What Do I Get As An Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle Member?

Answer: Here is what you get when you join the Elite guitar Teachers Inner Circle (EGTIC): 

1. The EGTIC "Getting Started" Guide

EGTIC getting started guide

The guide tells you what to do first to start growing your business. It also gives you an overview of how get the most from EGTIC, what mistakes to avoid and how to see results most quickly. 

Your monthly EGTIC sessions (and live video training sessions – described below) teach you how to do everything in the Getting Started guide.

2. Training Sessions On How To Build Every Area Of Your Guitar Teaching Business

EGTIC building your business

The topics include: 

  • How to advertise yourself (without spending a lot of money) to all the prospective guitar students in your local area. 
  • What to say and do (and what NOT to say or do) when prospective guitar students reach out to you, so they want to start lessons with you.
  • How to blow your students’ minds in their first lesson and make them glad they chose you as their guitar teacher.
  • How to turn your guitar students into good players quickly.
  • How to motivate guitar students to practice.
  • How to make sure your students pay you on time (and never have to chase anyone down for missed payments). 
  • How to make your guitar lessons such an important part of your students’ lives – they almost can’t imagine ever quitting.
  • How to run (and grow) your business during recessions.
  • How to build a team around you who help you get stuff down, avoid burn out and have more free time

And a lot more…

Besides the training itself, you also get:

3. A Ton Of Additional Support That Helps You Implement What You Are Learning

EGTIC helpful resources

This support consists of:

- 1-1 implementation support calls directly with me (platinum & diamond members only). You get to ask me any questions you want and get my solutions to your biggest challenges. 

- Ability to block your competitors from joining EGTIC and learning how to compete against you. That means you become the only guitar teacher in your area armed with EGTIC knowledge and get to build your business virtually competition-free!

- Live video mastermind sessions with me and your other fellow EGTIC members. Bring your most burning questions and challenges to get them solved by me and by other successful members of the program. 

- Live video accountability sessions (Diamond members only). This is where I hold youf feet to the fire and help you make sure you are getting (the right) stuff DONE to move your business forward and make more money.

And you also get:

4. Access To Our Incredible Online Community Of Members Who Have Been Where You Are And Already Travelled Down The Road You Are Travelling

EGTIC helpful resources

They too want to help you and are very welcoming, friendly, and helpful to all new members. This uniquely special community is a goldmine for you. You get answers to all your questions that keep you up at night.

All you have to do is implement the training I give you and get the support you need when you need it. 

Do that, and you almost can’t fail to build a business that earns 6-figures per year (or more), while you work less than 40 hours per week.

Here are results EGTIC members are achieving: 



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