Video: How To Play Impressive Guitar Licks & Solos On One String

Want to learn a fun and easy way to play guitar licks for solos that sound really cool?

You don't need advanced techniques or incredibly fast runs to play something that sounds impressive and captivating for anyone listening.

In fact...

...all you need is a single string.

Using single string guitar licks gives you the power to play great licks that people will love.

The only catch:

You must make sure they sound clean at any speed.

Let me show you what I mean.

Check out this video to find out how to play great guitar solo licks on a single string:

Click on the video to begin watching it.

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Now you know how to play great guitar licks that sound great without learning any advanced techniques. Read the following tips to improve your licks and play solos that sound expressive:

How To Play Lead Guitar Solos And Licks That Effortlessly Flow Across The Fretboard

Ever feel like your lead guitar solo licks don't seem to go anywhere or you just get lost on the fretboard and start making mistakes?

Working on fretboard memorization is important for playing guitar licks that flow from note to note.

This is incredibly fun and much more satisfying.

How do you do it?

Start by visualizing the scale shape you are about to move into before you physically move your hand to play there. To practice this skill, work on using scale shapes that are close to each other at first.

For example, improvise freely by playing with the a 3 note per string A minor scale beginning on the 12th fret of the A string. Stay within an octave for now. Do this for several minutes to get used to it while creating as much variety as you can using many different techniques.

Then do the exact same thing except using the G Mixolydian scale that begins on the 10th fret (2 frets away).

Note: This scale uses the same notes as the A minor scale.

After playing each scale seperately for a few minutes, spend another few minutes combining them together freely.

This is a great way to start visualizing more of the fretboard, and eventually you are able to add more notes from the same mode in this manner.

This gives you the idea for what you need to do to expand your lead guitar licks outside of your comfort zone while helping your to train your phrasing at the same time.

How To Easily Make Your Lead Guitar Licks Sound Better

Make your guitar tone sound better making these simple adjustments:

1. While playing notes that are higher on the fretboard, select the neck pick up by switching the selector all the way to the top position. While playing notes that are lower on the fretboard, select the bridge pickup.

This has the effect of making higher notes sound smoother and keeps lower, guitar rhythm riffs from sounding muddy.

2. Pay attention to perfecting your rhythmic timing.

It’s common that lead guitar players play solos with notes that aren't quite perfectly on beat or timed well. This can ruin even the most impressive guitar licks.

How do you avoid this problem?


Make it a top priority to play rhythmically tight whenever you play - whether you are playing rhythm guitar or lead guitar.

Try this:

Use a metronome, then try to split up your focus between playing the notes and being ready for when the next beat comes. If you have it, use recording software so you are able to see and hear your mistakes.

3. Practice using warm ups that have a purpose.

It can be very easy to fall into the trap of using generic chromatic exercises to warm up in a mindless way since it is a popular/conventional approach.


You rarely play chromatic lead guitar licks like this in music.

Working on this mostly just improves your ability to play these types of chromatic lead guitar licks in isolation, but doesn't achieve much else.

Instead, work on small segments of your usualy guitar practice items or simply items that actually can be applied into music and help you reach your musical goals.

4. Develop excellent muting technique.

To make your lead guitar solos and licks sound clean every time, use the pointer finger of the fretting hand to mute the strings that are higher than the one you are currently playing on.

How To Get Better At Lead Guitar If You Want Serious Results:

You make enormous improvement in your lead guitar playing by taking lessons with an excellent guitar instructor who has already helped loads of other players achieve your exact same musical goals.


What is it about working with a guitar teacher that makes improving a lot easier than doing everything by yourself?

There exist plenty of reasons why, but among the most essential is that a guitar instructor takes away all the uncertainty involved in becoming a much better guitar player.

Not exactly sure what to work on to get faster? Wondering why you are unable to play that one guitar lick just like your favorite guitarist plays it?

Your guitar teacher will help you learn these things, so you can immediately improve upon them.

That's not all:

Your guitar teacher also helps you improve your playing in subtle ways you just never would've considered by yourself (or found online) because of their expertise.

Don't wait to begin taking guitar lessons. The longer you wait, the longer it takes to attain your musical goals and become the guitarist you wish to be.

Begin today and make a breakthrough in your guitar playing like never before, just like these excellent players have:

Ready to learn more about playing lead guitar licks and solos that sound totally pro? Let me teach you all about playing creatively on guitar. Get started with electric guitar internet lessons.

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