exciting than seeing yourself improve week after week?

Guitar Practice Habit 4. Use The 5-Minute Trick To Motivate Yourself To Practice Guitar On Days You Don’t Feel Like It

Here is how the 5-minute trick works: 

Pick up your instrument and practice guitar just for 5 minutes.

Give yourself permission to put the guitar down if you don’t feel like practicing more after 5 minutes.

9 times out of 10, you won’t feel like putting your instrument down and will practice guitar much, much longer than 5 minutes.

There are 2 reasons why this happens:

  1. The hardest part of getting yourself to do anything is simply getting started. After you practice guitar for 5 minutes, it takes more discipline, willpower and mental energy to stop practicing than to continue practicing.
  2. Practicing for 5 minutes is very realistic for everyone. You always have 5 minutes to practice guitar – no matter how busy you are. This means you can always use this trick to give yourself guitar practice motivation :)

Guitar Practice Habit 5. Improve While You Warm Up Your Hands

Your warmup time should never be mindless. 

What’s the worst thing that can happen during your warmup?

The answer is...

...your brain falling asleep and going on autopilot. This causes mindless practicing and creates bad habits in your playing.

How do you stop this from happening?

Make sure your warmups force you to concentrate to play them correctly.

Simply ask yourself: “How can you make your warmup drill more challenging (without playing fast)?”

Check out these ideas for some cool drills you can warm up with (and improve your creativity at the same time):

  1. Transpose the licks you normally practice into another key (or mode). This forces you to combine your music theory knowledge (and fretboard visualization) with guitar technique. 
  2. Create sequences from the scales you practice. This helps you become more creative with scales instead of feeling bored with them. 
  3. Change the rhythm of the licks and exercises you are playing. This can help you create new guitar solo ideas and adapt other people’s licks into your own guitar style. 
  4. Double pick any picking exercise. This is a great way to challenge (and improve) your 2-hand synchronization. 

Now you know how to get more from your guitar practice. The next step is to transform the rest of your guitar playing (everything from your guitar technique to music knowledge, creativity, lead guitar soloing and more).

I can help you with that in my personalized Breakthrough Guitar Lessons.

Here is how it works:

You tell me everything about your guitar playing strengths, weaknesses, musical background, and musical goals. I then create your personalized guitar lesson strategy. As you practice your lessons, I give you a ton of feedback to help you master your guitar lessons and reach your musical goals.

Here are the results my guitar students are getting:




To begin getting similar results in your playing too, click the green “Start Now” button below. 

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