Will You Help Me Build An Online Guitar Teaching Business?
Answer: No. This coaching program does not work for online guitar teaching.
It is strictly for you to teach guitar offline in your local area.
If you want to teach online, I cannot help you.
More importantly:
Teaching online is a whole lot harder to be successful in than teaching guitar offline.
Yes, I realize this sounds strange (maybe even hypocritical) - coming from someone who teaches guitar online as I do, but check this out:
Teaching online only makes sense if you:
- Have a dozen or so loyal and skilled employees working for you 40-60 hours per week.
- Have a healthy, multiple-5-figure monthly budget to pay said team of employees.
- Are ready to work 60-80 hour weeks for YEARS & build thousands of hours of lesson content before you see many dollars. (And CONTINUE making new (and improving old) lesson content all the time without ever stopping.)
- Have the guts (and the cash) to deal with FIERCE competition online who (unlike most local teachers) understand how business works and have serious marketing budgets.
- Can overcome the #1 challenge that kills most online teachers (extremely high student turnover) that doesn't exist offline.
- Want to figure it all out by trial and error, without any guidance & support (because nobody smart enough to build a successful online business is dumb enough to teach you how to be his competitor)
So, if you are tough enough to overcome each of these obstacles (as I did), then yes - you can potentially make a lot of money teaching guitar online.
But if you just want a steady, almost clockwork-like 6-figure income teaching guitar part-time, with almost no competition?
Then the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle is for you.
That program is for guitar players who want to make money sooner rather than later and do it with next to nothing in startup costs and overhead.
The result?
A business that gives you freedom to play guitar, write songs and even tour, if you wish. All while having the cash to enjoy it all. Plus – a loyal tribe of happy students whom you become great friends with.
Or, if you want, grow your offline empire into multiple locations that (over time) make you so much green dough – you’d put most online guitar teachers to shame.
I’ve helped guitar teachers make multiple 6-figures (USD) in:
- very small towns (less than 15,000 people),
- huge cities with a ton of fierce competition (like London)
- countries with weak economies (like Slovenia) where you’d think it’s impossible to earn that kind of money
… all by teaching guitar offline.
Here are the results:
“Within 7 months, I stopped working my day job and started teaching full time. I have noticed a 200% increase in income, enjoyed 100% better quality of life and my financial and day job related problems have disappeared.”
The bottom line is that Tom’s strategy WORKS. I would have never thought of looking at all the business related factors that can go into making a guitar teaching business. Before I made enough to live from guitar teaching but needed a day job to support myself and my wife. Now I'm earning more than I ever thought possible doing something that's so much fun. I can't believe I'm getting paid for it!
Jonathan Vipond, Professional Musician and Guitar Teacher, Bradford, UK
“The Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle has really taken me from… really it took me from zero. I started out teaching in my parent’s basement when I was still living with them. And I’ve taught, you know after I got married in our first apartment, moved in with my in-laws for a little bit, taught at their house, and two other houses that we’ve lived in. And now we’ve moved our business downtown and it’s exploded. We started hiring teachers and beginning a music school. We’re now on our second location for that, because we grew out of our first location. So it’s taken me from a basement to having our own big building with 8 teaching rooms and all sorts of awesome stuff going on and 5 or 6 teachers working for us. So literally from zero to over a hundred students. I’ve been a member of the Music Careers Mentoring Program and I knew that the advice that Tom gave on that was gold. So when he had a program specifically for teaching, I thought if I’m going to be teaching I’ve got to be in that program, because if I’m not, I’m not going to be the teacher that I could be.”
I’ve talked to other teachers before and they really don’t understand business. Even other business owners that I know, there’s a lot that they’re missing out on. So the business help that we get in the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle, not just for music teachers is awesome to run a music school… but it’s the kind of business help that applies to anything and it makes it really really valuable because a lot of people pay a lot more money than you pay for the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle to gain that kind of information and then to go through the trial and error of making it work… when in EGTIC, Tom’s already gone through that.
If you’re thinking about doing the EGTIC but you feel like it costs too much, then you really need to think about the potential money that you’re losing by not doing it.
That’s the big thing, because when I first started I was like, oh that’s a big investment, but the thing is you make that money back really quick and you make it back ten, twenty-fold.
Brad Litton, Vernal, Utah
"When I started teaching on my own, I was doing just what everybody else was doing. I was mostly teaching one on one lessons. One of the first things I got from the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle was the strategies and tactics on how to actually teach other ways that are way more effective than only teaching one on one."
You can really scale up your business. You can get more students than you previously even thought was possible, so this is one of the biggest things, plus, you are able to teach them effectively, not to only gather them in the room, but actually give them awesome content and great results that they are looking for.
Since I’ve started working with Tom Hess in the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle, I start developing these different models of teaching. Instead of only teaching one on one lessons, I started developing different group models which are way better than teaching one on one lessons. And in these kinds of models basically, I’ve learned a lot about how you can teach multiple students at the same time, how you can give value to them, how you can learn to interact with multiple students, and how they can learn to interact among each other. I think one of the biggest benefits of this is students can play with each other, students can see how they progress, they’re in a group with like-minded people they see like every week when they come for a lesson, they see how each of them progressed over the week and it usually motivates them to work harder and be a better guitar player in less time.
The biggest thing I’ve noticed since I’m in the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle program is that my students just got better way quicker, they got results.
Before I joined the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle, I was pretty much a struggling musician. I had to take gigs that I didn’t want to play in order to survive. My business had 10 students, so I really couldn’t afford to only teach. But since I started Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle, I gained 60 new students. My business grew exponentially. And I actually don’t need to take anything in my life that I don’t want to do. And it gives me stability and it gives me a lot of freedom and time to do things that I also enjoy doing in life.
You need to get involved with Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle, because if you're starting from zero, you better build your business the way it’s supposed to be built, and this is exactly what you will get here. I don’t think there is any place in world except this Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle program where you can get every information for marketing, sales, teaching models, how to teach, how to behave… everything in one program and on one forum with guys that made it… and girls. It’s a great community, inspiring and motivating, and you can’t go wrong with it.
One of the most important things for every businessman and guitar player is to be surrounded by like-minded and successful people and this is exactly what the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle does for you. You’re surrounded by people who want success, who want the best for their students and who can provide it. And therefore, they’re successful. There are multiple 6-figures earners...I don’t think there’s anything better than being able to see with your own eyes like almost monthly on the forum how people get to 6-figures, how people reach their goals and their dreams, and how people kind of enrich their lives and make it better. It’s really empowering to see that, and to be a part of this.
Jure Golobic, Ljubljana, Slovenia