How To Build Lots Of Guitar Speed
If you think that fast guitar playing lacks emotion, leave this page now. But if you are DYING to learn ALL the secrets that lead to ripping fast, face-melting virtuoso guitar speed, the resources on this page will get you there:

Get Consistent Guitar Speed With 2-Hand Sync
Want to play guitar with fast speed but make too many mistakes? Learn how to make your speed consistent by watching this video about 2-hand synchronization for guitar.
Get Fast And Consistent Guitar Speed
Want to play guitar with fast speed but make too many mistakes? Learn how to make your speed consistent by reading this article about 2-hand synchronization for guitar.
Develop Fretting Hand Guitar Technique
Want to play guitar fast and smooth technique in your fretting hand? Find out how to do it by watching this fretting hand guitar speed video.
Get Faster Fretting Hand Guitar Speed
Want to play guitar faster in your fretting hand? Find out how to do it by checking out the powerful advice in this article about fretting hand guitar speed.
How To Master Legato Guitar Technique
Ready to develop fast and clean legato guitar technique? Get started doing it today by checking out these 7 legato guitar technique secrets.
How To Play Fast Legato Guitar Licks
Want to playwith faster legato guitar technique? Find out how to do it by reading the tips on this page about legato guitar technique.
How To Practice Guitar Speed Effectively
Want to get faster on guitar but hate practicing at slow speeds? You don't have to. Learn why by watching this guitar speed practice video.
10-Step Guide To Two-Hand Synchronization For Fast Guitar Speed
Want to make playing with fast guitar speed feel easy and effortless. Learn how to do it by mastering two-hand synchronization for guitar.
Two-Hand Synchronization Guitar Licks Like Zakk Wylde
Want to play fast on guitar without a struggle? Learn licks that help you do it by watching this two-hand guitar synchronization video.
Play Guitar Licks Fast With Melody
Want to play fast guitar licks and solos that sound melodic too? Find out how to do it by watching this melodic guitar speed video.
Fix Fretting Hand Guitar Technique
Wish you could play fast on guitar with less mistakes? Making your fretting technique more efficient does it. Learn how to master fretting hand guitar technique.
Play Guitar Faster Without Tension
Want to play guitar with clean speed like your favorite players? Learn how to do it by reading this article about getting rid of tension during fast guitar playing.
Play Guitar Faster Without Tension
Want to play guitar with clean speed like your favorite players? Learn how to do it by reading this article about getting rid of tension during fast guitar playing.
Free Video: How To Correct Flying Fingers On Guitar
Fixing flailing/flying fingers on guitar is easy and makes playing fast less difficult. Learn why and how to do it by watching this free video about fixing flailing fingers.
Fix Flailing Fingers On Guitar
Playing guitar fast is easier when you keep your fingers closer to the fretboard. Learn how to do it in this article about fixing flailing fingers on guitar.
Get Faster Guitar Speed With Easy Licks
Wish you could play guitar a lot faster but don't know advanced technique? No problem. Get faster using these simple guitar speed licks.
Use 2 String Guitar Licks For Faster Speed
Want to play guitar at a faster speed but don't know how to practice to get there? Find out one way to do it by reading this guitar licks speed article.
How To Practice Guitar Speed Effectively
Having a difficult time playing guitar with the speed you want? Learn how to practice effectively to increase your guitar speed fast.
Learn An Effective Guitar Speed Practice Approach
Want to play guitar faster and cleaner than ever? Learn how to practice to do it using this guitar speed practice video.
Learn Effective Guitar Picking Exercises
Want to pick fast on guitar with better accuracy and faster speed? Learn 5 ways to do it in this guitar picking exercises article.
Free Video: Guitar Picking Technique Exercises
Learn how to develop insane picking speed, accuracy and efficiency using this free video about guitar picking technique.
Learn How To Play Neoclassical Guitar Licks
Want to play cool neoclassical guitar licks that impress anyone listening? Learn how today by checking out these 7 neoclassical guitar licks.
How To Play Cool Neoclassical Guitar Licks
Your guitar licks and solos sound great when you use a neoclassical style within them - Transform the sound of your lead guitar playing forever by using the licks in this neoclassical guitar licks video.
Learn How To String Skip Fast On Guitar
Want to string skip at fast speeds without making as many mistakes? Learn how to do it now by watching the video in this string skipping guitar article.
How To String Skip On Guitar Fast And Clean
Want to master string skipping for guitar? The key to playing guitar with speed is to first develop a foundation of efficient movement. Learn how to become a faster, cleaner guitar player right away by watching this video about string skipping for guitar.
2-Hand Sync Video: Learn How To Play Guitar Fast With Ease
Wondering how some guitar players seem to pick with insane speed and consistency? It’s all in the efficiency of your picking motion. Get faster picking speed by learning about it in this guitar picking article.
Guide To Two-Hand Synchronization For Guitar
Wondering how some guitar players seem to pick with insane speed and consistency? It’s all in the efficiency of your picking motion. Get faster picking speed by learning about it in this guitar picking article.
Discover How To Pick For Top Guitar Speed
Wondering how some guitar players seem to pick with insane speed and consistency? It’s all in the efficiency of your picking motion. Get faster picking speed by learning about it in this guitar picking article.
How To Pick Effectively On Guitar To Achieve Fast & Smooth Speed
Wish you had guitar picking technique that gave you super fast, consistent and clean playing that felt totally effortless? Get started developing your speed by watching this guitar picking technique video.
How To Make Fast Guitar Playing Easier Than Ever
Having both of your hands in sync together is critical for fast and effortless guitar speed. Learn how to lock your hands together using the advice in this guitar speed article.
How To Play Guitar Fast More Easily With Correct Fretting Hand Position
Having correct fretting hand technique makes playing guitar fast feel easier. Get excellent fretting hand technique by watching this video about how to use correct fretting hand position on guitar.
Overcome Your Guitar Speed Plateaus In Only One Day
Getting stuck with your guitar speed is very frustrating. Good news: There are simple steps tp follow to get unstuck within just a day. Learn them in this article and start increasing your guitar speed now.
How To Practice To Make Guitar Speed Easier And Cleaner
Are you struggling to play a specific guitar lick, exercise or pattern with the speed and accuracy you want to? Watch this video to learn how to practice for better and cleaner guitar speed.
Learn The #1 Shortcut To Killer Guitar Picking Speed
Want to get lightning fast picking speed for guitar? You just need to master one concept. Learn what it is and playing faster than ever by reading this guitar speed article.
Get Faster On Guitar: Economy Picking Vs. Directional Picking
Getting faster on guitar is about efficiency, not simply moving your hands faster. So, what is the best picking technique to use to get faster? Find out for yourself now and become a faster, cleaner guitar player by watching this guitar speed picking video.
How To Master Directional Guitar Picking Technique
Having a hard time playing fast on guitar without struggling to play some of the notes in your licks, exercises or scales? You need to stop breaking up the momentum in your picking hand. How do you do this? By using directional picking to maintain constant momentum for effortless speed. Learn how to master this technique in this guitar speed video.
Increase Your Guitar Speed Without Moving Your Hands Faster
Playing guitar at super-fast speeds isn't just about moving your hands quickly. Locking both hands in sync helps you achieve incredibly fast and clean speeds. However, most players don't know how to separate movement in both hands in order to master them. Knowing how to do this unlocks your potential for playing at speeds you never even imagined. Learn how to do it by watching this guitar speed video.
How To Clean Up Fast Guitar Playing For Good
Playing guitar fast and clean requires keeping both of your hands in perfect synchronization together. This means fretting a note at the exact moment when you pick the string. There are several ways to effectively practice this to clean up your playing. Learn one right now by watching this guitar technique video.
How To Use Directional Picking To Play Fast And Clean
Want to make fast guitar playing feel easy and effortless? The key is NOT to try moving your hands faster or increase alternate picking speed. Instead, you need to pick more efficiently. The best technique to help you do this is directional picking. Learn how to use it to pick faster and cleaner than ever before by watching this instructional directional picking video.
Make Clean Guitar Playing Easier Using Correct Picking Technique
Are you having a hard time playing scales fast and clean? This is very common for guitarists who are using ineffective motion in their picking technique. For example: picking by using the thumb and index finger as the primary source of motion. Instead, you should be picking either from your wrist or your forearm (or both). Watch this free video about playing guitar clean to see how to pick effectively to make clean playing feel easier.
One Easy Trick That Makes Fast Guitar Playing Much Easier
Fact: It's much easier to play something without making mistakes one time than it is to play it many times in a row. This is why playing a sweep picking arpeggio over and over is hard to do without making mistakes compared to playing it just once. Watch this guitar playing video to learn how this concept is used with an easy trick that makes playing fast and clean much easier.
How To Play Guitar Fast And Clean With Better Picking Technique
Playing guitar cleanly at fast speeds requires developing efficient picking technique that contains no excess movement/motion. This means keeping your pick in the trenches of the strings as much as possible and using minimal movement while transferring from one string to the next. Watch this guitar technique video to see how this is done and become a faster, more clean guitar player.
How To Play Guitar Fast & Clean By Keeping Your Hands In Sync
It's hard to play guitar fast and clean when you don't have both hands working in perfect synchronization. To get good at this, you must practice feeling what it's like when your hands are in sync and out of sync. Learn more by watching this video on how to play guitar fast and clean.
The Easy Way To Increase Guitar Speed
Mastering two-hand synchronization helps you increase guitar speed and makes fast playing feel effortless. Learn 7 effective practice strategies for increasing guitar speed by reading this article about how to play guitar fast.
How To Fix Guitar Playing Mistakes That Occur During Fast Playing
It is a mistake to assume that fixing guitar playing mistakes always requires practicing slowly at first and working up to speed gradually over time. This practice approach actually may cause you to make slower progress than you would otherwise. Some mistakes will only occur at faster speeds. Learn how to fix mistakes that occur while playing guitar fast.
How To Master Guitar Technique + Play Fast And Clean
Mastering guitar technique is NOT about practicing more hours per day. When you focus on the right things, at the right time and in the right manner, it becomes easy to improve guitar technique. Read this article to learn how to master guitar technique faster than ever.
How To Fix Sloppy Guitar Playing
Want to quickly fix your sloppy guitar playing and become a better guitarist? To do this, you must first understand how to identify mistakes in your guitar technique. Learn how by checking out this page about playing guitar cleanly.
How To Make Fast Guitar Playing Easy Using Directional Picking
Becoming a fast guitar player requires using efficient picking technique. To make your picking technique more efficient, you need to master directional picking. Learn the 5 things you must do to master this technique so you can become a faster player by reading this speed picking guitar article.
Master Fretting Hand Finger Independence For Guitar
You don’t need lots of exercises or hand strengthening gadgets to develop fretting hand finger independence. You can develop finger independence with any exercise… if you practice it the right way. This guide to fretting hand finger independence makes your guitar playing feel incredibly easy.
The Guide To Playing Guitar Without Mistakes
Doesn’t it drive you crazy when the songs, guitar solos or exercises you play on your guitar sound good on one day, but sound like total crap the next day? We’ve all had this problem… here is the solution that will make your playing totally consistent and reliable, even on your worst days. Learn how to play guitar perfectly.
3 Reasons Why Your Hands Get Out Of Sync When Playing Guitar Fast
In order to play guitar both fast and clean you MUST be able to perfectly synchronize both your picking and fretting hands. Most guitarists cannot do this and struggle to achieve their musical goals as a result. Learn the 3 biggest reasons why you are constantly struggling to achieve flawless 2 hand synchronization in your guitar playing and how to overcome these challenges so you can play guitar fast and clean.
Advanced Guitar Speed Secrets Video
Understanding how to quickly build massive amounts of speed on the guitar is a big mystery for most guitarists. You're about to solve the mystery for yourself in just a matter of minutes. Learn how to play guitar fast by watching this free guitar speed video lesson. This is another one of my best free guitar lessons online.
How To Play Guitar Fast And Clean Using Two Hand Synchronization
Before you can play super fast guitar speeds while maintaining your accuracy, you must not only learn how to eliminate excess string noise (using muting in both hands), but MASTER two hand synchronization. Learn the several key adjustments you must make in your guitar playing to do this by reading this article about playing guitar faster.
10 Things All Fast Guitar Players Do
Simply looking for tons of speed-building exercises will not make you play guitar faster. Instead, start learning the principles that the world’s greatest guitarists use. Once you learn these, you will increase your OWN guitar speed. Use the 10 Commandments of guitar speed and learn how to shred on guitar.
Build Lightning Fast Guitar Picking Technique
Don't take longer than necessary to build fast guitar picking technique. Fact is, most guitarists waste tons of time trying to do this, causing themselves a lot of frustration in the process. However, developing fast and efficient picking technique is easier than you think. Learn how by reading this article about building guitar speed.
How To Make Fast Guitar Playing Feel Easy
If you always use the traditional speed building method of starting to practice slowly and increase speed incrementally, you will struggle to build fast guitar speed and stay relaxed while playing at higher tempos. To avoid the limitations of the traditional method, learn this new approach for building guitar speed and making it feel easy.
How To Practice for Maximum Guitar Speed - Part 1
Shred guitar insider secrets of how to build your maximum guitar speed. Practice guitar speed exercises the way top shredders do. Read the article article on how to build your max guitar speed with guitar speed exercises.
How To Practice for Maximum Guitar Speed - Part 2: Speed Builder Strategy 2
Develop your maximum guitar speed by practicing this guitar speed exercise. Many top shredders practice this exercise to develop their speed. This is part 2 of How To Practice for Maximum Guitar Speed. Read the guitar playing article to get started with your guitar speed exercise regimen.
How To Practice for Maximum Guitar Speed - Part 3
Have you ever noticed that playing something clean and fast is much harder when playing an actual song compared to when you practice that same guitar lick or solo over and over again? Learn more about how to increase your guitar speed and solving this problem in part 3 of this guitar articles series.
How To Practice For Maximum Guitar Speed - Avoiding Common Mistakes In Learning To Play Guitar Fast
Are you frustrated with not being able to play guitar as fast as you want? Do you feel that your lack of guitar speed is limiting your ability to express yourself musically? Although playing guitar fast is not everyone's most important guitar playing goal, those who do desire greater guitar speed typically want it badly and are often frustrated with their inability to improve fast enough in this area of their guitar playing. If this describes you, read this article about increasing your guitar speed.
The Best Approach For Building Guitar Speed
If you use the conventional speed building approaches used by most guitarists, it will take you a very long time to build speed (if ever). The key to developing guitar speed is to balance 'always' practicing slow with always practicing fast in order to get the best of both worlds. Here is you can do this in order to increase guitar speed quickly and effectively.
How To Make Fast Guitar Playing Feel Easy
In order to play guitar both fast and clean you MUST be able to perfectly synchronize both your picking and fretting hands. Most guitarists cannot do this and struggle to achieve their musical goals as a result. Getting your hands in sync will allow you to make your fast guitar playing feel incredibly easy. Learn the 3 biggest reasons why you are constantly struggling to achieve flawless 2 hand synchronization in your guitar playing and how to overcome these challenges so you can play guitar fast and clean.
The Secrets To Fast Guitar Playing
Do you want to know how to effectively increase your guitar playing speed in the shortest amount of time possible? Fact is, the overwhelming majority of guitar players want to increase their guitar speed, but have no idea which approach they should take to get the best results. Don't allow yourself to continue using ineffective speed building methods any longer! Watch this guitar speed exercises video, and I'll show you a highly effective strategy for quickly developing MASSIVE amounts of guitar speed.
How To Shred On Guitar Like A Pro
One of the biggest misconceptions you can have about playing great shred guitar licks is thinking that you must 'always' be playing as fast as possible. This mindset will only lead you to play uninspiring licks that sound more like 'exercises' than 'music'. Truth is, playing killer shred guitar phrases is a combination of speed AND creative guitar phrasing ability. Learn how to combine these two elements together by watching this video demonstration on the topic of playing killer shred guitar licks.
How To Play Guitar Fast Without Sounding Sloppy
In order to play at super fast guitar speeds AND avoid sounding sloppy, you need to understand two things: how to minimize unwanted string noise and keep both hands in perfect synchronization (the ability to fret and pick each note together at the exact same moment). Fortunately, this is much easier to do than you might think. Learn how to play fast by mastering two hand synchronization by watching this video about how to play guitar fast and clean.
How To Increase Guitar Speed By Reducing Picking Hand Movements
If you want to play guitar fast, you will need to get rid of all the extra movements in your picking hand. This will require you to alter your current guitar picking technique to where every picking motion has a specific purpose (with no unnecessary movements). Once you are able to play guitar in this manner, you will start to see your guitar speed progress in a very short amount of time. Watch this video guitar lesson on how to increase guitar speed and see this demonstrated on the guitar.
Play Shred Guitar Better By Avoiding This Crucial Mistake
Many guitar players want to be able to play shred guitar solos like the pros. Unfortunately, if you make the same mistake that these guitarists make, you will greatly limit your potential to accurately play fast guitar solos. One key to efficiently playing shred guitar is learning how to avoid excessive muscle tension or unnecessary motion. Watch this video guitar lesson on how to play shred guitar and I'll show you exactly how you can avoid these problems and learn to play guitar fast.
Guitar Practice Approach For Learning How To Play Guitar Fast
One of the most common ways guitar players practice for speed is by playing slowly and gradually speeding up over time. When you use this practice method exclusively, you are actually placing limits on yourself, and may never reach your guitar speed goals. A more effective approach involves integrating several guitar speed building methods into your guitar practice sessions. In this video guitar lesson on how to play guitar faster I will show you exactly how to do this.
How To Play Guitar Cleanly By Improving Your Guitar Picking Technique
One of the biggest problems that most guitarists run into as they try to play guitar fast is sloppy noise that comes from the strings that are not being played. Fortunately there is an effective way to practice guitar that will allow you to keep your guitar playing clean at any speed. Watch this guitar picking technique video guitar lesson to avoid sloppy guitar playing and improve your speed picking.
How To Tremolo Pick So Fast Your Strings Melt
Do you think that, by simply moving your hands faster, you will be able to tremolo pick faster? If you do, you're dead wrong. I'll show you exactly what you need to be doing instead that will REALLY increase your tremolo picking speed. Using this method will allow you to feel effortless even while playing at extremely high speeds. Start using economy of motion and learn how to tremolo pick at breakneck speed in this guitar technique.
Play Guitar Fast Without Making Mistakes
Before you can play guitar fast without sacrificing accuracy, you must learn how to practice as effectively as possible. For example, you must train your brain to process notes at higher speeds and eliminate slow, sloppy movements in your hands. Learn more about playing fast without making mistakes by watching this guitar speed video.
How To Double Your Guitar Speed While Cutting Your Practice Time In Half
Ever wonder why some guitarists seem to be able to increase their playing speed while practicing much less than you? It's not because they are much more talented and that you lack talent. To play with greater guitar speed while practicing less, you simply need to practice more efficiently. Learn how by taking this course about doubling your guitar speed.
14 Day Mini Course How To Play Guitar Fast
Learn the secrets of building guitar speed that most guitar players will never know about. Increasing your guitar speed is easier than you think if you understand exactly how to practice guitar to develop this skill. Find out how in this free mini course on how to play guitar fast.
How To Tremolo Pick Fast On Guitar
Want to tremolo pick faster on guitar? Then STOP trying to "move your hands faster" - this will never work. I’ll show you the 4 steps you need to take to REALLY improve your tremolo technique so you can play lightning fast and make it feel super easy. Practice this exercise to greatly improve your tremolo picking.
Rock and Metal Guitar Licks
You can learn guitar licks anywhere, but what is extremely hard to find is a resource that will teach you both: new cool rock guitar licks AND ‘how to use them’ in any song! This course will walk you through the process of taking 20 awesome rock and metal guitar licks and applying each one to 10 (very different) backing tracks using a variety of keys, tempos, rhythms and contexts. This gives you 200 short, easy to understand guitar solo lessons and examples and you can begin to use these innovative ideas in your guitar playing right away. After studying this course you will be able to take any guitar lick you learn and immediately know how to use it in any context and make it fit the song perfectly! This is the exact skill that your favorite guitar players have mastered and now you can do the same and forever change the way you approach soloing on guitar. No matter if you are an intermediate or advanced guitarist, you will greatly benefit from studying this one-of-a-kind course.
Master Guitar Soloing Now
The Master Guitar Soloing Now Course is a revolutionary guitar course to help you literally transform any guitar lick you already know into an amazing super awesome guitar lick! If you really analyze your favorite guitar players, you will discover that almost everything they play is derived from basic ideas. In other words, even if it 'sounds' complicated or advanced, the fundamental ideas they are using are typically simple. Your favorite guitar players simply 'embellish' those basic ideas by using a set of elements that anyone (including you) can also learn to use - and use very well. This amazing course on how to improve your guitar soloing will give you basic ideas to start with and then take you through a process where you will see, hear and experience how to transform the basic lick into an awesome guitar lick! You'll see each basic idea go through 4 evolutionary stages. This will help you to clearly understand what you can do with every lick you already know to transform each of them into super cool amazing licks too.

Online Guitar Lessons
Become the guitarist you want to be with the most effective, goal oriented, results driven guitar lessons online. Here is how it works: you tell me about yourself, your musical goals, skills, knowledge, style and your current guitar playing frustrations & challenges, and I will custom design the most effective lessons specifically for you. This will help you reach your goals fast. I will closely monitor your progress, give you my expert feedback on your guitar playing and provide you with lots of personal support to enable you to get the results you want in your guitar playing.
The Guitar Playing Accelerator
The most powerful invention for improving your guitar playing since the existence of guitar lessons... The Guitar Playing Accelerator ensures you get better faster... EVERY SINGLE TIME you practice your guitar. The one crucial element missing in your guitar practice that would guarantee you make bigger, broader and faster improvements as a guitar player is comprehensive tracking, monitoring and analysis of your guitar playing and practice. This key element ensures you make the big improvements you could be (and SHOULD be) making daily. Tracking all the important elements that make up your guitar playing skills is a proven method to make you more motivated, excited, encouraged and confident than other guitar players to continue to learn, improve and master your guitar playing. This is the only tool in the world that does this for you.

Practice Generator
Practicing guitar but still not getting anywhere? What you need is a way to create personalized guitar practice schedules that will consistently, automatically and accurately take into account your current skill level and knowledge for each item you need to practice while ensuring that your practice schedules will always be personalized to you, your skills and your knowledge. This is critically important in order for you to get the most from your practicing. You also need a way for your practice schedules to ‘evolve’ as your guitar playing evolves so that they remain relevant and highly effective in helping you make progress every step of the way as you reach your musical goals. The Practice Generator gives you all of the above, while also providing you with a way to keep yourself accountable as you work through your practice schedules (plus a lot more). Your guitar playing will go through the roof when you FINALLY start following the practice schedules that help you maximize the results you get from every minute of practice time.