How To Write Songs For Rock Guitar With Orchestral Parts

Ever dream of writing kickass rock guitar songs using cool orchestral parts that make them sound epic?

No doubt, this is very cool!

However, you need to know how to arrange your parts properly so that one pitch range does not take over another.

This ensures that every instrument in your music sounds crystal-clear.

This concept is very easy to learn and it only takes a few minutes...

Learn how to write orchestral songs with rock guitar parts using the pitch range concept in this video:

Click on the video to begin watching it.


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Now you’ve learned some creative ways to get started writing rock guitar songs.

Want more ideas to help you improve as a guitarist?

Check these additional ideas out and apply them into your playing ASAP for big results:

How To Become A Great Guitar Player Much Faster

You improve your guitar playing fast when you practice effectively. Implement these tips to improve your practice effectiveness:

1. Refine The Fundamentals Of Your Guitar Technique

Having poor foundational guitar technique leads to sloppy mistakes that make playing guitar feel frustrating. Take the time to refine your technique in order to develop good playing habits, eliminate frustrating mistakes and make your guitar playing feel effortless.

The following are several aspects of your general technique to develop:

  • Using as little motion as necessary in your picking attack to get the best results possible
  • Not letting your fingers move to far away from the fretboard after playing notes
  • Using the least amount of tension in your body while playing

2. Practice Slow Enough For Your Brain Process The Notes You're Playing

Playing guitar cleanly requires being able to mentally process every note you play. Whenever you play too fast for your brain to follow, you end up making mistakes or having one hand get out of sync with the other.

Focus on mentally processing the notes you are playing by practicing at a speed that challenges you, but is not so fast that you cannot keep track of what you are doing.

3. Use Directional Picking To Make It Easier While Playing Scales

Avoid using alternate picking to pick scales.


This wastes tons of motion in your picking attack and makes it a struggle to play at faster speeds.

Directional picking makes playing scales much easier and effortless. Directional picking refers to always picking in the same direction of the string you are transferring to.

For instance: when moving from the D string to the G string (as you are playing a scale or scale sequence), pick with a downstroke. When moving from the G string to the D string, pick with an upstroke.

Playing with directional picking technique uses less motion in your picking hand to achieve speeds much faster than what alternate picking can achieve.

These tips make your guitar technique very efficient and make it easy to solve any technical challenge that you face in your playing.

How To Clean Up Sloppy Guitar Playing At Fast Speeds

Fixing unclean guitar playing doesn’t always mean practicing at slow speeds.

Improve your guitar playing right now using these approaches that don't require slowing down:

Approach #1. Stop on various notes of the exercise using tremolo picking to confirm if each note is clean.

Using tremolo picking is an excellent way to focus your attention on playing a note cleanly and with powerful articulation. It also adds more challenge to playing that note without making mistakes.

This makes it feel much easier to play the original practice item (without tremolo). Insert tremolo picking into any note of a scale, arpeggio or exercise that you are struggling with while playing the other notes as normal.

Approach #2. Focus your attention on individual notes while practicing an exercise.

It’s difficult to identify specific mistakes in your playing when you practice an entire exercise over and over. It’s much easier to spot your mistakes when you focus closely on each note within an exercise.

For example: it’s common for guitarists to play sweep picking arpeggios that contain some clean notes along with other notes that blur together/sound sloppy (such as the notes in the middle of the pattern).

One way to solve this problem is to focus on playing a single note of the arpeggio as cleanly as possible. Then moving on to other notes in the arpeggio one at a time in this same manner until every note is perfect.

Approach #3. Practice using speed bursts to analyze your playing and discover sloppy mistakes.

Playing with speed bursts means playing a short phrase or group of notes very fast while inserting a short period of silence between each repetition. This improves your playing stamina while helping you fix mistakes in your playing by identifying and correcting them at fast tempos.

Break down any guitar practice item into smaller parts (of 3-5 notes) and use speed bursts along with the other ideas discussed in this article to fix any issues in your playing fast.

Why Products That Improve Finger Strength Don’t Develop Your Guitar Technique

Gadgets that increase your finger strength do not help you play guitar faster or use better technique. Don’t buy them or waste your time using them.

Businesses commonly claim that these gadgets are some kind of “shortcut” to improving guitar technique and increasing your playing speed. This is not at all correct.

Here’s why using these products doesn’t work and what to do instead:

Reason #1. Increasing Strength In Your Fingers Is Irrelevant

Building strength in your fingers does not help you become a better guitar player. Fact is, thinking this is actually destructive for your playing.

When you are a beginning guitar player, you develop calluses on the tips of your fingers. This helps your playing sound clear instead of muffled. When you have calluses, you are able to play notes without using much pressure.

However, many guitarists continue using too much pressure to fret note when it is not necessary. When you do this, you lose stamina, play inefficiently and injure yourself over time.

A much better solution than strengthening your fingers is training yourself to use as little pressure as necessary to get notes to sound. Do this by fretting any note on the guitar and playing it continuously with your picking hand.

Gradually release pressure in your fretting hand until the note becomes unclear and muffled. Find the point just above this where you are using the least amount of pressure possible to get a clear note to sound. Then use this same amount of pressure to play everything.

Reason #2. You Don’t Train Specific Elements Needed For Mastering Technique

When you use finger strength products, you do not actually train yourself to improve technique and build speed in any way. Doing this requires playing guitar and practicing correctly. When you squeeze these finger strengthening products, you only waste time you could be investing into actually working to become a better guitar player.

Developing great technique and playing faster comes from the understanding and effective practice of the right things. These students learned the right things while taking lessons with me:




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