How Long Is This Course?

Your guitar lessons with me are not a course. You and I work together for as long as it takes to make you the guitarist you want to be.

When we start, I create a lesson plan for reaching your goals, based on what you tell me about yourself in your evaluation from.

That said, your progress depends on lots of factors, such as:

- how much time you practice. Obviously the more you practice, the better. But you can make a surprising amount of progress even if you only practice 20-30 minutes per day.

- how consistently you practice (practicing 5-7 times per week for 30 minutes each is much better than practicing 6 hours once per week).

  • Attending weekly office hours (where you can ask me questions and get help from me live on video).
  • Attending live classes that I do every month. In these classes, I take the hardest guitar playing topics and break them down to make them easy to understand and master.
  • Sending me feedback about each lesson. This way I know exactly how you are progressing and can answer your questions when you are stuck on something.
  • Sending me recordings of your playing for feedback. This tells me how well you are progressing.
  • Asking me questions when you get stuck.
  • Updating your guitar practice journal on my student forum.
  • Asking for additional help on the forum.

The more items from this list you do, the faster you improve. (That means you need fewer lessons to reach your goals.)

The fewer of these things you do, the slower you improve. (That means you need fewer lessons to reach your goals.)

From all of these things, I can track your progress and adjust your lesson strategy as needed. 

(Note, by the way, that the amount of time you practice is only one tiny piece of the equation).

Not to mention: 

Your goals may very well change over time (this would be totally normal). If and when this happens, I revise your lesson strategy yet again.

That’s why it’s impossible for me to predict an “end” point before we even start working together and I get to know you.

That said:

You can cancel lessons at any time, or you can work with me until you reach every single one of your goals. It is up to you.

Here are the results you can expect when you apply what I teach you in your guitar playing: watch my students play.



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