Learn How To Play Amazing Lead Guitar Slides That Sound Expressive & Unique

Want to play lead guitar slides that make people stop whatever they are doing and pay attention?

This is actually not that hard to do!

All it takes is learning a creative phrasing approach to use while playing lead guitar slides.

You're not just limited to playing short slides that quickly move up a few frets.

Using slides an octave or more apart adds incredibly intensity and expression into every lead guitar lick you play.

Let me show you just how easy it is to make your licks sound amazing using creative guitar slides.

Make your lead guitar playing sound amazing using the simple technique in this video:

Click on the video to begin watching it.


Quick Tip For Playing Fast, Top-Quality Lead Guitar Licks With Slide

1. Use neck pick up when you play frets that are higher up the fretboard. This means set the pickup selector so that it is all the way facing the top.

This gives the notes a more warm timbre that sounds great.

Using your bridge pick up is excellent for times when you are playing rhythm guitar in a lower pitch range, but it makes higher notes sound thin and dull.

2. Keep your rhythmic timing tight.

It’s typical for guitarists to play on the beat a decent amount of the time but then ahead of the beat other times.

How do you fix this?:

Pay close attention to your timing whenever you play. Divide up your awareness between playing the notes correctly and preparing for when the next beat of the metronome is coming so you play on time. Use recording software to spot your mistakes more easily.

3. Don’t use your time to practice random chromatic exercises.

Why? Isn't this a staple for all guitar players?

These types of guitar playing exercises have little musical value and most people become bored playing them over and over (in other words, they don't get much out of it anyway).

You never really need to play long chromatic licks like this in musical situations, so it doesn't really help you express yourself musically either.

Instead, practice more productively by working on things that use multiple skills at once or have strong relevance to your other practice routine items and overall musical goals.

4. Develop great string muting technique.

To make your muting more consistent, use your fretting hand index finger to mute the strings that are higher than the one you are playing.

So, if you are playing the low A string, have the index finger covering the D and G string to keep them from making noise. Then use your picking hand thumb to mute any lower strings (below the one you are playing on).

How To Smoothly Play Across The Fretboard During Lead Guitar Solos

Ever feel like your solos start to wander or you just keep coming back to the same ideas?

Here is what to do to fix this problem:

Start learning to visualize what scale shape you are going to move into before you begin using your fingers to move there.

To improve your skills, practice using scale shapes that are in close positions to one another.

For example, practice improvising a lick a 3 note per string G# minor scale beginning on the 11th fret of the A string within a single octave. Do this for a minute.

Then practice playing a 3 note per string F# Mixolydian scale beginning on the 9th fret of the A string within a single octave (F# Mixolydian uses the same notes as G minor, just starting on F# instead of G). Do this for another minute.

For the next minute, mix both patterns together.

Over time, begin to expand your fretboard coverage by adding more notes and/or scale patterns.

About Getting Better At Lead Guitar:

You make incredible advancements in your lead guitar playing by taking lessons with an experienced guitar teacher who teaches lessons in your specific guitar style.

Why does working with a guitar teacher make becoming a better guitarist so much more easy than learning it all by yourself?

It's like this:

Taking lessons with a guitar teacher gets rid of all the guesswork you have to do on your own. This makes the whole process of learning simple and fun.

Not sure what to work on to get better at playing creative lick guitar solos? Wondering why you are unable to make your vibrato feel as intense as that of your favorite player? Can't play with as much guitar speed as you want?

Your guitar teacher helps you learn these things by guiding you throughout the process. No more long periods of stagnant progress.

Plus, a great guitar teacher helps you improve your playing in nuanced ways you just never would've thought about by yourself (or come across online) because of their expansive knowledge and experienced problem-solving know-how. This means you learn ways to overcome bad playing habits quickly while also discovering creative new ways to play and reach your goals.

Don't wait to begin taking guitar lessons.

The longer you wait, the more time you add to how long it takes to reach your musical goals and become the guitarist you want to be.

Begin today and make a breakthrough in your guitar playing like never before.

Here is what my students have to say about taking guitar lessons with me:



Think you are ready to learn more about playing great lead guitar licks and solos? Let me teach you all about playing creatively on guitar. Get started with online guitar lessons with a great guitar teacher:

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