Blues Guitar Playing Resources

Tired of the same blues guitar playing materials that teach you nothing more than boring scales and cliche licks? Check out the resources below and go deep into developing your blues guitar playing skills:

Learn How To Improve Your Guitar Phrasing
Materials On How To Build Lots Of Guitar SpeedThe key to emotional guitar soloing is mastery of guitar phrasing. These resources will help you master this critical element of your lead guitar playing. Learn more.
How To Build Lots Of Guitar Speed
Materials On How To Build Lots Of Guitar SpeedIf you think that fast guitar playing lacks emotion, then this is not for you. But if you are DYING to learn ALL the secrets that lead to ripping fast, face-melting virtuoso guitar speed, the resources on this page will get you there. Learn more.
How To Sweep Pick Arpeggios Cleanly And Fast
Sweep Pick Arpeggios Materials by Tom HessWant to play killer sweep picking arpeggios that sound fast and clean? Study these proven resources that will take your sweep picking technique and launch it into the stratosphere. Learn more.
Become A Creative Guitarist And Musician
Sweep Pick Arpeggios Materials by Tom HessForget the myth that you must be “born” with musical creativity. Study these resources about expressing yourself through music and learn how to become a highly expressive guitarist and musician. Learn more.
How To Create Amazing Lead Guitar Solos
Creating Amazing Lead Guitar Solos by Tom HessStudy these lead guitar soloing resources and learn how to create breathtaking guitar solos that you will LOVE to call your own. There are no other guitar lessons like this anywhere online. Learn more.
Songwriting Resources For Guitarists
Materials On Becoming A Creative Guitarist And MusicianStudy these songwriting resources for guitar players and learn how to write your own creative songs and express the music you hear in your head. Learn more.
How To Practice Guitar Effectively
Creating Amazing Lead Guitar Solos by Tom HessThese resources will show you how to maximize the results you get from every minute of practicing guitar. Learn more.
Overcome Your Guitar Playing Frustrations
Materials On Becoming A Creative Guitarist And MusicianThese resources will help you overcome your guitar playing frustrations and reach your musical goals faster, while enjoying the process of getting there. Learn more.
What You MUST Know About Taking Guitar Lessons
Creating Amazing Lead Guitar Solos by Tom HessChoosing a guitar teacher is one of the most important decisions you can make about your guitar playing. Carefully study these resources and learn everything you need to know to choose the best guitar teacher for you. Learn more.
Learn To Play Rhythm Guitar
Materials On Becoming A Creative Guitarist And MusicianStudy these rhythm guitar playing resources and learn how to play super tight, ass-stomping rhythm guitar riffs. Learn more.

Guitar Double Stops With Vibrato How To Apply Vibrato To Guitar Double Stops USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want to play amazing blues guitar licks? Learning how to apply vibrato to double stops helps you do it. Learn how it’s done in this article about using double stop vibrato with guitar licks.

Guitar Double Stops With Vibrato Learn How To Play Guitar Double Stops With Vibrato USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want to make your guitar playing sound awesome when you use double stops? Learn how by watching this demonstration that combines guitar double stops and vibrato.

Pentatonic guitar licks video Learn How To Play Creative Pentatonic Guitar Licks USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want to make your blues guitar playing sound a lot more impressive? Check out the tips in this article about playing pentatonic guitar licks.

Pentatonic guitar licks video Learn How To Play Cool Pentatonic Scale Licks For Guitar USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want to learn easily play cool pentatonic scale licks for guitar? Learn 7 new ones right now by watching this pentatonic guitar licks video.

Pentatonic guitar licks video Learn How To Play Pentatonic Guitar Licks USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want to learn pentatonic guitar licks that sound awesome and add tons of expression into your solos? Learn them now by checking out these 5 pentatonic guitar licks.

 How To Play Blues Guitar Solos That Sound Mean And Aggressive Play Cool Blues Guitar Solos Using 5 Easy Exercises USA Flag
Love the sound of pentatonic and blues guitar solos? Learn how to make your solos sound amazing using these cool pentatonic guitar licks.

How to use arpeggios for blues guitarHow To Use Arpeggios In Blues Guitar Playing USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Playing blues guitar does not limit you to only using the same minor pentatonic scale patterns over and over. There are many other things you can do to make your blues guitar playing sound unique and creative. Learn how to use arpeggios in your blues solos by watching this free blues guitar playing video.

Killer and creative blues guitar double stopsHow To Play Creative Blues Double Stop Licks USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Fact: Most blues guitar players merely copy double stop licks from other guitarists without learning how to use them creatively in music. To play killer blues guitar double stops, you must learn how to get the maximum amount of expression and intensity from the technique. Check out this blues guitar double stops article to learn how play the coolest, most intense and most expressive double stop licks.

Classic rock guitar licks video How To Play Awesome Classic Rock Guitar Riffs USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Wish you knew how to play killer classic rock guitar riffs like your favorite bands? To do this, you’ll need to learn the secret to expressing yourself as much as possible with only a few notes. Learn it now by watching this classic rock guitar licks video.

 How To Play Blues Guitar Solos That Sound Mean And AggressiveHow To Play Killer Blues Guitar Licks  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want to know how to play killer blues guitar licks that sound aggressive 'and' clean at the same time? Most guitarists believe that you can only do one or the other, and are never able to play their solos with maximum expression. However, you CAN play awesome blues guitar licks with both qualities and I'll show you how. Read this blues guitar licks article.

How to play more expressive guitar licksHow To Make Your Blues Licks More Expressive  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want the power to create tons of highly creative blues guitar licks whenever you want? You can easily do this by learning just a few techniques for making your blues guitar playing more expressive. Learn these techniques by checking out this blues guitar video.

Tom Hess Teaching How To Play Blues GuitarHow To Make Your Blues Guitar Licks More Creative USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want to enhance your blues guitar licks by making them sound more unique and creative? After playing the same common blues lick patterns for a long time, you will eventually grow tired of them. Much worse, your playing will become less inspiring because you are simply playing the same licks that everyone else plays. To make your blues guitar playing sound more unique and self-expressive, you need to learn several techniques. Learn these techniques so you can apply them to play creative blues gutar licks.

Tom Hess Playing Double StopsHow To Make Your Blues Double Stop Licks Sound Intense USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
The majority of blues guitar players can play basic double stop licks, but very few can play killer double stop licks like the ones in this video. You've likely heard how great blues guitar players are able to get tons of expression out of just one or two notes. Now it's time for you to learn how to do this for yourself. Check out this blues guitar double stops video to learn how play unique and highly aggressive double stops.

Tom Hess Playing Blues GuitarHow To Play Aggressive Blues Guitar Licks Cleanly USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want to play mean and aggressive blues guitar licks? Most guitarists feel they must either play aggressively or cleanly while playing blues licks. Truth is, you can easily play with both great intensity AND accuracy. To do this you must learn how to play with power in the picking hand while using flawless muting technique to prevent any excess string noise from sounding. Learn how to do this by watching the demonstration in this killer blues guitar riffs video.

 How To Play Intense Blues Guitar Licks VideoMake Your Blues Guitar Licks Sound Totally Badass USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
To make your blues guitar licks sound totally badass you MUST play them with a lot of aggression. However, you must also make sure that you play them cleanly otherwise your playing will sound sloppy and all expression will be lost. Watch this killer blues guitar licks video and I'll show you how this is done.

How To Play Cool Blues Double Stop Riffs VideoHow To Play Cool Blues Double Stop Riffs USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Blues guitar players usually only know how to play common double stop riffs, while only the most expressive blues guitarists understand how to creatively use double stops to add intensity and aggression into their playing. Don't limit yourself to only using common double stop patterns - Watch this video to learn how to make creative, expressive and intense blues guitar double stop riffs.

Lead Guitar Legato Phrasing CourseKiller Rock Lead Guitar Legato Phrasing

Learn how to apply and integrate legato technique into your guitar soloing style and combine it with lots of other techniques and phrasing elements to express yourself fully and completely. This course will teach you to create your own unique phrasing style by showing you the “secrets” of legato masters like Joe Satriani, Shawn Lane and George Lynch and how they use their awesome technique to create fluid and fiery legato guitar phrases.In addition to learning the concepts that will improve your phrasing, you will get inspiring backing tracks to practice the examples from this course and improvise your own guitar solos to so that you immediately hear the results of the ideas you learn. More importantly, you will get to see ‘real world’ examples of legato guitar phrasing from actual songs and solos—all broken down and explained in full detail. You cannot find this type of instruction anywhere else!

Guitar Phrasing Concepts For Rock Lead Guitar Soloing

Guitar Phrasing Concepts For Rock Lead Guitar Soloing

Learn how to make your guitar licks and solos sound highly expressive and develop a lead guitar style that is uniquely yours! This course will show you the real secret to great guitar soloing - the art of guitar phrasing. This is not a set of ‘100 hot licks’ to play, nor is this anything like other lead guitar lessons you may have seen that tell you to ‘use vibrato and string bends’ to improve your guitar solos. You will learn so much more about what really goes through the minds of your favorite guitar players as they create their mind-blowing guitar licks, such as how to make the best note choices for any guitar solo you play or improvise, how to develop your own lead guitar style and how to make your guitar playing always match the music you hear in your head. After studying this course, you will have the skills needed to express yourself more accurately and completely with your guitar playing.

How To Write Great Guitar Solos

How To Write Great Guitar Solos

Imagine yourself creating guitar solos that are so unique, awesome and impressive that they grab people by the throat, shoot lightning bolts down their spine and compel them to love every note you play! ... Isn't that what you want? Of course you do, EVERYBODY wants this! And that is what the How To Write Great Guitar Solos video series will help you to do. You will discover totally new ideas for creating great guitar solos that you've never even thought about (or heard of before) so that your guitar solos immediately start to stand out from those of ‘average’ guitarists. You will also learn how to always choose the right notes to play in the right moment, how to seamlessly connect one note to the next and how to ornament every note in just the right way to make your guitar solos unforgettable! Myself and Fabio Lione (singer from Rhapsody Of Fire) will show you real life examples of how each element can be integrated into your guitar playing so that you can immediately start writing better guitar solos using these ideas.

Guitar Playing Photo

Online Guitar Lessons

Become the guitarist you want to be with the most effective, goal oriented, results driven guitar lessons online. Here is how it works: you tell me about yourself, your musical goals, skills, knowledge, style and your current guitar playing frustrations & challenges, and I will custom design the most effective lessons specifically for you. This will help you reach your goals fast. I will closely monitor your progress, give you my expert feedback on your guitar playing and provide you with lots of personal support to enable you to get the results you want in your guitar playing.

The Guitar Playing Accelerator

The Guitar Playing Accelerator

The most powerful invention for improving your guitar playing since the existence of guitar lessons... The Guitar Playing Accelerator ensures you get better faster... EVERY SINGLE TIME you practice your guitar. The one crucial element missing in your guitar practice that would guarantee you make bigger, broader and faster improvements as a guitar player is comprehensive tracking, monitoring and analysis of your guitar playing and practice. This key element ensures you make the big improvements you could be (and SHOULD be) making daily. Tracking all the important elements that make up your guitar playing skills is a proven method to make you more motivated, excited, encouraged and confident than other guitar players to continue to learn, improve and master your guitar playing. This is the only tool in the world that does this for you.

Guitar Practice Generator

Practice Generator

Practicing guitar but still not getting anywhere? What you need is a way to create personalized guitar practice schedules that will consistently, automatically and accurately take into account your current skill level and knowledge for each item you need to practice while ensuring that your practice schedules will always be personalized to you, your skills and your knowledge. This is critically important in order for you to get the most from your practicing. You also need a way for your practice schedules to ‘evolve’ as your guitar playing evolves so that they remain relevant and highly effective in helping you make progress every step of the way as you reach your musical goals. The Practice Generator gives you all of the above, while also providing you with a way to keep yourself accountable as you work through your practice schedules (plus a lot more). Your guitar playing will go through the roof when you FINALLY start following the practice schedules that help you maximize the results you get from every minute of practice time.

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