How To Effectively Warm Up On Guitar Using 5 Powerful Concepts

Wish you knew the most effective warm ups for guitar that helped you quickly get started with practice and get amazing results?

What not to do:

Practice random chromatic licks only for the purpose of warming up your hands.

This common tactic is not very effective, despite so many people using it.

Want to know what is effective?

Find out now by using the 5 powerful guitar warmup exercise concepts in this video:

Click on the video to begin watching it.

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Now you’ve watched the video and learned cool new ways to warmup and practice to get better results.

Bonus Warmup Tip #1: Warm Up Lead Guitar With Phrasing (Not Just Technique)

Playing lead guitar expressively takes more than just warming up technique and increasing speed (as many people do). To play expressive, musical lead guitar solos and licks, you need to practice guitar phrasing.

This refers to the art of understanding how to play notes on guitar in order to make them sound more melodic, expressive and emotional.

Developing this skill helps you create guitar solos based on feeling rather than whatever notes you are given to play with.

You know what's a shame, though?

Most guitar players either overlook this skill or never even knew it existed. This means their lead guitar playing kinda sucks for a long time (even though they may have great technical skills).

You don't want to end up in the same boat as them.

Try this:

Choose any guitar practice item you are going to work on for the day.

Next, choose only 3-4 notes from the item.

Warm up by improvising with these notes for a few minutes while trying to create as many unique phrases as possible by using techniques like vibrato, bends, tremolo picking, sweep picking, legato or harmonics.

This improves your phrasing while also warming you up to kick ass with whatever practice item you chose.

Question: “Wait, don't I need to get better at playing entire solos, not just a handful of notes?”

Answer: It all begins with a handful of notes. Improving your phrasing on a micro level is the foundation to great phrasing.

For example:

Get better at playing a small amount of notes more expressively by targeting a single technique.

A great place to start is warming your practice sessions by working on a frequently overlooked skill:

Vibrato technique

Spending just a few minutes practicing vibrato technique before you get into your other practice items is an excellent idea.

Avoid things like playing vibrato too fast/without much control. This is when it feels like you are shaking the string but not targeting both the original and new pitch perfectly. It may also sound out of tune if the pitch is not controlled well.

Do this by grabbing a metronome and setting it to a slow tempo.

Then start the vibrato on beat 1 by bending to the target pitch. Return the string to the original pitch on beat 2. Repeat this until it becomes easy to make your vibrato controlled and in tune.

Bonus Warmup Tip #2: Use Short Speed Bursts Of A Few Notes At A Time

Want to get better results from any particular practice item?

No problem, just warm up by breaking that item into small sections of 3-5 notes at once.

Then play through these notes at max speed (it will be easier with less notes) + heavy picking power.


Practicing small groups of notes at fast speeds like this makes putting the entire item together much easier to process mentally and your hands are warmed up so they sync with your mind perfectly. This massive reduces how long it takes to master any given item.

Bonus Warmup Tip #3: Quickly Finger Through Patterns

Think warming up is just picking through whatever your practice items are for a bit?

Consider this - You don't need to warm up chords, scales, arpeggios or rhythm parts by picking directly through their entire patterns all the time.

Focusing on the fretting hand only can be a great warmup.

For example:

You also can simply lightly finger the fretboard patterns of chords to warm up switching quickly between them.

This better prepares you mentally for when the time comes to practice with both hands (during your actual practice time).

That said, try to think of other creative ways to warm up. The more variety of approaches you use, the better your chances of finding new and more effective ways to enhance your practice. Track your progress with each approach to gauge if it is helping or not.

Bonus Warmup Tip #4: Don't Re-Invent The Wheel On Your Own

Ever struggle with any of these issues while warming up before practice?:

  • Not knowing the best warmup to choose for the best results
  • Not understanding how long to warm up or which warmups to prioritize
  • Wishing you could get better results in your practice by warming up more effectively

You make substantial improvement in your guitar playing by taking lessons with an excellent guitar instructor who has already helped loads of other players achieve your exact same guitar playing goals.

Working with a guitar teacher helps you learn how to refine your warmup habits, practice habits and any other habits to help you get better faster.

That's not all:

Your guitar teacher also helps you improve your playing in subtle ways you just never would've imagined by yourself (or found online) because of their knowledge.

Don't wait to begin taking guitar lessons.

The longer you wait, the longer it takes to accomplish your musical goals and become the guitarist you wish to be.

Begin today and make a breakthrough in your guitar playing like never before.

Here is what my guitar students have to say about improving their skills with me:

Now you know some great ways to warm up effectively on guitar, plus some ways to get more mileage out of your practice items.


There is much more to learn in order to become the badass guitarist you want to be.

It's time to learn how to reach your guitar playing goals faster than ever - get started today by taking interactive guitar lessons.

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