How To Transform Your Sweep Picking Arpeggios From ‘Boring And Repetitive’ To ‘Intense And Awe-Inspiring’
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Want to make your sweep picking technique so intense that it grabs your audience by the throat and makes them pay attention?
Fact is, most guitarists only learn how to play basic sweep picking arpeggios and repeat them over and over.
As a result, they can do nothing more than play boring, lifeless arpeggio licks that sound more like an ‘exercise’ than actual music. This kind of playing impresses almost nobody, except maybe other guitar players (who can't play any better).
To truly play great sweep picking arpeggios, you MUST learn ‘how to use’ sweep picking technique to enhance your guitar playing and add intensity to your lead guitar licks.
After watching this video on sweep picking arpeggios, you will:
- Learn how to instantly make any sweep picking arpeggio sound powerful and intense.
- Discover how to use sweep picking technique to make your arpeggios sound like ‘music’ rather than robotic exercises.
- Understand how to use sweep picking technique to grab the attention of anyone listening to you play.
Get INSTANT FREE access to this video on how to play intense sweep picking arpeggios now. Simply enter your name and email, then click the "Show Me The Video" button to enter. All of your information is always kept 100% private and confidential.
"Tom Hess very quickly and consistently got me really massive results as a guitar player."
I had been studying on my own at that point... I had been studying on my own for about 5 years, and from other guitar teachers really hadn’t gotten anywhere as a guitarist whatsoever. And Tom Hess got me more results in the first couple months than I’d had in all those previous years, so basically everything that Tom Hess is delivering since then has been consistent with that. So, he’s got proven results.
Leo Smith, Iowa City, Iowa, USA
“I always had the impression that you should start young as a guitar player to become really good, but Tom really changed that. If you put quality practice time into your guitar playing, it will benefit you no matter what.”
Tom really has a structured approach, so he doesn't let you float, he has a plan to bring you to the next level while with other teachers it was chaotic and you had to ask things yourself - and if you didn't, you wouldn't know. Tom really makes sure that you WILL reach the next level, because he plans everything for you.
Anton Lycklama A Nijeholt, Lelystadt, Holland