Can I Teach Out Of My Home And Build A Serious Business From Here?
Answer: Yes. Most start out this way. In fact, it’s generally a good idea to begin this way. That’s also how I got started.
When I began teaching, I already had a wife, 2 kids and a cat, living in a very small house. Actually, I taught in 1 car garage space, no heat, no air conditioning, no windows and no ventilation. Yep, it was really bad, but that’s where I built this company in the beginning. If I did it, you can too!
“Within 7 months, I stopped working my day job and started teaching full time. I have noticed a 200% increase in income, enjoyed 100% better quality of life and my financial and day job related problems have disappeared.”
The bottom line is that Tom’s strategy WORKS. I would have never thought of looking at all the business related factors that can go into making a guitar teaching business. Before I made enough to live from guitar teaching but needed a day job to support myself and my wife. Now I'm earning more than I ever thought possible doing something that's so much fun. I can't believe I'm getting paid for it!
Jonathan Vipond, Professional Musician and Guitar Teacher, Bradford, UK