10-Step Guide To 2 Hand Synchronization For Amazing Guitar Speed Technique

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Does your guitar speed technique become sloppy and inconsistent sometimes?
For example:
You work hard on building faster guitar speed with a new guitar technique.
And your hands seem to be moving pretty fast.
But once you cross a certain tempo threshold on the metronome…
…suddenly your notes sound slurred & sloppy, like trying to talk with a mouth full of food.
What causes this?
The answer:
Poor 2 hand synchronization in your guitar speed technique keeps you from learning how to play guitar fast & clean with consistency.
Today, I show you how to get your hands in tight sync and get that coveted: “baseball-card-in-bicycle-spokes” sound when you play with fast guitar speed technique.
Ready to learn how to play guitar fast and clean?
It's simple.

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Learn how to play guitar fast and clean like the pros do by watching the video below.
It goes over a simple process for practicing 2 hand synchronization so you learn how to play guitar fast effortlessly:
Think about the main takeaways you got from this guitar speed technique development video.
Then, boost your 2 hand synchronization, guitar speed technique and overall musical skills.
By using these 10 steps in your next practice session to get your hands in sync for faster guitar speed and cleaner guitar speed technique:
Step 1: Choose The Guitar Speed Lick You Want That Is Going To Help You Learn How To Play Guitar Fast.
It doesn't matter what the lick is. Just choose something where you have to pick every note.
(And make sure the lick is short enough for you to play all the way through without struggling to remember the notes. This is just one element of learning how to play guitar fast with every lick you play – take it a few notes at a time.)
Step 2: Play Your Guitar Speed Lick Along With A Metronome.
Focusing on playing in time makes learning how to play guitar fast easier.
For example: if the lick is in 16th notes (4 notes per click), make sure the first note of each group of 4 locks in perfectly with the click.
Step 3: Identify Exactly Where You Lose 2 Hand Synchronization.
This is where you find your 2 hand synchronization threshold. Take your time and be really sure you found it by exploring your top guitar speed technique limits.
Watch this 2 hand synchronization video to see how to see how to play guitar fast without becoming sloppy:
Step 4: Focus On What It Feels Like Playing With Poor 2 Hand Synchronization.
This step shines a spotlight on your 2 hand synchronization problems to show you exactly how to play guitar fast and clean.
Because it’s easier to feel your guitar speed technique mistakes at a faster guitar speed than it is to hear them. The better you are at feeling your mistakes, the easier it is to play well when you can’t hear yourself clearly. (For example: when playing on stage.)
Watch this video to learn how to play guitar fast by feeling your 2 hand synchronization mistakes:
Step 5: Practice At A Tempo Just Below Your 2 Hand Synchronization Threshold.
This is very important.
Because if you play guitar technique faster than your threshold (from step 3), you only reinforce your mistakes. This mistake is what keeps many guitarists from learning how to play guitar fast and clean with consistency.
That’s bad.
But if you play much slower – you're practicing at tempos that are too easy.
The result? Little progress with you 2 hand synchronization.
You need to play at a guitar speed that’s challenging enough to demand your full focus. But slow enough, so you can learn how to play with guitar speed technique that is fast and accurate, with perfect 2 hand synchronization.
Step 6: Accent The Specific Notes Where Your Hands Are Not In Sync.
In Step 4, you learned to feel when your hands are not in sync for smooth guitar speed technique.
Now, you use that skill to focus like a laser on the notes that aren’t totally clean yet.
By physically hitting them harder with the pick.
Why does this work to get faster guitar speed technique?
Because you can’t hit the notes hard without your hands being in sync. This is a sneaky way to force your synchronization to improve so you learn how to play guitar fast with less effort.
Step 7: Accent Every Beat.
When you accent the beat, you create a strong contrast between the accented notes and the unaccented ones.
This contrast helps you not just feel, but also hear any synchronization issues that may remain in your guitar speed technique.
Step 8: Focus On What It Feels Like Playing With Perfect 2 Hand Synchronization.
Yes, this is similar to “Step 4” from earlier.
Only now, instead of looking for 2 hand synchronization problems, your goal is to confirm that all notes in the lick are clean (with both hands in sync).
Step 9: Memorize What Perfect 2 Hand Synchronization Sounds Like.
I said before it’s important to know what 2 hand synchronization feels like.
And it is.
But what about knowing what guitar speed technique with perfect synchronization sounds like?
Well, it’s very important too :)
As you play the notes, focus on memorizing the feeling and the sound of flawless synchronization/perfect guitar speed technique. This is truly learning how to play guitar fast and effortlessly just like the pros!
Step 10: Increase Your Metronome Speed By 5-10 bpm And Repeat Steps 2-9.
Ok, you’ve just spent between 10-20 minutes doing steps 1-9.
Now what?
Now you are ready to increase your metronome speed and repeat the process (starting from step 2).
The more you follow these steps, the faster you reach your guitar speed goals, develop killer guitar speed technique, and learn how to play guitar fast like the pros.
Want to learn how to play guitar fast with even more insanely actionable ways that boost your guitar speed technique as soon as tonight?
Download this free eGuide on how to double your guitar speed while cutting you practice time in half.

Learn how to transform your guitar speed technique with the best rock guitar teacher online.