How To Decide What To Charge For Guitar Lessons – The Guide To Setting Your Guitar Lesson Rate

by Tom Hess
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So, you want some help with deciding what to charge for guitar lessons?

Then you are in the right place.

This guitar teaching article will show you how.

Believe it or not...

Deciding what to charge your guitar students isn’t as simple as copying what other guitar teachers are charging.

(In fact, that is something you should NOT do).

It’s also not simply a matter of automatically charging ‘more’ or ‘less’ than your competition either.

Do THIS And You'll Get A Lot More Guitar Students
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There are 5 simple principles you should rely on to set your guitar lesson rates that help you to:

  • Reach your financial goals for your guitar teaching business... 

  • Make your students feel like they’re getting a bargain (no matter how high your guitar lesson rates actually are), and...

  • All but ensure you become the go-to guitar teacher in your area.

Ready to start?

Let’s dive into the 5 steps:

5 Failsafe Principles For Pricing Your Guitar Lessons

Let’s go deeper into each of the 5 guitar teaching principles to show you how to use them when setting your guitar lesson rates.

Tip #1 For Deciding What To Charge For Guitar Lessons: Set Your Price By Working Backwards.

Most guitar teachers decide what to charge for guitar lessons in a vacuum. 

They simply pick a number that sounds good, that they feel comfortable with (or the highest number they think they can get away with) and call it their guitar lesson rate.

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Or (possibly even worse), they simply copy the guitar lesson rate of other people they see teaching guitar in their area. 

The problem with both of these approaches?

First, you may set a guitar lesson rate that makes it impossible to reach your financial goals with your guitar teaching business.

And when you realize you’ve set your guitar teaching rate wrong, it could be too late to change what you charge for guitar lessons.

(Imagine having to suddenly bump up your guitar lesson rates for your students by 20-40% when you realize you weren’t charging enough when you started teaching guitar.) That won’t likely go over well with your students and it wouldn’t help you make money teaching guitar. 

The solution?

Begin by setting your annual income goal. Then work out how much to charge each student should to hit your income goal.

If you need help with figuring that out for your specific situation, get guitar teacher training.

Tip #2 For Deciding What To Charge For Guitar Lessons: Choose The Right Guitar Lessons Model For Hitting Your Income Goal.

What’s the best guitar teaching model to use when you teach guitar and trying to decide what to charge for guitar lessons?


Teach guitar in some form of group guitar teaching format.

Yes, I said ‘group’ lessons – not 1-1 lessons.

Group lessons make it possible to teach guitar to several students who are all paying you for the same hour.

That means, when you teach guitar in a group format, you can earn as much money teaching guitar as many doctors and lawyers do and you can help way more people.

Tip #3 For Deciding What To Charge For Guitar Lessons: Your Guitar Lessons Model Should Allow You To Easily Hit Your Income Goal (While Working Part-Time), While Keeping Lessons Affordable.

This is yet another benefit to using the group guitar teaching model when you teach guitar. 

Since group lessons allow you to charge lower guitar lesson rates to each student while still making substantially more money teaching guitar every month than you ever could if you teach guitar 1-1. 

Tip #4 For Deciding What To Charge For Guitar Lessons: Charge Based On Your Value, Not Based On What You See Others Charge.

If you copy what average teachers around you do (and what they charge) you’ll end up with their (average) results.

And if you want to charge more money than most guitar teachers (and have your guitar students gladly pay it)...

This starts with leveling up your guitar teaching skills and becoming worth whatever guitar lesson rate you charge for guitar lessons.

The best way to level up your skills if you want to teach guitar?

Get guitar teacher training.

Just like you’d go to school to become an accountant or an engineer...

You can learn to teach guitar (better).

Here is an example of what guitar teacher training looks like:

The better you are as a guitar teacher, the easier it is to feel comfortable with what you want to charge for guitar lessons...

To quote your guitar lesson rates with a straight face...

And (most importantly) have students happily pay it.

Tip #5 For Deciding What To Charge For Guitar Lessons: Charge A Little Bit More Than What You Are Comfortable With.

Some people will ALWAYS think you’re too expensive, no matter how cheap you make your lessons. Others won’t study with you if you charge too little, assuming you must be a bad teacher. 

My advice?

If you’re in doubt, might as well charge more to attract the latter group.

And in the meantime...

Continue improving your guitar teaching skills to become worth what you are charging (and more).

Now that you know what to charge for guitar lessons, the next step is to learn how to attract lots of new guitar students and make them want to start taking lessons from you, no matter what you charge, where you are located or much experience you have. I show you how in my free eGuide: This Will Get You A Lot More Guitar Students. Download it today and discover the student attraction strategies most guitar teachers will never know.

THIS Will Get You A Lot More Guitar Students
Free eGuide

Tom Hess
About Tom Hess: Tom Hess is a guitar teacher, music career mentor and guitar teacher trainer. He trains guitar teachers from all over the world how to earn 6-figures per year teaching guitar, while working less than 40 hours per week.

Want to make more money teaching guitar? Check out the best training for music teachers that will show you how.

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