I Don’t Teach Guitar Yet. Does It Make Sense For Me To Join Your Coaching Program?
Answer: Absolutely, there’s no better way to get started teaching guitar than to have training from day 1. By getting the coaching now, you avoid all the typical mistakes that new guitar teachers make when learning how to teach guitar lessons.
“When I started the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle, I had zero teaching how to teach guitar… I had never taught guitar except a couple friends. My initial thinking was I mean, I don’t know, everything that I’ve learned in life, you can get by so much faster if you seek out someone that knows how to do it, and you can learn from them instead of trying to figure it out on your own.”
So, if someone’s thinking about should I join, should I not… totally. It’s great, I would highly recommend it to anyone.
The Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle has helped me develop my own teaching skills as well as business skills. I mean, like I mentioned I hadn’t really had any real training before, I never really taught a lesson. I had taught lessons, but not serious like I’m going to do this for work. So it just helped me to get the most value to my students to help them see that I am the obvious choice. I mean, part of the reasons why I decided to get into teaching was because of all the teachers I had, 10 of them, besides Tom, I feel like none of them knew how to teach. Teaching is more than just showing chords and licks and things like that. I figured I can do it much better than the teachers around. But at the same time I knew that I had a lot to learn. So it’s been great, I’ve definitely bettered my own skills, and developed into a much better teacher.
The forums definitely helped. Just like anything, you’re going to have very specific questions to your very specific problems. So on the forum, it’s great because you can ask these questions and Tom can give his advice on it or another teacher that’s in the same situation can give his perspective, or a teacher that’s already been there and done that can give his perspectives, and so all the little tiny, minute details really helped to kind of piece things together and get feedback from people.
Preston Howard, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA