How To Write Guitar Solos Using A Singer's Vocal Melodies

Do you usually try to write guitar solos by stringing together a bunch of random licks you previously memorized? If you're like most guitarists, this is the ONLY method you use - and if you're reading this right now, you know that this method gets repetitive and boring very quickly. Worst of all, this method will not allow you to play highly creative lead guitar phrases that accurately express your thoughts, ideas and emotions. That said, it's time you learned a truly effective and unique way to write guitar solos so you can fully express yourself with each note you play!

Watch the video below and I will share with you a very unique (and highly effective) guitar solo writing method that will instantly improve the sound of your lead guitar phrases and completely change the way you approach guitar soloing.

Click on the video to begin watching it.


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Playing creative and self-expressive guitar solos is one of the most amazing things you can do as a guitarist. Good news is, it doesn't take as long as you think to do it - Learn how with online rock and metal guitar lessons.

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