Learn How To Play With Super Clean Legato Guitar Technique

To improve your legato technique on guitar, the LAST thing you should be doing is simply "looking for new exercises".

Fact is, most guitarists make this mistake and never develop great-sounding, clean legato technique.

Instead, you need to learn the approach the best gutarists use to practice this technique so you can make any legato lick sound amazing.

Watch this free legato technique video to see how this is done and quickly develop awesome legato guitar playing skills:

Click on the video to begin watching it.


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4 Under-Practiced Guitar Playing Skills Needed To Achieve Musical Greatness

Becoming an excellent guitarist who achieves greatness requires the mastery of various key skills.

These 4 (frequently overlooked) skills are mandatory for guitar players who want to achieve great things in music:

Musical Skill #1. Great Fretboard Visualization Knowledge

Mastering this skill helps you effortlessly improvise in any area of the fretboard.

Fretboard visualization means having an understanding of the note names for every fret AND being able to see any chord/arpeggio/scale all over the neck. Without this skill, you easily become lost during guitar solos or improvisation.

This restricts you to only playing in a few positions of the fretboard because you don’t know how to connect them to other areas. This harms your overall phrasing and makes your soloing less interesting.

Musical Skill #2. Guitar Phrasing

Getting good at guitar phrasing makes expressing yourself in guitar solos effortless.

Many guitar players spend hundreds of hours improving their speed, technique and scale knowledge but never work on getting good with phrasing.

It’s very difficult to play great solos and improvise well when you don’t have excellent phrasing skills.

Musical Skill #3. Aural Skills

Mastering this skill helps you recognize notes in your head before you even play them. This makes it easy to express yourself while improvising.

Without good aural skills, you have to guess what the next note will sound like while playing guitar solos or improvise.

This massively limits your ability to play with excellent phrasing and increases the chances you’ll play a wrong note or make a mistake. Guitarists who lack aural skills are easy to identify during a guitar solo because they spend most of their time searching for notes that sound good rather than playing great phrases.

Musical Skill #4. Music Theory

Mastering music theory helps you understand why notes make you feel a certain emotion and how to recreate that emotion through guitar.

Becoming a great guitarist requires total control over the emotional expression of your music. When you lack a solid understanding of music theory, you don’t know the best note choices to use in order to express specific emotions during solos and improvisation.

Common Mistakes That Make Creative Guitar Playing A Struggle

It’s very hard to play guitar creatively when you make common mistakes that prevent you from expressing yourself with as much creativity as possible.

Stay away from these mistakes to avoid struggling with creativity:

1. Learning Many Techniques, Licks And Scales In Isolation

There is some value behind learning guitar playing skills in isolation from other aspects of your guitar playing. However, without learning how to integrate different skills together, your creativity massively struggles.

This is because being musically creative requires using many different skills at once (and almost never involves using skills in total isolation).

Here’s a common example: many guitarists work very hard to learn new scales, build speed and improve their technique. While doing this, they completely overlook integrating their skills together.

Doing this creates holes in your guitar playing and makes you an unbalanced player. This leads to situations such as being able to play scale patterns with tons of speed, but not being able to use scales to create musical sounding guitar solos.

2. Spending Too Much Time Practicing Guitar

You must practice guitar to become a better guitarist of course... but practicing guitar too much has the negative effect of limiting your overall life experiences.

This makes it more difficult to get the inspiration needed for creative guitar playing (because you have little inspiration to draw from). If you only spend time thinking about “guitar”, you don’t discover new things to express in music.

Get more things to express through music by taking these actions:

  • Seek out ways to experience new things in your life. Focus on moving outside of your comfort zone more often by scheduling new things to try every week.
  • Make it your goal to continually learn new ideas. New knowledge gives you a better understanding of the world and replenishes your mind with things to express through music.
  • Play guitar with other musicians in band settings. Playing music with others forces you to think about music in a very different way than when you are alone.

3. Confusing “Musical Creativity” With “Artistic Greatness”

When you are a creative guitar player, this demonstrates a mastery of many guitar techniques and musical skills. Artistic greatness takes this to a whole new level – it’s the power to use your musical ability for expressing particular ideas/emotions.

This is similar to expressing ideas in language: first you learn the basics, then you start to develop your own ideas and utilize your mastery of language to communicate them to others.

One of the best ways to get better at using music to express yourself is to work with a guitar teacher. Here are some of the results my students got:



You also get better in all areas of your playing faster by tracking and measuring your progress each week. My students have done this using a tool I designed especially for this:



Find out how to use legato guitar technique together with other areas of your playing to become an extremely creative guitarist using these guitar lessons.

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