Powerful Guitar Teaching Tip That Helps Your Students Improve A Lot Faster & Multiplies Your Guitar Teaching Income

by Tom Hess

Want to become a more effective guitar teacher and make more money at the same time? Here’s how: get your students to take lessons from you more than once per week.

Why this idea helps your guitar students improve a lot faster:

  • The more time your guitar students spend with you, the faster they learn the skills that make them great guitar players.
  • You can use additional guitar lesson time to train your students to practice guitar effectively. The better your guitar students practice guitar at home, the faster they improve.
  • Your students begin to take guitar lessons with you much more seriously. Increased frequency of lessons motivates them to practice more and speeds up their progress.

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Why this idea helps you make a lot more money teaching guitar:

  • The amount of money you earn from each student is multiplied by the number of times they take lessons with you each week.
  • You get more referrals from your current students who are grateful to you for making them better guitar players.
  • Your students build a deeper relationship with you and continue taking lessons for a very long time. Every new student you get becomes worth more to you financially in the short and long term.

Learn more guitar teaching strategies that help you become successful as a guitar teacher.

Tom HessAbout Tom Hess: Tom Hess is a guitar teacher, music career mentor and guitar teacher trainer. He trains guitar teachers from all over the world how to earn 6-figures per year teaching guitar, while working less than 40 hours per week. 

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