Why You Struggle To Get Guitar Students By Not Educating Them On How To Choose The Right Teacher

By Tom Hess

Here is one big reason why you struggle to get more guitar students:

You don’t educate your students about how to choose a teacher.

Guitar students commonly assume that all guitar teachers are the same and the only difference between you and someone else is the price or location where you teach. This mindset causes them to decide on taking guitar lessons in the same way they’d decide on which carton of milk to buy at the store.

In reality, not all guitar teachers offer the same value. It’s critical that you educate your potential students about how a great guitar teacher needs to have things like: certified guitar teacher training, proof of getting results for his students and the ability to create a custom guitar lesson plan based on the students’ specific musical goals.

How To Get More Guitar Students

Other students think it only takes a few guitar lessons and then they are done. Guitar students like this don’t see the big picture. It’s up to you to educate these students on how learning guitar and reaching musical goals works (and how working with a teacher helps them set bigger goals and reach them faster).

When you educate potential students on how to choose the right teacher, you convert more of them to paying students, position yourself as an expert and build reciprocity.

Want to learn how to get a lot more guitar students fast? Read this article that discusses why you struggle to get more guitar students and quickly fill up your teaching schedule.

Tom HessAbout Tom Hess: Tom Hess is a guitar teacher, music career mentor and guitar teacher trainer. He trains guitar teachers from all over the world how to earn 6-figures per year teaching guitar, while working less than 40 hours per week. 

Learn how to make 6-figrues per year teaching guitar with training for guitar teachers.

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