How To Eliminate Sloppy Guitar Playing Mistakes With Practice & Sound Awesome Every Time You Play
by Tom Hess
Feel Incredibly Easy

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You’ve probably had some days during guitar practice when your playing sounded a lot better than you expected…
...You ended up making much less guitar playing mistakes and everything felt smooth.
I bet you felt very good about yourself on those days, didn’t you?
You’ve probably also had days when you made a lot of guitar playing mistakes that made you feel bad about your skills (and progress). Sound familiar?
You are not alone… every guitar player has had days like that (including myself in the past).
It's frustrating to play with mistakes, isn't it?
It's more frustrating when others are watching you make guitar playing mistakes and you know you really could play a lot better.
...If only your audience could hear you on one of your good days.
Wouldn’t it be great to learn to play guitar at your best every time and eliminate sloppy guitar playing mistakes that make you sound worse than you really are?
Feel Incredibly Easy

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You are about to learn how to do it.
The easiest way to eliminate sloppy guitar playing mistakes is to improve the way you practice. This makes you better quickly even if you don’t have a lot of time to practice.
Here’s a simple solution to a common problem most people have in their guitar playing (inefficient picking technique). This video shows you how eliminate the guitar playing mistakes it causes forever:
Here are 5 more guitar practice tips that help you play at your best, whenever you are having a bad day with guitar playing mistakes:
Guitar Practice Tip #1: Make Your Guitar Technique As Efficient As Possible, So Your Playing Becomes Accurate And Consistent. Here Is What This Means & How To Do It:
When your guitar technique is very efficient, your hands don’t move any more than necessary to play the notes you want to hear. This helps you reduce sloppy guitar playing mistakes and play guitar faster with less effort.
Here are several simple ways to make your technique a lot more efficient for less guitar playing mistakes:
- Keep the pick as close to the strings as possible between notes. Don’t let the pick move away from the strings unless you’re skipping strings.
- Fret notes using the tips of your fingers.
- Use a stiff guitar pick. Your guitar pick should be stiff enough to not flex when you push through the string to play a note.
(Want to learn a simple way to make fretting hand technique efficient, so everything you play feels effortless and you make less guitar playing mistakes? Download this free eGuide for fretting hand finger independence and make your guitar playing mistakes disappear.)
Guitar Practice Tip #2: Eliminate Excess Muscle Tension From Your Body That Causes You To Make Sloppy Guitar Playing Mistakes. Here Is How To Do It:
The longer you can keep your hands relaxed, the easier it is to keep your hands in sync and eliminate guitar playing mistakes.
Watch this video to learn a simple way to control excess tension in your picking hand and make you play better right away:
Guitar Practice Tip #3: Practice Playing Guitar In Front Of Others, To Get Over Stage Fright And Avoid Guitar Playing Mistakes When It Really Matters Most. Here Is How To Do It:

Learn how to quickly improve
your accuracy onlead guitar.

Instantly improve your guitar
playing with these free tips.

Learn how to reach maximum
speed in your guitar playing.
Simulate real-life performing conditions during guitar practice. For example:
- Do guitar practice while standing up.
- Have your amp close to you during guitar practice.
- Practice guitar with the amp far away from you.
- Hold guitar practice sessions while walking around the whole time.
- Practice making adjustments by making guitar playing mistakes on purpose.
Most importantly, play guitar in front of others every chance you get.
Guitar Practice Tip #4: Learn To Integrate Your Techniques Together, So you Can Easily Play All The Challenging Guitar Licks You’ve Struggled With In The Past. Here Is How To Do It:
What do most guitarists want to master but try during guitar practice? It is integration. Integration is the ability to combine all your skills together in a smooth way, without hesitations or pauses.
Watch this video to see a simple way to integrate your guitar techniques together to minimize guitar playing mistakes and play great music for others:
When you master integration, most guitar playing mistakes you struggle with disappear.
Guitar Practice Tip #5: Develop More Guitar Technique Than You Need. Here Is Why This Helps You:
Think of your ultimate guitar technique goals.
Perhaps you want to learn specific songs and solos, or you want to increase your speed to a certain tempo. Set your goals to play at a slightly higher level than you think you need.
Example: play a song at 120 beats per minute on the metronome when the song’s tempo is only 110.
When you have more technique (or speed) than you need, you are less likely to make guitar playing mistakes because you will rarely play near your musical limit. This means you can focus more on having fun and not struggle anymore to play the notes you want to hear.
Now that you know how to eliminate guitar playing mistakes, would you like to learn a simple guitar practice method that puts it all together and makes your playing cleaner and more accurate right away? Download this free eGuide to learn how to master fretting hand finger independence and start playing effortlessly and consistently without annoying guitar playing mistakes.