Delay And Frequency Calculator

Delay And Frequency Calculator

Step 1. Enter the beats per minute (tempo) of the song in the field at the top of the page.

Step 2. Click the “calculate” button.

What you will see appear below are the millisecond settings to set your digital delay to based on which type of note you want the delay to be set to.

For example, if you enter 120 in the bpm field in step 1, and then click “calculate” you will see that a 1/2 note has a delay setting of 1000 milliseconds. That means if you want your music to be delayed by 1/2 note then you set your digital delay to 1000 milliseconds.

If you want to set the delay to repeat at 1/4 note, then you see that you should set your digital delay to 500 milliseconds.

Dotted 1/2 note: ms. hz
1/2 note: ms. hz
1/2 note triplets: ms. hz
Dotted 1/4 note ms. hz
1/4 note ms. hz
1/4 note triplets: ms. hz
Dotted 1/8 note: ms. hz
1/8 note: ms. hz
1/8 note triplets: ms. hz
Dotted 1/16 note: ms. hz
1/16 note: ms. hz
1/16 note triplets: ms. hz
Dotted 1/32 note: ms. hz
1/32 note: ms. hz
1/32 note triplets: ms. hz
Dotted 1/64 note: ms. hz
1/64 note: ms. hz
1/64 note triplets: ms. hz
Seconds Per Measure: