3 Ways To Make Sure A New Band Member Is Committed & Loyal

by Tom Hess

Getting to know potential band members personally is a critical part of the auditioning process (in addition to observing their musical skills). This helps you avoid the frustrating moments when a new band member doesn’t show up to rehearsal, is late for gigs or otherwise prioritizes other things over practice the band’s music.

You find the musicians who are loyal and committed to your band by subtly testing them over a series of several interviews/auditions.

Want to speed up the process and avoid wasting time on people who just won't work out no matter what?

First, make sure they are not sabotaging their music career:

Beating Your Music Career Competitors

Next, take these actions:

  • Test their commitment to the band by asking them about their musical goals and dreams”.

    Musicians who are the most serious and committed have big musical dreams that include your band. For example: going on world tours. This is something that musicians want to do with a band (versus on their own).

    Their answer also tells you if they are serious about a music career or not. If they tell you they are just looking for a side gig, you know they aren’t too serious about achieving great things in your band.
  • Test their loyalty to the band by asking them about any other musical projects they are pursuing.

    If a potential band mate tells you they are already in several other bands, it’s likely that your band is not the #1 priority on their list.
  • Test their mindset by having them hang out with the entire band in a casual, non-audition setting:

    For example, go out with them to eat, check out a movie or watch a concert. Then chat with them to get perspective on their world-view, attitude and general outlook on life. This tells you whether they are someone your band can spend a lot of time with. Pay close attention to how they respond to things in your environment and how this response mixes together with you and your band to create a positive, success-oriented atmosphere to write music, tour, etc.

Once you’ve had the chance to test your potential new bandmate, get together with your band and talk about it. When everyone is on board, you are set and ready to welcome your new bandmate into the group!

Learn more things to look for when selecting a new band member to ensure they are the right choice by reading this music career article.

Tom HessAbout Tom Hess: Tom Hess is a guitar teacher, music career mentor and guitar teacher trainer. He trains musicians how to leave their day jobs and build successful fulltime careers in the music industry.

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