by Tom Hess
Allowing your guitar students to make up missed lessons hurts your local reputation and costs you money. Here are 3 reasons why:
Reason #1. Some students take advantage of a weak lesson policy that allows them to make up lessons.
They frequently cancel or don't show up on time and expect you to cater to them. Eventually, you end up teaching lots of unpaid hours and become burned out. This makes teaching guitar a very frustrating experience.
Reason #2. Students who request a lot of make up lessons (or miss lessons regularly) usually don't practice, don't take lessons very seriously and don’t make a lot of progress.
This leads them to quit lessons before they ever achieve anything significant. Then they put the blame on you by telling everyone how you were not a very good teacher.
This hurts their guitar playing progress and hurts your reputation. When your reputation suffers, you have a harder time attracting new students (who really want to learn and get better).
Reason #3. Your more serious students (who do come to lessons every week) do not get the attention from you they deserve.
This is because so much of your time and energy is drained on dealing with non-serious students.
Solution: Don’t allow make up lessons at all (just like colleges and schools don't allow make up lessons).
Explain to your students why they get better results when they follow this policy (because it lets you deliver maximum value for them) and stick to your policy with zero exceptions.
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