Get Rhythm Guitar Playing Ideas That Make Your Riffs Sound Awesome & Don't Require Advanced Skills

Do you love play rhythm guitar but feel like you've run out of rhythm guitar playing ideas to help you play killer riffs of your own?
Good news:
Playing awesome rhythm guitar riffs isn't a very hard thing to do.
You don't need to know tons of music theory, have pro level skills or have shred skills that enable you to play really fast.

You just need a few simple, but effective rhythm guitar ideas to help play awesome licks of your own:

Click on the video to begin watching it.


See my other guitar playing videos, available to my YouTube subscribers - follow my channel by clicking the button below:

Now you now how to play rhythm guitar ideas that sound awesome.

Now learn how to keep your rhythm guitar playing clean whenever you play your riffs. Read below to learn more ways to play rhythm guitar fast with clean and accurate technique:

Focus Only On Fretting Hand And Picking Hand In Isolation

If you are playing inefficiently with either your picking or fretting hand, it will mess up everything for the other hand even if it is playing perfectly.

Most guitarists practice everything with both hands at the same time. This may sound like common sense, but it actually slows down their progress and often leads to frustration.

Instead, try this:

Work on mastering the movement needed to play guitar riffs perfect in both hands, separately and together.

An example of this could be exclusively practicing picking motions with the picking hand while the fretting hand mutes the strings. Or you could mute the strings using your picking hand and fret notes using your fretting hand only (without picking or using hammer ons/pull offs - just fretting the notes).

Just practice the motions without making any sound.

Consistently Look For Ways To Increase Your Guitar Practice Motivation

Here is how to motivate yourself to practice guitar on days when you feel resistance towards doing it:

Start by practicing for just 5 minutes.

If you don't really feel motivated to practice, allow yourself to not practice for 5 additional minutes.

In many cases, you will choose to continue practicing and will usualy practice for a lot longer as well.

The following explains what is going on here:

  1. It's generally more challenging to get started doing something than to continue it or complete it. When you practice guitar for 5 minutes, it's harder to stop than to just keep going.
  2. Practicing for 5 minutes is something everyone has the time for. Everyone has 5 minutes to practice guitar, even if they are generally a busy person.

Create Specific Practice Session Goals Everytime You Practice

Becoming a better rhythm guitarist, lead guitarist or musician in general requires making goals and taking the right steps to achieve them.

What makes achieving your musical goals much easier?


Setting specific practice session goals that you will achieve each time you sit down to practice.

These tiny goals will take you a step closer to your bigger, long term goals within the current practice session you are in.

These goals should be small enough to achieve during a short practice session if needed, but not so small that you can't track them.

For example: 

- Increase the tempo you are able to play something by a few beats per minute on the metronome.

- Learn the right notes to play while first playing a new guitar riff or lick (even if you can't play them perfect yet).

- Repeat a guitar lick 500 times to burn it into your muscle memory.

Now you know how to improve your rhythm guitar playing and overall playing. What's next?


Take guitar lessons with an excellent teacher who will help you make a massive tranformation in all areas of your guitar playing, not just rhythm guitar playing.

This is where I can help you with my personalized Breakthrough Guitar Lessons.

How do my guitar lessons work?

It's simple:

You tell me all about your guitar playing strengths, weaknesses, musical background, and musical goals. I then make you a  powerful guitar lesson strategy for reaching your specific goals. As you go through your lessons and practice them, I give you a ton of feedback to help you get the most out of your guitar lessons and achieve your musical goals quickly.

Here are the results my guitar students are getting:




To begin getting similar results in your playing too, click the green “Start Now” button below. 

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