How To Create Amazing Lead Guitar Solos
Study the resources below and learn how to create breathtaking guitar solos that you will LOVE to call your own:

Play Great Guitar Tapping Open String Licks
Want to master guitar tapping technique in order to play impressive licks? Begin by watching this guitar tapping video.
Beginner Guitar Tapping Lesson
Want to master tapping technique on guitar, but don't know where to begin? Get started now by watching this guitar tapping video lesson.
How To Master Guitar Vibrato Technique
Want to play guitar licks with more expression and emotion? Mastering vibrato is a top priority - learn how to master it in 5 minutes per day by watching this guitar vibrato video.
Learn How To Begin Playing Guitar Solos Better
Want to play better guitar solos? Find out how to get started using a simple approach to playing guitar solos with control.
How To Improvise Better
Want to learn how to get better at guitar improvisation? Use the tips in this video about improvising on guitar.
How To Improvise Cool Guitar Licks
Want to easily and creatively improvise your own guitar licks? Find out how to do it using the simple advice in this guitar licks improvisation video.
Learn How To Improvise Cool Licks On Guitar
Learn how to play creative guitar solo licks that sound cool using the powerful and simple advice in this guitar licks improvisation article.
Play Guitar Licks Expressively Using 6ths
Want your lead guitar licks to sound expressive and emotional? Get started right now by learning how to play lead guitar licks using 6ths.
Video About How To Play Guitar Licks Expressively With 6ths
Want to learn easy licks that make your lead guitar playing sound great? Get started right now by watching this video on how to play lead guitar with 6ths.
How To Play Neoclassical Guitar Licks Like Yngwie
Want to play killer guitar licks like Yngwie? Find out how to do it easily by watching this neoclassical guitar licks video.
How To Play Easy And Impressive Neoclassical Guitar Licks
Struggling to play neoclassical guitar licks that sound as good as the ones by your favorite players? Learn how to get started playing your own in this neoclassical guitar tutorial.
How To Play Amazing Lydian Guitar Licks
Want to play exotic guitar licks that sound dreamy and amazing? Learn how to do it by playing Lydian guitar licks.
Amazing Lydian Guitar Licks Video
Playing guitar licks that sound dreamy and ethereal sound great! How do you do it? Answer: Lydian mode. Learn how to play Lydian guitar licks.
Learn How To Play Polymeter Guitar Licks
Want to learn an easy way to make your guitar licks sound complex and creative? Learn it now by reading this article about polymeter guitar licks.
How To Easily Play Better Guitar Licks
Tired of not being able to play guitar licks that sound creative and interesting? Learn how to do it without advanced techniques using polymeter guitar licks.
How To Play Impressive Open String Licks
Want to play great lead guitar licks that are fast, easy and sound impressive? Learn how to do it by watching this open string guitar licks video.
Play Guitar Solos On A Single String
Wish you were able to impress people with guitar solos but don't have advanced technique? No problem - Learn how to do it in this fun guitar solo video.
Play Guitar Solos With Expressive Musical Tension
Want your guitar solos to sound more musically expressive? Take advantage of the tension in half steps - find out it's done by watching this guitar solo technique video.
Play Guitar Solos Expressively With More Musical Tension
Want your guitar solos to feel more expressive? Mastering musical tension is the key – learn how to do it by reading this guitar solo phrasing article.
Play Better Guitar Licks Using Sequences
Want to play killer lead guitar licks? Learn how to use guitar lick sequencing to do it in this article about lead guitar solos.
Play A Great Guitar Solo With One Note
Want to play one-note guitar solos that are easy + sound really cool? Find out how to do it by watching this guitar solo video.
Video: Play Emotional Guitar Solos Easily
You're about to squeeze tons of emotion from as little as possible using one note to easily play emotional solos that rock. Watch this video about playing emotional guitar solos.
Play A Great Guitar Solo With One Note
Want to play one-note guitar solos that are easy + sound really cool? Find out how to do it by watching this guitar solo video.
Video: Play Better Guitar Solos Using Syncopation
Playing creative guitar solos is a skill anyone can develop - even you! Learn one way to do it now by reading this lead guitar soloing advice.
Video: Play Better Guitar Solos Using Syncopation
Playing creative guitar solos is a skill anyone can develop - even you! Learn one way to do it now by reading this lead guitar soloing advice.
Play Guitar Solos With Expression And Rhythm
Your solos become more expressive when you change the rhythm of your notes a bit more. Learn an easy way to play better solos by reading this guitar soloing syncopation article.
How To Play Blues Guitar Double Stops With Bends
This video demonstration explains how to add intensity to your solos by playing awesome blues guitar double stop licks.
Learn How To Play Killer Blues Guitar Bends
Want to make your blues guitar licks more unique and expressive? Start playing double stops with bends using this blues guitar soloing advice.
Play Interesting Lead Guitar Solos With Melodic Minor
Want to make your guitar solos more emotionally expressive? Start playing emotionally captivating phrases using the melodic minor for lead guitar.
Learn How To Play Mixolydian b6 Guitar Licks
Want to make your guitar solos more interesting? Learn how to play interesting phrases using the 5th mode of melodic minor for guitar.
Learn How To Play With Backslide Guitar Technique
Want to make your guitar solo phrases sound more interesting? There is one unique technique that helps you do it, plus it's very easy and fun to practice. Most guitarists never even realize you can do this - Find out how to perform this cool technique by checking out this video on backslide guitar licks.
Learn How To Add Emotion To Your Guitar Solos
Looking for ways to make your lead guitar solos more emotional? Learn a cool way to do it using the unique backslides guitar technique.
Learn How To Improvise Awesome Guitar Solos
Looking for ways to make your lead guitar solos more emotional? Learn a cool way to do it using the unique backslides guitar technique.
Start Playing Better Guitar Solos Than Ever
Want to play better, more inspiring guitar solos than ever before? Good news, using just a few notes combined with some phrasing techniques quickly makes your solos sound awesome. Learn what to do now to play killer guitar solos.
How To Make Wrong Notes Sound Good In Guitar Solos
Tired of playing too many “wrong” notes during your guitar solos? Good news, there is a way to transform bad notes into cool ones. Learn how to do it in this guitar soloing article.
Learn How To Play Expressive Lydian Guitar Licks
Want to spice up your lead guitar licks and make your playing more dramatic than ever? Lydian is the mode for you. Start playing killer lead guitar licks by watching this Lydian guitar licks video.
Learn Cool Lydian Guitar Licks That Sound Unique
Want to improve your lead guitar playing and develop your own musical style? Get started now by checking out these killer lydian guitar licks.
Learn How To Master Guitar Vibrato Technique
Vibrato guitar technique adds expression and emotion into your playing like nothing else. Learn how to master it and become a better lead guitarist using these guitar vibrato tips.
Guitar Vibrato Mastery Tutorial Video
Want to make every note in your guitar licks sing with incredible musical expression? Vibrato is the answer. Find out how to develop killer vibrato by using this video that walks you through the 10 steps to amazing vibrato technique for guitar.
Learn How To Play Fast Guitar Licks More Melodically
Are you struggling to play guitar solos and licks with tons of speed while still sounding musically expressive? Find out how to play guitar licks and solos more melodically using the advice in this lead guitar video.
How To Make Your Guitar Speed Sound More Melodic
Struggling to make your fast guitar playing sound melodic and expressive? Find out how to do it now by reading this guitar soloing article.
Guitar Tapping Technique Video Tutorial
Using tapping technique for guitar is one of the coolest and easiest ways to play killer licks. Discover how to master this technique using the tips in this free guitar tapping tutorial video.
How To Master Guitar Tapping Technique
Want to develop killer guitar tapping technique that makes people stop and pay attention to your playing? Learn how to do it right now by watching the video in this article about guitar tapping.
How To Play Better Guitar Solos Using 3 Powerful Exercises
Want to play amazing guitar solos like never before? Good news: Massive progress in your lead guitar playing is only a click away. There are 3 exercises you can work on right now to do it. Learn what they are by watching this guitar solo exercises video.
Learn How To Choose The Best Notes For Your Guitar Solos
Choosing the best notes to make your guitar solos really expressive isn't just about learning scale or arpeggio patterns across the fretboard. It's about training your ear to determine what note sounds good to you in any given context. The faster you are able to determine this, the better and more expressive your solos become. Learn more in this video with guitar soloing tips.
How To Play Better Guitar Solos Without Getting Stuck
One of the hardest aspects of playing guitar solos is being able to improvise without falling into the same patterns over and over. This becomes really frustrating when you get stuck and don't know what to do next. Fortunately, there is one approach that eliminates this problem. Find out what it is right now and play better guitar solos more easily by watching this lead guitar soloing video.
Learn How To Play Amazing Guitar Solos By Raising The Quality Of Every Note
Learning how to make every note you play sound amazing helps you build a strong foundation for your soloing, so the quality of your guitar solos goes way up! Discover how to play amazing guitar solos by making every note sound great using the advice in this free guitar soloing video.
Learn How To Improvise Cool Guitar Licks That Sound Musically Expressive
Want to improvise cool guitar licks with ease and impress your friends with cool solos? It's not as hard as you think! Improvisation is fun and easy to practice when you take it just a few notes at a time. Learn how to improvise right away by watching this lead guitar video.
Make Your Guitar Playing Sound Better With These 5 Tricks
Want to make your guitar playing sound great no matter what you play? Learn how to do it right now by downloading this free eGuide for making your guitar playing sound better.
How To Improvise Guitar Solos With Better Artistic Expression
In order to improvise amazing sounding guitar solos, there are several skills you must master. By understanding which skills you need the most work on, you are better able to practice effectively to quickly improve your overall soloing. The greatest guitarists eventually play their guitar solos totally on auto-pilot mode (they no longer have to think about playing the right notes, finding their way on the fretboard, etc.). When you do this, you have complete control over your artistic expression. Learn more about by watching this free guitar solo improvisation video.
How To Improvise Guitar Better In Real-Life Playing Situations
Improvising on guitar in front of others is different than improvising at home. A few differences include more pressure to perform well, standing while playing and moving around on stage. As with any guitar skill, you must practice before your live improvising skills get better. Many guitarists never do this and perform poorly during live shows. Watch this video to learn how to improvise on guitar in live situations.
The Easy Way To Create Awesome Guitar Solo Licks
To improvise amazing guitar solos and licks you must understand how to smoothly integrate musical ideas together within a single solo while clearly expressing your thoughts and emotions. Learn how to do this by reading this article about how to improvise on guitar.
How To Play Amazing Guitar Solos By Studying King Diamond Pt. 2
Studying and learning how to translate the vocal phrasing of excellent singers to guitar makes your guitar solos more emotional. Learn 3 creative ways to use King Diamond’s vocal style to make your lead guitar playing sound amazing. Read this article on how to play creative guitar solos.
Proven Formula For Creating Great Guitar Solos
Great guitar solos aren't created by accident, or by stringing guitar licks together…they are created using specific guitar soloing processes. Most of these methods are simple enough to be used by anyone, including you. Learn the 6-step process all great guitarists follow to create awesome guitar solos.
How To Play Amazing Guitar Solos By Studying King Diamond
Want to make your guitar solos sound more melodic and memorable than ever? King Diamond is easily one of the most underrated melodic metal singers. Not only is he a great singer, but there is MASSIVE value to take away from his vocal style as a guitarist too! Read this article to learn 4 ways you can play badass guitar solos by studying King Diamond.
How To Make Your Lead Guitar Licks Stick Out
Did you know that there are lesser-known, powerful techniques that great guitarists use to get people to pay attention to every single note in their lead guitar licks? It’s actually easier to do this than you think. Find out how you can make your guitar licks really stand out by watching this lead guitar playing video.
How To Make Any Guitar Solo Sound Great
Want to play guitar solos that turn heads? You won’t be able to do this by simply learning licks or memorizing scale patterns. The key to great guitar soloing is understanding HOW to use the notes you play to achieve maximum expression. Learn more by watching this guitar soloing video.
How To Play Killer Exotic Guitar Licks
Want to play killer guitar licks? If you want your lead guitar playing to sound repetitive and boring, keep playing the same pentatonic licks over and over... However, if you want to make your lead guitar playing sound totally killer, your best approach is to use both exotic licks along with creative guitar phrasing. Find out how to do this by reading this lead guitar licks article.
How To Play Killer Shred Guitar Licks
Want to play awesome shred guitar licks that add fire and intensity to your soloing? Study the exercise in this shred guitar article and find out how to create great shred licks without having to play faster.
How To Make Your Guitar Solos Sing
One of the most impressive things you can do on guitar is to create melodies that ‘sing’. Most guitar players focus too much on technique while ignoring the melodic side of their guitar playing. This causes their guitar solos to quickly become uninteresting. Find out how to create better guitar solos by making your guitar sing using the concepts in this guitar solo lesson.
Why So Many Guitar Solos Sound The Same And How To Avoid That
Imagine if your guitar solos could ‘sing’ like a great singer. Fact is, most guitar players create guitar solos based on a bunch of set guitar licks and phrases, but not a combination of guitar phrases and lyrical melodies that would make the solos much better. In this revolutionary new guitar article on how to create guitar solos you will learn a major secret that took me 20 years to discover! Read the full guitar lesson article here.
Guitar Video: How To Create Rock Guitar Soloing And Improvisation Licks
Do you want to learn how to write tons of new rock guitar licks? The truth is, most guitar players try to make new rock guitar licks by cramming together several random musical ideas in hopes that everything ends up sounding decent. That said, this is actually a highly ineffective approach when it comes to improvising and creating guitar licks. Learn how to write a lot of new rock guitar licks while improving your overall soloing skills by watching this video about guitar improvisation.
How To Play Better Guitar Solos Than You Ever Thought Possible
One of the most important parts of a great guitar solo is excellent vibrato technique. Understanding how to play with excellent vibrato can make or break your guitar phrases. That said, most guitar players 'think' they know how to use vibrato creatively, but in reality they truly have no idea. Find out how you can use highly creative vibrato to play killer guitar solos by checking out this instructional article on how to play better guitar solos.
How To Make Your Guitar Solos Sound Better
The best approach to improving your guitar solos is NOT to simply change/add notes. By altering 'how' you play the notes within your solos (rather than 'what' notes you play), you can easily transform them from average to KILLER. Follow the steps in this article to learn how this is done and play killer guitar solos.
How To Create Great Guitar Solos And Improve Your Lead Guitar Playing
Would you like to learn the secrets that great guitar players use to consistently come up with awesome sounding guitar solos? The reason why master guitar players are able to express themselves fully when soloing and improvising is because they approach the process of creating a guitar solo in VERY different ways than what most guitarists do. Read this article to find out how to create great guitar solos.
Guitar Solo Lesson: How To Create Kick Ass Guitar Solos
There are lots of ways to create guitar solos. Most guitarists focus on ‘what to play’ versus ‘how to play things’. Fact is, the nuances of phrasing (‘how’ the notes are played) often matter MORE than the notes we actually play. How many times have you heard someone play a guitar solo ‘without’ much emotion? Often there was nothing wrong with their choice of notes. The solo lacked emotion and interest because the ‘phrasing’ was weak.
Check out this guitar solo lesson.
Killer Lead Guitar Lesson With Backing Tracks
Learn how to improve your guitar phrasing and self-expression on the guitar in this free lead guitar lesson with backing tracks.
How To Instantly Improve Your Guitar Soloing Ability
Are you trying to find a way to become a better lead guitar player? Most guitar players have a hard time playing guitar solos that sound interesting. One reason for this is that they spend too much time worrying about what notes to play, and not enough time focusing on how to create great melodies. Learning to create a truly great melody will set you apart from the vast majority of guitar players out there. Find out how to play great lead guitar with this video guitar solo lesson.
How To Play Better And More Creative Guitar Solos
A lot of guitar players go many years without learning how to play 'great' solos... eventually accepting 'mediocrity' as their default standard for achievement. Fortunately it will only take you a few minutes to learn how to become much more creative in your soloing so you can play great solos any time you feel like it. Watch this guitar licks video and learn how to creatively use vibrato and bending to enhance every lick in a guitar solo.
How To Play Guitar Licks That Demand Attention
Want to have the ability to make your lead guitar playing 'reach out and grab' the attention of anyone who hears you play? You might think that only master guitar players can do this... However, this skill can easily be developed by anyone. All you need to do is understand how to play against the expectation of your listeners and keep them guessing about what you might play next. Learn the powerful lead guitar secrets that will make your playing stand out in this video about playing kickass guitar licks.
How To Play Intense And Emotional Guitar Solos With Only One Note
The coolest thing you can do while playing guitar solos is control the emotions others experience while listening to you. Most guitar players never learn how to do this and end up playing mediocre, uninspired solos at best. Fortunately, you can play emotional solos very easily with only ONE note! Once you really understand how this works, you can play highly expressive guitar solos without relying on speed, technical skill or flashy licks. Start playing intense, emotional guitar solos with only one note by watching this video demonstration.
How To Write Guitar Solos Using The Melody Of A Singer
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your lead guitar playing is trying to write solos by randomly combining together a series of previously memorized licks. The majority of guitar players make this mistake and are unable to play great lead guitar solos. To truly write great guitar solos, you must learn an effective method for thinking of creative and self-expressive phrases. Learn how to do this by watching this video about how to write guitar solos using the vocal melody of your favorite singer.
Guitar Solo Lesson Video
It's not 'what' you play, it's 'how' you play it that matters most. Whether you play rock, metal or any other electric guitar style, you can immediately transform your lead guitar playing by watching this guitar solo lesson. This is among my very best free guitar lessons online.
Learn How To Create Highly Melodic And Lyrical Guitar Solos
Many guitar players create their guitar solos by simply throwing together a bunch of random licks. This often leads to mediocre sounding solos with a weak sense of melody. To create great solos with powerful melodies, you can learn a lot by observing how singers sing their vocal lines. Watch this video and learn how to create guitar solos.
How To Play More Creative Lead Guitar Solos
Before you can play amazing guitar solos, you must learn how to enhance every lick you play using creative vibrato and bend techniques. Watch this guitar soloing video to learn how to use them so you can play killer solos every time you pick up your guitar.
How To Play Powerful And Intense Lead Guitar Licks
To play powerful guitar licks that demand attention you only need to make slight changes to how you play 'one' note in your phrase. Watch this lead guitar licks video and see a demonstration for how this process works.
How Close Are You To Mastering Electric Lead Guitar Technique?
If all you do is measure your guitar technique progress using a metronome to track speed, you are totally on the wrong track and are missing the majority of what is needed to improve this area of your guitar playing. Take this test to learn how close you are to mastering lead guitar technique.
FREE Guitar Solo Tips
Transform your guitar soloing by discovering secrets most guitar players will never know about how to create and play great guitar solos. Get your free guitar solo tips here.
FREE Guitar Playing Tips
These 15 great guitar playing tips will immediately enable you to improve your guitar playing. Get your first guitar playing tip now.
Vibrato Control
Vibrato is probably the most expressive technique on guitar. Many guitarists, however, don't spend much time trying to master this technique at all. Fact is, you will be judged more on your vibrato technique than on any other single technique. Check out the complete guitar playing article on guitar vibrato technique.

How To Write Great Guitar Solos
Imagine yourself creating guitar solos that are so unique, awesome and impressive that they grab people by the throat, shoot lightning bolts down their spine and compel them to love every note you play! ... Isn't that what you want? Of course you do, EVERYBODY wants this! And that is what the How To Write Great Guitar Solos video series will help you to do. You will discover totally new ideas for creating great guitar solos that you've never even thought about (or heard of before) so that your guitar solos immediately start to stand out from those of ‘average’ guitarists. You will also learn how to always choose the right notes to play in the right moment, how to seamlessly connect one note to the next and how to ornament every note in just the right way to make your guitar solos unforgettable! Myself and Fabio Lione (singer from Rhapsody Of Fire) will show you real life examples of how each element can be integrated into your guitar playing so that you can immediately start writing better guitar solos using these ideas.
Guitar Phrasing Concepts For Rock Lead Guitar Soloing
Learn how to make your guitar licks and solos sound highly expressive and develop a lead guitar style that is uniquely yours! This course will show you the real secret to great guitar soloing - the art of guitar phrasing. This is not a set of ‘100 hot licks’ to play, nor is this anything like other lead guitar lessons you may have seen that tell you to ‘use vibrato and string bends’ to improve your guitar solos. You will learn so much more about what really goes through the minds of your favorite guitar players as they create their mind-blowing guitar licks, such as how to make the best note choices for any guitar solo you play or improvise, how to develop your own lead guitar style and how to make your guitar playing always match the music you hear in your head. After studying this course, you will have the skills needed to express yourself more accurately and completely with your guitar playing.

Master Guitar Soloing Now
The Master Guitar Soloing Now Course is a revolutionary guitar course to help you literally transform any guitar lick you already know into an amazing super awesome guitar lick! If you really analyze your favorite guitar players, you will discover that almost everything they play is derived from basic ideas. In other words, even if it 'sounds' complicated or advanced, the fundamental ideas they are using are typically simple. Your favorite guitar players simply 'embellish' those basic ideas by using a set of elements that anyone (including you) can also learn to use - and use very well. This amazing course on how to improve your guitar soloing will give you basic ideas to start with and then take you through a process where you will see, hear and experience how to transform the basic lick into an awesome guitar lick! You'll see each basic idea go through 4 evolutionary stages. This will help you to clearly understand what you can do with every lick you already know to transform each of them into super cool amazing licks too.

Online Guitar Lessons
Become the guitarist you want to be with the most effective, goal oriented, results driven guitar lessons online. Here is how it works: you tell me about yourself, your musical goals, skills, knowledge, style and your current guitar playing frustrations & challenges, and I will custom design the most effective lessons specifically for you. This will help you reach your goals fast. I will closely monitor your progress, give you my expert feedback on your guitar playing and provide you with lots of personal support to enable you to get the results you want in your guitar playing.
The Guitar Playing Accelerator
The most powerful invention for improving your guitar playing since the existence of guitar lessons... The Guitar Playing Accelerator ensures you get better faster... EVERY SINGLE TIME you practice your guitar. The one crucial element missing in your guitar practice that would guarantee you make bigger, broader and faster improvements as a guitar player is comprehensive tracking, monitoring and analysis of your guitar playing and practice. This key element ensures you make the big improvements you could be (and SHOULD be) making daily. Tracking all the important elements that make up your guitar playing skills is a proven method to make you more motivated, excited, encouraged and confident than other guitar players to continue to learn, improve and master your guitar playing. This is the only tool in the world that does this for you.

Practice Generator
Practicing guitar but still not getting anywhere? What you need is a way to create personalized guitar practice schedules that will consistently, automatically and accurately take into account your current skill level and knowledge for each item you need to practice while ensuring that your practice schedules will always be personalized to you, your skills and your knowledge. This is critically important in order for you to get the most from your practicing. You also need a way for your practice schedules to ‘evolve’ as your guitar playing evolves so that they remain relevant and highly effective in helping you make progress every step of the way as you reach your musical goals. The Practice Generator gives you all of the above, while also providing you with a way to keep yourself accountable as you work through your practice schedules (plus a lot more). Your guitar playing will go through the roof when you FINALLY start following the practice schedules that help you maximize the results you get from every minute of practice time.