How To Ensure You NEVER Make It In The Music Business

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Want to know the simplest way to up your odds of making it in the music industry?
I'll tell you:
Simply avoid the things that hurt your chances of becoming a pro musician.
When you avoid damaging music industry mistakes...
… you’ll find it much easier to make it in the music business.
This will happen even if you’re just getting started...
... and know little or nothing about how to become a pro musician.

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The best part is...
It’s much easier to ‘avoid mistakes’ than to ‘learn what to DO’ to build a music career.
In the process of steering clear of music industry blunders...
You often discover what ‘to’ do to move your music career forward.
(You'll also be able to spot other musicians who are making career destroying mistakes and avoid associating yourself with them.)
With that said…
Here is how to ensure you NEVER make it in the music business:
Now, let’s explore each of these music career mistakes in more detail:
Music Industry Success Killer #1. Having No Freedom To Say “Yes” To Opportunities That Could Grow Your Music Career.
Most musicians think their biggest music career challenge is ‘getting’ opportunities to get ahead in the music industry.
It’s not.
The real killer is inability to partake in opportunities because:
- you have little or no freedom to take time off from your day job
- you have little or no extra money to invest into your music career (e.g. travel to go on tour or record in the studio for 6 weeks making an album - while paying your bills back home).
Or both.
And here is the worst part:
Record companies, bands and musicians with opportunities to offer you will always do their research to find out what your time/money/freedom situation is likely to be before talking to you.
And if these companies sense that you don’t have the situational freedom to say ‘yes’ to working with them…
… the opportunity will pass you by like a ship in the night and go to someone else… as you stay stuck at your day job - wondering why no opportunities are coming your way and watching others make it in the music business.
Music Industry Success Killer #2. Listen To Naysayers Who Try To Convince You That “You Won’t Make It”.
Here are my thoughts on dealing with naysayers as you work to become a pro musician:
- Anyone who achieved any success at all in the music industry (i.e. has managed to make it in music… or heck - in any other industry), would never try to tear you down and talk you out of becoming a pro musician.
Conversely… - The only people who tend to put down others (e.g. those who are trying hard to make it in the music business and become a pro musician) are those who are not very successful themselves.
- The main reason why naysayers and haters try talking others out of pursuing their goals (e.g. the goal of wanting to become a pro musician and make it in the music business) is to feel better about their own lack of success.
Bottom line: take control over your own life. Don’t let others predict your future for you.
Music Industry Success Killer #3. Believe That Money Is The Root Of All Evil.
It’s truly stunning how this mindset is so widespread among musicians who want to make it in the music business, but this worldview is guaranteed to tank your music career.
Because record companies exist to make money. They invest (big) money into bands (and musicians) in hopes to earn more money when those musicians’ careers take off.
Having an anti-money, anti-business and anti-capitalism mindset is incompatible with those goals.
And even if you choose to make it in music as an independent artist, know that having negative views about money isn’t conducive to building a lucrative career.
Music Industry Success Killer #4. Be Flakey And Unreliable.
You know any successful pro (in any industry) who doesn’t do what they say they’ll do, who gives up when things get tough and who is all talk and no action?
Yeah, me neither.
Yet this attitude and behavior seem to be the norm among musicians who build a reputation for talking about their grandiose music career plans, while doing nothing.
Don’t be one of them.
Music Industry Success Killer #5. Build Your Music Career By Trial And Error.
You’ll build your music career (and become a pro musician) much faster if you have an expert mentor to guide you through the process vs. reinventing the wheel on your own.
Note: music career mentoring is not the same as going to school for music (or the music business).
A music business degree for learning ‘about’ the music industry, but not for actually building a ‘music career’.
For example: a music business degree can show you how record deals are structured… but not how to ‘get’ a record deal.
It can teach you how tours are organized, but not how to ‘get on’ a tour.
And it certainly doesn’t work ‘with’ you to help you overcome the specific challenges you face as you attempt to make it in music.
Meanwhile, a music industry mentor works directly with you to help you reach your specific goals in the music industry.
And even though I’m clearly biased in saying this, because I run a music careers mentoring program, I really don’t care if you get music career coaching from me or someone else. Just get it, period.
Your career will grow a lot faster when you do.
Now that you know what music industry mistakes hurt your chances to become a pro musician, I want to show you how to build your music career faster and stand out from all the other musicians (even if you’re just starting out in the music business). I show you how in this free music business eGuide. Download it today and discover the music career success secrets most musicians will never know.

Get music career coaching to build your music career faster.