Guitar Articles

Below you will discover free articles about guitar playing, guitar practicing, songwriting, and creativity. You may also enjoy my music career articles and guitar teaching articles.

Guitar Speed Articles

3 Easy Ways To Play Guitar Fast 3 Easy Ways To Play Guitar Faster Most Guitarists Don’t Know
If you practice guitar every day, but are frustrated with your speed staying the same year after year, try the 3 easy guitar speed boosters in this article and video. These guitar speed builders will help your playing even if your practice time is very limited.

Easy fast scale sequences Ripping Fast (But Easy) Guitar Scale Sequences Lesson
Want to improve your guitar speed and play guitar faster? In this lead guitar speed article, I show you a few of my favorite guitar scale sequences that are easy to learn, fun to practice and help level-up your lead guitar chops.

Legato licks using open strings Awesome Fretting Hand Technique Boosters For Guitar
You can quickly level-up your fretting hand chops (and even creativity) with these open-string legato licks. These guitar licks improve legato technique, speed and creativity the way regular licks cannot.

open string guitar licks Fun Drills For Building Guitar Speed And 2-Hand Sync
These open-string guitar licks build your guitar speed, get your hands in sync and are a lot of fun to play. Check them out and start building your picking chops.

How to shred on guitar

Harmonic Minor Shred Guitar Lesson
If you like harmonic minor shred guitar licks in the style of Yngwie Malmsteen you’re going to love this guitar speed article on how to shred using the harmonic minor scale.

Fast guitar speed Get Fast And Consistent Guitar Speed
Want to play guitar with fast speed but make too many mistakes? Learn how to make your speed consistent by reading this article about 2-hand synchronization for guitar.

Sweep picking article Get Faster Sweep Picking Speed
Want to play sweep picking arpeggios faster and cleaner? Learn how to do it by using sweep picking speed bursts.

Fretting hand speed for guitar Get Faster Fretting Hand Guitar Speed
Want to play guitar faster in your fretting hand? Find out how to do it by checking out the powerful advice in this article about fretting hand guitar speed.

Legato guitar technique How To Play Fast Legato Guitar Licks
Want to play with faster legato guitar technique? Find out how to do it by reading the tips on this page about legato guitar technique.

Guitar two-hand synchronization 10-Step Guide To Two-Hand Synchronization For Fast Guitar Speed
Want to make playing with fast guitar speed feel easy and effortless. Learn how to do it by mastering two-hand synchronization for guitar.

Fix fretting hand technique Fix Fretting Hand Guitar Technique
Wish you could play fast on guitar with less mistakes? Making your fretting technique more efficient does it. Learn how to master fretting hand guitar technique.

Play fast guitar without flailing fingers Fix Flailing Fingers On Guitar
Playing guitar fast is easier when you keep your fingers closer to the fretboard. Learn how to do it in this article about fixing flailing fingers on guitar.

Play guitar licks with easy speed Use 2 String Guitar Licks For Faster Speed
Want to play guitar at a faster speed but don't know how to practice to get there? Find out one way to do it by reading this guitar licks speed article.

Sweep Picking Article Learn How To Practice Guitar Speed Effectively
Having a difficult time playing guitar with the speed you want? Learn how to practice effectively to increase your guitar speed fast.

Two-Hand Synchronization For Guitar Guide To Two-Hand Synchronization For Guitar
Wondering how some guitar players seem to pick with insane speed and consistency? It’s all in the efficiency of your picking motion. Get faster picking speed by learning about it in this guitar picking article.

Learn how to play with clean guitar speed Overcome Your Guitar Speed Plateaus In Only One Day
Getting stuck with your guitar speed is very frustrating. Good news: There are simple steps tp follow to get unstuck within just a day. Learn them in this article and start increasing your guitar speed now.

How To Fix Guitar Playing MistakesHow To Fix Guitar Playing Mistakes That Occur During Fast Playing
It is a mistake to assume that fixing guitar playing mistakes always requires practicing slowly at first and working up to speed later. Some mistakes will only occur at faster speeds. Learn how to fix mistakes that occur while playing guitar fast.

How To Play Guitar Fast And CleanHow To Master Guitar Technique + Play Fast And Clean
Mastering guitar technique is NOT about practicing more hours per day. When you focus on the right things, at the right time and in the right manner, it becomes easy to improve guitar technique. Read this article to learn how to master guitar technique faster than ever.

How To Play Guitar Fast And Clean Like A Virtuoso3 Reasons Why Your Hands Get Out Of Sync When Playing Guitar Fast
In order to play guitar both fast and clean you MUST be able to perfectly synchronize both your picking and fretting hands. Most guitarists cannot do this and struggle to achieve their musical goals as a result. Learn the 3 biggest reasons why you are constantly struggling to achieve flawless 2 hand synchronization in your guitar playing and how to overcome these challenges so you can play guitar fast and clean.

The Ten Commandments Of Super Guitar Speed10 Things All Fast Guitar Players Do
Simply looking for tons of speed-building exercises will not make you play guitar faster.  Instead, start learning the principles that the world’s greatest guitarists use. Once you learn these, you will increase your OWN guitar speed. Use the 10 Commandments of guitar speed and learn how to shred on guitar.

How To Make Fast Guitar Playing Feel EasyHow To Make Fast Guitar Playing Feel Easy
If you always use the traditional speed building method of starting to practice slowly and increase speed incrementally, you will struggle to build fast guitar speed and stay relaxed while playing at higher tempos. To avoid the limitations of the traditional method, learn this new approach for building guitar speed and making it feel easy.

Building Maximum Guitar Speed - Part 1How To Practice for Maximum Guitar Speed - Part 1
Shred guitar insider secrets of how to build your maximum guitar speed. Practice guitar speed exercises the way top shredders do. Read the full guitar article article on how to build your maximum guitar speed with unique guitar speed exercises.

Building Maximum Guitar Speed - Part 2How To Practice for Maximum Guitar Speed - Part 2: Speed Builder Strategy 2
Develop your maximum guitar speed by practicing this guitar speed exercise. Many top shredders practice this exercise to develop their speed. This is part 2 of How To Practice for Maximum Guitar Speed. Read the guitar playing article to get started with your guitar speed exercise regimen.

Building Maximum Guitar Speed - Part 3How To Practice for Maximum Guitar Speed - Part 3
Have you ever noticed that playing something clean and fast is much harder when playing an actual song compared to when you practice that same guitar lick or solo over and over again? Learn more about how to increase your guitar speed and solving this problem in part 3 of this guitar articles series. 

Building Maximum Guitar Speed - Part 4How To Practice For Maximum Guitar Speed - Avoiding Common Mistakes In Learning To Play Guitar Fast
Are you frustrated with not being able to play guitar as fast as you want? Do you feel that your lack of guitar speed is limiting your ability to express yourself musically? Although playing guitar fast is not everyone's most important guitar playing goal, those who do desire greater guitar speed typically want it badly and are often frustrated with their inability to improve fast enough in this area of their guitar playing. If this describes you, read this article about increasing your guitar speed.

The Best Approach For Building Guitar SpeedThe Best Approach For Building Guitar Speed
If you use the conventional speed building approaches used by most guitarists, it will take you a very long time to build speed (if ever). The key to developing guitar speed is to balance 'always' practicing slow with always practicing fast in order to get the best of both worlds. Here is you can do this in order to increase guitar speed quickly and effectively.

How To Master Sweep Picking Rolling Technique 3 Shortcuts To Getting Amazing Guitar Technique
Everyone loves taking shortcuts that make it easy and fun to massively improve their guitar technique. Get three killer shortcuts right now by reading this article about getting better at guitar fast.

How To Improve Two Hand SyncThe Easy Way To Increase Guitar Speed USA Flag
Mastering two-hand synchronization helps you increase guitar speed and makes fast playing feel effortless. The better your two-hand synchronization, the cleaner you play at high speeds. Learn 7 effective practice strategies for increasing guitar speed by reading this article about how to play guitar fast.

Play fast and melodic guitar solo licks How To Make Your Guitar Speed Sound More Melodic USA Flag
Struggling to make your fast guitar playing sound melodic and expressive? Find out how to do it now by reading this guitar soloing article.

How To Shred On GuitarHow To Play Killer Shred Guitar Licks  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version 
Want to play awesome shred guitar licks that add fire and intensity to your soloing? Study the exercise in this shred guitar article and learn how to create great shred licks without having to play faster.

Learn to play guitar fast and cleanHow To Play Guitar Fast And Clean Using Two Hand Synchronization  USA flag
Before you can play super fast guitar speeds while maintaining your accuracy, you must not only learn how to eliminate excess string noise (using muting in both hands), but MASTER two hand synchronization. Learn the several key adjustments you must make in your guitar playing to do this by reading this article about playing guitar faster.

Sweep Picking Technique

Pentatonic sweep picking These Pentatonic Sweeping Licks Sound CRAZY
In this week’s lead guitar article, I put you through a pentatonic sweeping workout using licks that are super fun and much easier to play fast than you probably expect. Use these pentatonic sweeping licks to sound more pro and have more fun playing awesome guitar solos.

6 Step Perfect Sweep Picking Tutorial Struggling To Sweep Pick Fast? Do This!
If you’re struggling with sweep picking, this lead guitar article will help you play guitar arpeggios faster and cleaner. And even if you already sweep pick well, it shows you how to make your guitar arpeggio licks feel a lot easier and sound much better (without having to practice for hours per day).

2-String Sweep Picking Arpeggios These Guitar Arpeggios Are VERY Easy To Build Speed With
Yep. These arpeggio licks require less 2-hand sync from your hands, while retaining all of the ultimate efficiency of sweep picking (that helps with building speed). This sweep picking article shows you what these arpeggios are, as well as gives you many fast-acting tips that help you build speed across all lead guitar techniques.

Expressive guitar arpeggio licks Play Awesome Arpeggio Licks Without Shredding
This lead guitar article gives you fun and simple melodic arpeggios that fit great in just about every style, make you sound pro (even if you can't play fast yet) and sound different from the kinds of licks most guitarists play in their solos.

Connect Sweep Picking Arpeggios Together Break Your Sweep Picking Plateau With This
Whether you’re just learning to sweep pick, or you’ve hit a speed plateau, or if you already have some speed, but want some help with connecting arpeggios together smoothy, this sweep picking article will help level-up your sweep picking fast.

Play guitar arpeggios Master 5-String Sweep Picking Patterns
Want to play common 5-string sweep picking patterns as good as the pros? Learn how to do it by watching the video in this article about guitar arpeggios.

Play Blues Guitar Licks Master Sweep Picking 2 Strings At A Time
Want to play sweep picking arpeggios faster and cleaner than ever? Find out how to do it 2 strings at a time by watching this guitar arpeggio practice video.

Sweep Picking Rolling Technique On Guitar Play Clean Sweep Picking Licks With Rolling Technique
Learning how to master finger rolling is critical for playing fast and clean sweep picking arpeggios. Learn how to do it by reading this sweep picking advice.

Sweep Picking Technique On Guitar Learn A Creative Way To Clean Up Sweep Picking Arpeggios
Tired of struggling with sweep picking? Use a creative practice approach to finally sweep pick on guitar with speed and accuracy.

Sweep Picking Guitar Video Lesson Learn How To Sweep Pick Fast On Guitar
Read to play sweep picking arpeggios faster and cleaner than ever before? Get started doing it right now using these sweep picking tips.

Guitar warmup exercises 3 Ways To Improve Your Sweep Picking Right Away
Are you stuck with sweep picking technique and seeking answers to help you shred arpeggios like never before? I've got you covered. Learn how to play fast and clean arpeggios by reading this sweep picking article.

How To Master Sweep Picking Rolling TechniqueHow To Master Sweep Picking Rolling Technique
Playing fast arpeggios very cleanly is easy when you use sweep picking rolling technique. This technique prevents notes from ringing together and making your playing sloppy. Learn how to master it by reading this sweep picking article.

Learn to play sweep picking easilyThe Keys To Sweep Picking Mastery
Many guitar players struggle with sweep picking, but this technique is a lot simpler to learn and master than most people realize. To understand why, you must learn about the biggest mistakes to avoid when practicing sweep picking and the specific things you must focus on when training this technique. Read this article to learn what it takes to master sweep picking.

How To Play Creative Guitar Arpeggios5 Ways To Make Sweep Picking Arpeggios Sound Amazing USA Flag
Playing sweep picking arpeggios fast is not the only way to make them sound amazing. You can use easy to understand, creative concepts to make any guitar arpeggio sound awesome. Learn 5 of these concepts by reading this sweep picking arpeggios article.

How To Play Creative Arpeggio LicksCreative Ways To Play Killer Arpeggio Guitar Licks USA Flag
You don’t need to constantly learn ‘new’ sweep picking patterns to create cool and inspiring arpeggio licks. You can create amazing sweep picking phrases out of the arpeggios you already know. Learn how in this article on how to play killer sweep picking arpeggio licks on guitar.

How To Clean Up Your Arpeggio Sweep PickingPlay Sweep Picking Arpeggios That Are Fast And Clean USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Before you can play ultra clean, lightning-fast sweep picking arpeggios you need to pinpoint the mistakes that slow you down. Identify your mistakes and learn a powerful sweep picking variation by reading this article about playing clean sweep picking arpeggios.

 Sweep Picking Arpeggios That Demand Attention By Tom HessHow To Play Powerful Sweep Picking Arpeggios That Demand Attention  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Do you want to play intense sweep picking arpeggios that demand attention for anyone listening to you play? To do this, you must learn how to use sweep picking to add tension to your lead guitar phrases. Learn how by studying the sweep picking exercise in this article.

Play Guitar Solos

Phrygian Dominant Guitar Licks Awesome Phrygian Dominant Soloing Ideas
If you like the sound of Yngwie Malmsteen’s guitar playing, you’ll love the sound of the Phrygian dominant lead guitar ideas I show you in this week’s article and video. Use these cool Phrygian dominant phrasing tips to light up your guitar licks and make your guitar playing friends wish they could play like you.

Easy method to solo over any song How To Easily Solo Over Chord Changes On Guitar
Once you have the ability to easily solo over guitar chord changes (without getting ‘lost’, ‘falling behind’ the chord changes or being unsure of what to play), you begin to sound pro. This guitar soloing article shows you how to develop this skill.

Exotic Blues Soloing How To Make Your Blues Solos Sound Exotic
If you want to spice up your blues lead guitar solos, this week’s blues guitar soloing article and video will show you how. These exotic blues lead guitar soloing ideas will make 12-bar blues soloing even more fun than it already is.

Lydian Mode Guitar Licks These Lydian Guitar Licks Can Make Any Guitar Solo Sound More Pro

You can make just about any guitar solo better when you solo using a scale that is primed to express extreme emotion and guitar phrasing techniques that milk maximum drama from your notes. This week’s lead guitar article about lydian mode guitar licks gives you both.

How most pro guitarists learned to solo Learn How To Solo On Guitar Like A Pro – Lead Guitar Lesson

In this lead guitar lesson on how to play lead guitar like a pro, I’ll help you learn to play pro-level guitar licks (and guitar solos) with kick-butt phrasing (even if you’re not an advanced guitar player yet).

The saddest guitar scale ever How To Play Guitar With Feeling: Secrets To Emotional Guitar Soloing

In this lead guitar article, you’ll discover the secrets to playing emotional guitar solos that let you play guitar with feeling and impress just about anyone who hears you play.

dramatic guitar scales and soloing lesson Playing Guitar Solos Over Chromatic Mediant Chord Changes

This lead guitar concept could well be the pinnacle of emotional lead guitar soloing. If you want to inject your guitar licks and guitar solos with fire and passion you could NEVER get from normal major, minor or pentatonic scales, learn to play guitar solos over chromatic mediant chord changes.

Guitar solo improvisation How To Improvise Guitar Solos Better
Want to learn how to get better at guitar improvisation? Use the tips in this video about improvising on guitar.

Play guitar with feeling Learn How To Play Lead Guitar With Feeling
Want to learn how to make your guitar cry? Get started right now by checking out this video about playing guitar with more feeling.

String Skipping For Guitar How To Play Guitar Solos That Create Expressive Tension
Want to play guitar solos that make people stop and listen to hear what will come next? It's easy = learn what to do now by watching this lead guitar soloing video.

Sweep Picking Guitar Video How To Play Melodic Guitar Solos Using Arpeggios
The key to playing incredible guitar solos is thinking not just like a guitarist, but like a musician. Learn how this works and how to create melodic guitar licks and solos with arpeggios.

Play emotional guitar solos with one note Play A Great Guitar Solo With One Note USA Flag
Want to play one-note guitar solos that are easy + sound really cool? Find out how to do it by watching this guitar solo video.

Guitar Soloing Exercises Start Playing Better Guitar Solos Than Ever USA Flag
Ready to take your guitar solos to the next level? Great! There are three exercises that help you do it. Learn them and apply them now by reading this guitar soloing article.

How To Play With Directional Picking TechniqueThe Easy Way To Create Awesome Guitar Solo Licks USA Flag
To improvise amazing guitar solos and licks you must understand how to smoothly integrate musical ideas together within a single solo while clearly expressing your thoughts and emotions. Learn how to do this by reading this article about how to improvise on guitar.

How To Play Emotional Guitar SolosProven Formula For Creating Great Guitar Solos USA Flag
Great guitar solos aren't created by accident, or by stringing guitar licks together…they are created using specific guitar soloing processes. Most of these methods are simple enough to be used by anyone, including you. Learn the 6-step process all great guitarists follow to create awesome guitar solos.

How to play memorable lead guitar solosHow To Play Amazing Guitar Solos By Studying King Diamond USA Flag
King Diamond is easily one of the most underrated metal singers. Not only is he a great singer, but there is MASSIVE value to take away from his vocal style as a guitarist too! Read this article to learn 4 ways you can play badass guitar solos by studying King Diamond.

How To Play Difficult Guitar SolosHow To Easily Play Difficult Guitar Solos USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Mastering difficult guitar solos that use many techniques is much easier than you think. Fact is, many guitarists use the (wrong) approach of practicing technique in isolation, and struggle as a result. The best way to quickly play a tough guitar solo is to combine the techniques within it into a musical context BEFORE you have fully mastered them. Learn why and how by reading this article on how to play difficult guitar licks and solos.

Improve your lead guitar playingHow To Create Great Guitar Solos And Improve Your Lead Guitar Playing  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version 
Would you like to learn the secrets that great guitar players use to consistently come up with awesome sounding guitar solos? The reason why master guitar players are able to express themselves fully when soloing and improvising is because they approach the process of creating a guitar solo in VERY different ways than what most guitarists do. Read this article to find out how to create great guitar solos.

Guitar Solo Phrases That Demands Attention How To Write Guitar Solo Phrases That Demand The Attention Of Your Listeners USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
If you want to play guitar solo phrases that get the attention of your listeners, it is NOT a requirement that you play highly technical or fast guitar licks. Learn the process for creating guitar phrases that force other people to stop and pay attention to every lick you play by reading this guitar solo phrasing article.

Learn how to make kickass guitar solos Guitar Solo Lesson: How To Create Kick Ass Guitar Solos  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  netherlands flag  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version 
There are lots of ways to create guitar solos. Most guitarists focus on ‘what to play’ versus ‘how to play things’. Fact is, the nuances of phrasing (‘how’ the notes are played) often matter MORE than the notes we actually play. How many times have you heard someone play a guitar solo ‘without’ much emotion? Often there was nothing wrong with their choice of notes. The solo lacked emotion and interest because the ‘phrasing’ was weak.

Check out this guitar solo lesson.

String Skipping Technique

String Skipping For Guitar Learn How To String Skip Fast On Guitar
Want to string skip at fast speeds without making as many mistakes? Learn how to do it now by watching the video in this string skipping guitar article.

Guitar Harmonics

How To Play Killer Pinch Harmonics On Guitar6 Common Mistakes That Keep You From Playing Killer Pinch Harmonics On Guitar (And How To Solve Them) USA Flag
Do you struggle to make your pinch harmonics sound consistently awesome when you play guitar? You might be guilty of these 6 common mistakes guitarists make when learning this technique. These mistakes are very easy to fix once you know what they are and how to practice to avoid them. Learn how you can easily play kickass pinch harmonics now.

Guitar Playing Creativity

Sweep picking + legato licks Try These Sweet Sweep Legato Licks
In this week’s article, I show you awesome ways to combine sweep picking and legato into pro-sounding guitar licks that make your next solo sound better and help improve your speed and accuracy at the same time.

Transform arpeggios Basic Guitar Arpeggios Sounding Boring? Play THESE:
In this lead guitar article, I show you awesome arpeggio licks that are way cooler than the standard major/minor guitar arpeggios you’ve probably played many times before. These licks give you lots of cool ideas to use in your guitar solos, and train your fretting hand - making all other licks easier to play.

Cool ways to make arpeggio variations Do THIS To Create Awesome Arpeggio Licks

Want to create cool licks that impress virtually everyone who hears you play? This lead guitar article shows you how to create cool arpeggio variations that are fun to play and sound pro in just about any context (even without playing fast).

Prygian dominant guitar licks Phrygian Dominant Lead Guitar Licks Lesson

If you like Yngwie Malmsteen's guitar playing, you'll love this lead guitar lesson based on one of Yngwie's favorite guitar scales that makes your guitar solos sound very neoclassical.

Easy shred guitar licks Neoclassical Shred Guitar Licks Made Easy

Yngwie-style neoclassical guitar licks all take an insane amount of practice to play, right? Wrong! Check out these melodic shred guitar licks that are simple to learn and will impress anyone who hears you play.

make guitar melodies sound better How To Use Musical Tension In Your Guitar Licks And Guitar Solos
Musical dissonance is a no-no in guitar solos – right? Wrong! When you know what you’re doing, you can use musical dissonance to create extremely emotional guitar solos and breathe life into your guitar playing. This lead guitar article shows you how.

songwriting tips for guitar Simple Songwriting Tips All Guitarists Ought To Know
Writing songs on guitar can seem overwhelming if you’re just getting started writing music. But with the right methods, songwriting can be the most fun you can have as a musician. This songwriting article shows you simple songwriting tips you can use to write songs fast.

Playing guitar in odd meter Rhythm Guitar Playing Sound Boring? Fix It With This!
This article shows you several awesome ways to play cooler guitar riffs (and chord progressions) using odd meter. These ideas sound great in every style and make your rhythm guitar ideas seem like the work of a pro (even if you are not an advanced player yet).

Using diminished arpeggios in a different wayCommon Tone Diminished 7th Arpeggios Are Awesome!
Everything about these arpeggio licks screams “advanced and pro”, but they are very simple to play and sound impressive to nearly everyone (even most pros!). Check out these awesome common-tone diminished 7th arpeggio licks.

Guitar Voice Leading Article Play Guitar Chords With Voice Leading
Want to make your guitar chord progressions sound more musically expressive? Learn how to easily do it today using the ideas in this guitar voice leading article.

Songwriting writers block Get Songwriting Tips For Writer's Block
Playing guitar fast is easier when you keep your fingers closer to the fretboard. Learn how to do it in this article about fixing flailing fingers on guitar.

Songwriting writer's block advice Overcome Songwriting Writer's Block
Want to write songs but don't have enough ideas? Learn how to overcome writer’s block using these songwriting practice tips.

Play guitar licks with 6ths Play Guitar Licks Expressively With 6ths
Want your lead guitar licks to sound expressive and emotional? Get started right now by learning how to play lead guitar licks using 6ths.

Play Neoclassical Guitar Licks How To Play Cool And Easy Neoclassical Guitar Licks
Want to play killer guitar licks like Yngwie? Find out how to do it easily by watching this neoclassical guitar licks video.

Play Lydian guitar licks How To Play Amazing Lydian Guitar Licks
Want to play exotic guitar licks that sound dreamy and amazing? Learn how to do it by playing Lydian guitar licks.

Lydian guitar licks Amazing Lydian Guitar Licks Video
Playing guitar licks that sound dreamy and ethereal sound great! How do you do it? Answer: Lydian mode. Learn how to play Lydian guitar licks.

Play guitar licks with polymeter How To Easily Play Polymeter Guitar Licks
Tired of not being able to play guitar licks that sound creative and interesting? Learn how to do it without advanced techniques using polymeter guitar licks.

Play guitar slides creatively Play Creative Guitar Licks By Mastering Super Slides
Mastering super slides on guitar makes your licks sound creative and unique. What are super slides? Find out in this lead guitar slides article.

Play guitar licks How To Play Killer Guitar Licks Using Lick Sequencing
Want to play killer lead guitar licks? Learn how to use guitar lick sequencing to do it in this article about lead guitar solos.

Play guitar backslides How To Add Emotion To Your Lead Guitar Solos Using Backslide 
Looking for ways to make your lead guitar solos more emotional? Learn a cool way to do it using the unique backslides guitar technique.

Sliding For Guitar How To Play Killer Slides On Guitar
Want to play amazing lead guitar licks that impress anyone listening? Super slides will do it. Learn how to play them in this lead guitar slides tutorial.

Play guitar with syncopation How To Use Syncopation To Play Better Guitar Solos USA Flag
Playing creative guitar solos is a skill anyone can develop - even you! Learn one way to do it now by reading this lead guitar soloing advice.

Play Mixolydian b6 Mode On Guitar Play Interesting Lead Guitar Solos With Melodic Minor USA Flag
Want to make your guitar solos more emotionally expressive? Start playing emotionally captivating phrases using the melodic minor for lead guitar.

Hirajoshi Scale On Guitar Learn Cool Hirajoshi Guitar Scale Licks USA Flag
Want to play creative lead guitar licks that sounds very unique? Get started right now using the creative tips in this free hirajoshi guitar licks lesson.

Guitar tritone licks How To Play Cool Guitar Licks Using The Tritone USA Flag
Want to make your guitar licks sound badass? The tritone is the answer. Learn 3 ways to use the tritone to play great guitar licks.

Learn cool Lydian guitar licks Learn Cool Lydian Guitar Licks That Sound Unique USA Flag
Want to improve your lead guitar playing and develop your own musical style? Get started now by checking out these killer lydian guitar licks.

Guitar sustain technique How To Play Cool Neoclassical Guitar Licks USA Flag
Your guitar licks and solos sound great when you use a neoclassical style within them - Transform the sound of your lead guitar playing forever by using the licks in this neoclassical guitar licks video.

Learn to play exotic guitar licksHow To Play Killer Exotic Guitar Licks USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version If you want your lead guitar playing to sound repetitive and boring, keep playing the same pentatonic licks over and over... However, if you want to make your lead guitar playing sound totally killer, your best approach is to use both exotic licks and creative guitar phrasing. Learn how to do this by reading this lead guitar licks article.

How to play memorable lead guitar solosHow To Play Amazing Guitar Solos By Studying King Diamond Pt. 2 USA Flag
Studying and learning how to translate the vocal phrasing of excellent singers to guitar makes your guitar solos more emotional. Learn 3 creative ways to use King Diamond’s vocal style to make your lead guitar playing sound amazing. Read this article on how to play creative guitar solos.

How to develop your guitar playing creativityHow To Play Lead Guitar More Creatively USA flag
Being able to play lead guitar creatively requires much more than simply “knowing” many scales, arpeggios or licks. The real keys to developing more creative guitar playing skills are fluency, application, integration and mastery of the skills you already know. Read this article to learn 4 ways you can become more creative in your lead guitar playing now.

Playing guitar with feelingHow To Play With Emotion In Your Music  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version 
Can you make people feel the emotions you want them to feel by playing guitar? Most guitar players have a hard time doing this because they do not understand how to explain and predict the feeling of the notes they play with. Read this article to learn how to use your guitar to create emotion in music.

Expressive guitar solos with only one noteHow To Play Expressive Guitar Solos Using Only One Note USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
The Holy Grail of guitar soloing is being able to express yourself fully while creating an intense emotional reaction in the listener. The cool part is, you can do this easily by using only ONE note! Read this article and find out how to play emotional guitar solos.

How To Play Expressive Guitar Licks Over Any ChordHow To Play Expressive Guitar Licks Over Any Chord USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
You can easily express tons of emotion in any guitar lick you play without knowing a lot about music theory. To do so, all you need is a good understanding of the simple idea (similar to pitch axis theory) discussed in this article. Learn it now and start expressing emotion in your guitar licks.

Make your guitar solos singHow To Make Your Guitar Solos Sing  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version 
One of the most impressive things you can do on guitar is to create melodies that ‘sing’. Most guitar players focus too much on technique while ignoring the melodic side of their guitar playing. This causes their guitar solos to quickly become uninteresting. Find out how to create better guitar solos by making your guitar sing in this guitar solo lesson.

how to create rock guitar improvisationGuitar Video: How To Create Rock Guitar Soloing And Improvisation Licks  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Do you want to learn how to write tons of new rock guitar licks? The truth is, most guitar players try to make new rock guitar licks by cramming together several random musical ideas in hopes that everything ends up sounding decent. That said, this is actually a highly ineffective approach when it comes to improvising and creating guitar licks. Learn how to write a lot of new rock guitar licks while improving your overall soloing skills by watching this video about guitar improvisation.

What to do to avoid your guitar solos sound the sameWhy So Many Guitar Solos Sound The Same And How To Avoid That  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version 
Imagine if your guitar solos could ‘sing’ like a great singer. Fact is, most guitar players create guitar solos based on guitar licks and phrases, but not a combination of guitar phrases and lyrical melodies that would make the solos much better. In this revolutionary new guitar article on how to create guitar solos you will learn a secret that took me 20 years to discover! Read the full guitar lesson article here.

Guitar lessons you can learn from Yngwie MalsmteenWhy Yngwie Malmsteen Is Underrated And How This Can Help You Become A Better Guitarist  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version
When you think of underrated guitar players, who do you think of first? Of all the great guitar players, there is one that should immediately come to your mind, and his name is Yngwie Malmsteen. Find out why he is one of the MOST underrated guitarist of all time and how his guitar playing can help you improve your own guitar skills in this Yngwie Malmsteen guitar lesson.

Guitar lessons you can learn from John Petrucci5 Elements Of John Petrucci’s Style That Will Make You A Better Guitarist  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version 
John Petrucci is well known for being a world class guitar player. However, there are 5 important elements in his guitar playing style that you have probably overlooked. Learn what they are and use them to enhance your own guitar playing in this John Petrucci guitar lesson.

how to espress yourself in musicHow To Express Yourself In Music  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
The single greatest thing you can ever do as musician is to truly express yourself through your music and also to control what your listeners will feel… Now imagine having the unique ability to control their emotions in the way you want, how you want, when you want and how intensely or dramatically as you want. For most musicians, that is the Holy Grail of musical goals. Read more about how to express yourself in music.  

musical sef expressionExpress Yourself  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version 
Self Expression is the pinnacle of all art. Anything less, "is less" in my opinion. I offer you both philosophical and practical advice on how to achieve musical self expression.

Originality In Guitar PlayingOriginality  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version
Is being original a musical goal you should pursue? Find out here and get real advice on how to become an original guitar player

How to add emotions to your guitar playingBecome A Highly Creative Guitar Player  USA flag
Would you like to write catchy songs and killer guitar solos but feel frustrated due to not being musically creative? If you are not yet a creative guitar player, it’s simply because you don’t yet know what is standing in the way of your freedom to musical expression. Read more about how to develop your musical creativity.

article about creativity and self expressionCreativity and Expression - Part 1  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version 
If you have ever felt uncreative, uninspired or just not expressive musically, find solutions in this article about creativity and self expression.

article about self expression and creativityCreativity and Expression - Part 2  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version 
Part 2 in this guitar articles series about creative guitar playing.

developing your own guitar playing styleHow To Develop Your Own Guitar Playing Style - Part 1 (It's All About You!)  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version 
"How can I develop my own style... my own sound?" This is the second most frequently asked question I am asked ("How can I become a great guitarist?" is the first). As a very broad generalization, people in the United States tend to focus more on originality, in Europe people tend to focus more on mastery. Read the full guitar playing article to begin developing your own guitar playing style.

article about creating your own guitar playing styleHow To Develop Your Own Guitar Playing Style - Part 2  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version 
Part 2 of this topic will take you deeper into the quest to develop your unique guitar playing style.

Songwriting For Guitar 6 Powerful Tips To Help You Write Great Songs For Guitar USA Flag
Writing amazing songs on guitar is easy when you follow 6 key pieces of advice. Learn what they are start writing songs right away by reading this guitar songwriting article.

Improving your songwriting skillsSongwriting - Part 1  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version  Croatian Flag - Tom Hess Article Croatian Version 
Discover new songwriting techniques. Expand your songwriting options and get a fresh new approach. Read the full guitar articles series on songwriting techniques.

Improving your songwriting techniqueSongwriting - Part 2  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version 
Get more songwriting advice and use another unique process to approach your own songwriting. Part 2 will focus on melodic writing as a process. Read on to expand your knowledge of songwriting techniques.

How to Improve your songwriting skillsSongwriting - Part 3  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version 
Learn fresh songwriting techniques. Expand your songwriting options. Part 3 focuses on new rhythmic concepts. Read the full guitar articles series on songwriting techniques.

How to Improve your songwriting techniqueSongwriting - Part 4  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version
The primary focus of part 4 in this article series is to give you specific songwriting advice so that your listeners will be more likely to actually 'pay attention' to your music while listening to it. Read the entire article to learn more songwriting techniques.

Learn how to develop your songwriting skillsSongwriting - Part 5  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Germany Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portugal translation  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version 
Expand your songwriting options. Learn fresh songwriting techniques. Part 5 in this songwriting article series focuses on writing for more than 1 instrument. Read on to learn more songwriting techniques.

Guitar Vibrato & Bending Technique

Exotic guitar string bends Exotic Guitar String Bends To Use In Your Next Guitar Solo
If you love the lead guitar style of Marty Friedman (and Jason Becker), you’re going to love the lead guitar ideas I show you in this article and video. Give them a try and your guitar solos will instantly sound more pro.

Huge string bends Ultra-Wide String Bends On Guitar – String Bending Guitar Lesson
String bends are quite simple and basic, right? Not if we’re talking about ultra-wide string bends (4 frets or more) that make anyone who ‘can’ play them sound pro. Check out this lead guitar article that helps you master string bending for guitar.

Guitar vibrato technique How To Master Guitar Vibrato Technique
Want to play guitar licks with more expression and emotion? Mastering vibrato is a top priority - learn how to master it in 5 minutes per day by watching this guitar vibrato video.

How to play guitar vibrato Get Excellent Guitar Vibrato Technique
Want to play expressive guitar solos and licks that are drenched with emotion? Vibrato is critical. Learn how to play excellent guitar vibrato.

How to play guitar bends creatively How To Master Advanced Lead Guitar Bending
Wish your guitar bends sounded more musical and creative? Transform your lead guitar licks by using the tips in this advanced guitar bending video.

How to play guitar bends creatively How To Play More Creative Lead Guitar Bends
Wish your guitar bends sounded more musical and creative? Transform your lead guitar licks by using the tips in this guitar bending video.

Guitar sustain technique video Learn How To Get Guitar Vibrato Technique
Want to improve your guitar phrasing to make it pro level? Find out how by reading this free guitar vibrato technique article.

Guitar sustain technique video Learn How To Get Better Guitar Sustain
Wish your notes had more sustain? Good news: It’s easy to do and you don't need extra gear. Find out what to do in this guitar sustain video.

Vibrato control guitar lessonVibrato Control
Vibrato is probably the most expressive technique on guitar. Many guitarists, however, don't spend much time trying to master this technique at all. Fact is, you will be judged more on your vibrato technique than on any other single technique. Check out the complete guitar playing article on guitar vibrato technique.

Guitar vibrato tutorial How To Play Guitar Vibrato Technique Like A Pro In 10 Steps USA Flag
Vibrato guitar technique adds expression and emotion into your playing like nothing else. Learn how to master it and become a better lead guitarist using these guitar vibrato tips.

Guitar warmup exercises Learn How To Master Guitar Tapping Technique USA Flag
Want to develop killer guitar tapping technique that makes people stop and pay attention to your playing? Learn how to do it right now by watching the video in this article about guitar tapping.

How To Master Guitar VibratoHow To Make Your Guitar Playing Sound Pro By Mastering Vibrato USA Flag
Without excellent guitar vibrato, your guitar playing won’t sound truly great regardless of what you play. To master vibrato, you must strengthen your guitar playing in 5 fundamental ways. Learn them by reading this article about improving guitar vibrato.

Video on how to create better guitar solosHow To Play Better Guitar Solos Than You Ever Thought Possible USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
One of the most important parts of a great guitar solo is excellent vibrato technique. Most guitarists 'think' they know how to use vibrato creatively, but really have no idea. Find out how you can use highly creative vibrato to play killer guitar solos by checking out this article on how to play better guitar solos.

Make your guitar solos sounds greatHow To Make Your Guitar Solos Sound Better USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
The best approach to improving your guitar solos is NOT to simply change/add notes. By altering 'how' you play the notes within your solos (rather than 'what' notes you play), you can easily transform them from average to KILLER. Follow the steps in this article to learn how this is done and play killer guitar solos.

Guitar Legato Technique

Clean up your legato guitar technique 5 Guitar Practice Tips To Quickly Improve Your Legato Technique
Mastering legato guitar technique requires two main steps: identifying problems that most players make with legato and solving them with effective practice strategies. This video shows you how to do these things to improve your legato guitar playing fast.

Reasons why you struggle to play legato guitar techniqueHow To Play With Flawless Legato Guitar Technique
Does your legato guitar playing not sound 100% flawless? Until you correct the three common mistakes most guitarists make while playing with legato, you will never be able to use this technique cleanly. Learn these mistakes now and correct them by reading this article on how to play legato guitar technique.

Guitar Tapping Technique

Guitar tapping technique Beginner Guitar Tapping Lesson
Want to master tapping technique on guitar, but don't know where to begin? Get started now by watching this guitar tapping video lesson.

Hirajoshi Scale For Guitar Learn How To Master Two-Hand Tapping Technique
Want to play fast and expressive guitar tapping licks? Who doesn’t!? Let me show you how to play sweet tapping licks now by reading this guitar tapping technique article.

Guitar Phrasing & Improvisation

Bent Note Vibrato Want to make your guitar sing? Get good at this key lead guitar skill

If you want to make your guitar sing, cry or scream, you'd better make time for practicing the #1 most expressive lead guitar technique of all time: bent-note vibrato. This lead guitar article (and video) shows you how.

How to change emotion of any lick instantly Express More Emotion With Any Guitar Lick In A Solo

This lead guitar article shows you how to take any note, melody or guitar lick and completely change the feeling and emotion of those notes in the easiest way possible. It works in every style and every song. Plus: it's a ton of fun. Use this idea to play better guitar solos today!

Pentatonic licks in improvising These Simple Pentatonic Guitar Licks Would Impress Many Pros

Play any of these simple (and non-standard) pentatonic guitar licks and not only will your solos sound better, but I bet you’ll impress just about anyone who hears you play. This lead guitar soloing article shows you how.

How to play like a pro Want To Play Guitar Like A Pro? Practice THIS Every Day

Hint: I'm not talking about technique or scales. Nor is it anything related to speed. It’s not even improvising. But it is – in my opinion – the most important skill any guitar player can work on. It’s the one skill most lacking in 90% of guitar players. And it’s the one skill I’ve never seen NOT massively improve anyone’s guitar playing once they started practicing it. Here is the #1 way to make your guitar playing sound pro.

Play guitar solos with musical tension Play Guitar Solos Expressively With More Musical Tension
Want your guitar solos to feel more expressive? Mastering musical tension is the key – learn how to do it by reading this guitar solo phrasing article.

Better Phrasing For Guitar Solos How To Play More Creative Lead Guitar Solos
Wish your guitar solos sounded more musical and expressive? Transform your guitar soloing by watching this guitar soloing video.

How To Play Better Guitar Licks How To Make Your Guitar Licks Sound Better
Want to play killer guitar licks whenever you feel like it? Find out how to start doing it right now using the advice in this article about playing guitar licks.

Sweep Picking Guitar Video How To Get Better At Improvising On Guitar
Wish you could play expressive and creative guitar licks at will? Find out how to start right now using the advice in this article about improvising on guitar.

Rubato For Guitar How To Instantly Improve Your Guitar Solos
Want to play expressive guitar solos? There is one lesser-known technique that transforms your solos and licks into highly expressive pieces of music. Learn what it is and how to do it right now by checking out this lead guitar article.

Make any guitar lick sound amazingHow To Transform Any Guitar Lick Into A Killer Guitar Lick  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Spain flag 
There are 2 things you can do to know and play better guitar licks. The first idea is to simply find cooler licks. The second (better) idea is to make small changes to the licks you already know which will make them sound killer! What you need to do is see and hear how a single tiny change to just one note of your guitar lick will make it sound massively cooler. Watch how in this lead guitar licks video and article.

Make any guitar lick sound killerHow To Transform Any Guitar Lick Into A Killer Guitar Lick Part 2  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Spain translaction 
You can make any guitar lick sound awesome by using guitar phrasing techniques to get as much emotion as possible out of each note. Use the exercise in this lead guitar playing article to learn how.

Guitar lesson with backing tracksKiller Lead Guitar Lesson With Backing Tracks  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version 
Learn how to improve your guitar phrasing and self-expression on the guitar in this free lead guitar lesson with backing tracks.

Guitar Phrasing Article Part 1 Improving Your Guitar Phrasing - Part 1 USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version
Professional guitar players talk about the elusive topic of guitar phrasing. Guitar teachers talk about it in their lessons and books. We hear about how important it is to have good phrasing and to spend time working on it. Read the full guitar article to improve your guitar phrasing.

Guitar Phrasing Article Part 2 Improving Your Guitar Phrasing - Part 2 USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version
In my first article, "Improving Your Guitar Phrasing, Part 1", I explained what phrasing is and why it is important for guitarists to develop this critical skill. In Part 2 of this guitar articles series, we will go deeper into these things in order to help you improve your guitar phrasing.

Guitar Phrasing Article Part 3 Improving Your Guitar Phrasing - Part 3 USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version
In this 3rd guitar solo phrasing article we are going to focus on the unique sound of legato guitar phrasing. Read the full guitar phrasing article.

Guitar Phrasing Article Part 4 Improving Your Guitar Phrasing - Part 4  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Do you want to be able to express yourself more fully in your lead guitar solos? Are you struggling to apply all of the licks and techniques you’ve been learning? Check out this guitar phrasing article to learn how to improve your guitar phrasing skills.

Essential Elements Of Lead Guitar Phrasing Learn The 3 Essential Elements Of Lead Guitar Phrasing USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Before your guitar solos can sound totally killer, you must learn and master 3 main elements of guitar phrasing. In fact, ALL truly great guitarists have mastered these elements and use them in their playing all the time. Learn these 3 guitar phrasing elements now and start playing the best solos you ever played.

Rhythm Guitar Playing

Increase Rhythm Guitar Speed Do This To Build Unstoppable Rhythm Guitar Endurance

In this week’s rhythm guitar endurance article, I show you the secrets to playing tight rhythm guitar riffs (even at high tempos) without your arm cramping up. And along the way, I'll also give you tips for writing cool guitar riffs that sound pro, so you can impress everyone who hears you play and have way more fun playing guitar.

Metal Rhythm Guitar Riffs 4 Awesome And Fun Heavy Metal Rhythm Guitar Riffs You're Free To Steal

Want to sound more pro on guitar and have a far easier time joining a band? Then few skills are more important than your rhythm guitar chops. This rhythm guitar article shows you how to make your rhythm playing sound better fast and gives you 4 killer rhythm guitar riffs that make practicing rhythm fun.

Rhythm guitar ideas How To Play Better Rhythm Guitar Riffs Of Your Own USA Flag
Want to play rhythm guitar more creatively? Learn how to play better riffs of your own by watching this video with rhythm guitar ideas.

Learn How To Play Killer Rhythm GuitarHow To Play Rock-Solid Rhythm Guitar USA Flag
Being able to play tight rhythm guitar requires training yourself to focus on the right things while you practice and knowing how to spot sloppy playing mistakes. Learn how to become a better rhythm guitarist fast by watching the video in this article about playing rhythm guitar riffs.

Learn How To Play Cool Guitar Chords 5 Ways To Make Any Guitar Chord Sound Cool USA Flag
Want to make your guitar chords sound creative and expressive? It's much easier than  you think. Apply the five unique and simple ideas in this article and start playing cool guitar chords.

Learn How To Play Rhythm Guitar RiffsHow To Play Awesome Rhythm Guitar Riffs - Part 2 USA Flag
Want to improve your rhythm guitar playing skills? To become a much better rhythm guitarist, you must learn and master 5 main skills. Learn what these skills are and become a killer rhythm guitar player.

Learn to play killer guitar riffsHow To Play Awesome Rhythm Guitar Riffs  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  
Do you have trouble with consistently creating AWESOME rock and metal rhythm guitar riffs? If so, there are several things you absolutely must know about how to play and practice rhythm guitar so that you can begin to make much faster progress in this area of your guitar playing. Read this rhythm guitar playing lesson article to learn what to do to begin creating better sounding rhythm guitar riffs.

7-String Guitar Playing

Learn To Play 7 String Guitar More Creatively How To Play 7 String Guitar More Creatively  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version 
Want to come up with more creative ideas on your 7 string guitar? To play this instrument well, you will first need to understand how to get the most out of the unique features it brings into your guitar playing. Improve your 7 string guitar skills by reading this 7 string guitar lesson article.

How To Improve Your 7 String Guitar PlayingHow To Improve Your 7 String Guitar Playing Using 5 Uncommon Approaches  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version 
Playing 7 string guitar is so much more than just "playing 6 string guitar with an extra string." To become a truly great 7 string guitarist, you must explore the instrument in much deeper detail and uncover its unique musical advantages. Learn more by reading this 7 string guitar playing article.

Rock & Blues Guitar Articles

Gritty Blues Guitar Licks These NASTY Blues Guitar Licks Sound So Good - They Should Be Illegal
I'm far from the world's biggest blues fan... but even I can’t get enough of these dirty, gritty stank-blues guitar licks. And they can quickly take your guitar playing – within days - to the stratosphere of fun and musical expression most guitarists think takes decades of practice to reach. This blues lead guitar article shows what they are and how to play them.

Blues guitar solo lesson Play These Awesome Blues Guitar Licks To Sound More Pro
These blues guitar licks are simple, fun to play and can make any guitar solo you play sound better fast. And after I demonstrate the licks, I’ll reveal lots of (actionable) tips and tricks to help you make them sound more pro... without needing special talent or having to practice 8 hours per day.

Killer blues guitar licks Cool And Simple Pentatonic Blues Guitar Licks
If you want to play cool blues guitar solos without being an advanced guitarist, this lead guitar soloing article shows you simple pentatonic scale guitar ideas that make you sound pro and are a lot of fun to play.

Why Guitar Students Quit Play These Awesome Rock Lead Guitar Licks And Sound Pro
In this article and video I show you awesome blues guitar licks from the 3rd position of the pentatonic scale that give you a ton of ideas for your guitar solos.

Lead guitar backslides Cool Lead Guitar Slides Most Rock Guitarists Don't Know (But Should)
These little-known guitar slides add fire and emotion to all of your guitar ideas (and they especially great if you play rock/blues lead and rhythm guitar).

Guitar Double Stops With Vibrato How To Apply Vibrato To Guitar Double Stops
Want to play amazing blues guitar licks? Learning how to apply vibrato to double stops helps you do it. Learn how it’s done in this article about using double stop vibrato with guitar licks.

Pentatonic guitar licks video Learn How To Play Creative Pentatonic Guitar Licks
Want to make your blues guitar playing sound a lot more impressive? Check out the tips in this article about playing pentatonic guitar licks.

Sweep Picking Guitar Video How To Make Wrong Notes Sound Good In Guitar Solos
Tired of playing too many “wrong” notes during your guitar solos? Good news, there is a way to transform bad notes into cool ones. Learn how to do it in this guitar soloing article.

 How To Play Blues Guitar Solos That Sound Mean And Aggressive Play Cool Blues Guitar Solos Using 5 Easy Exercises
Love the sound of pentatonic and blues guitar solos? Learn how to make your solos sound amazing using these cool pentatonic guitar licks.

Play Blues Guitar Licks Play Lead Guitar Blues Double Stops Using Bends Creatively
This video demonstration explains how to add intensity to your solos by playing awesome blues guitar double stop licks.

Killer and creative blues guitar double stopsHow To Play Creative Blues Double Stop Licks USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Fact: Most blues guitar players merely copy double stop licks from other guitarists without learning how to use them creatively in music. To play killer blues guitar double stops, you must learn how to get the maximum amount of expression and intensity from the technique. Check out this blues guitar double stops article to learn how play the coolest, most intense and most expressive double stop licks.

 How To Play Blues Guitar Solos That Sound Mean And AggressiveHow To Play Killer Blues Guitar Licks  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want to know how to play killer blues guitar licks that sound aggressive 'and' clean at the same time? Most guitarists believe that you can only do one or the other, and are never able to play their solos with maximum expression. However, you CAN play awesome blues guitar licks with both qualities and I'll show you how. Read this blues guitar licks article.

How to play more expressive guitar licksHow To Make Your Blues Licks More Expressive  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want the power to create tons of highly creative blues guitar licks whenever you want? You can easily do this by learning just a few techniques for making your blues guitar playing more expressive. Learn these techniques by checking out this blues guitar video.

Becoming A Great Classic Rock Guitar PlayerHow To Become A Great Classic Rock Guitar Player  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version 
If you want to master the classic rock lead guitar playing styles of Angus Young, Jimmy Page, Eddie Van Halen and other classic rock guitar masters, there are several important skills that you absolutely must develop in order to reach this goal. Read this article to find out how to become a great classic rock guitar player.

Guitar Picking Technique

guitar picking tutorial

The Best Picking Hand Motions To Use When Changing Strings
Want to pick fast? Then you'd better know the proper picking hand motions to use on string changes. And it's not what you probably think. It's neither "use the wrist", nor "use the arm/elbow". This guitar speed article explains the system I use to get my students picking chops up quickly.

The-Best-Guitar-Picking-Technique The Best Guitar Picking Technique: Alternate Picking vs. Economy Picking vs. Directional Picking
What is the best overall picking technique for guitar? Is it alternate picking, economy picking or directional picking? The answer (revealed in this guitar picking article) may surprise you.

unusual arpeggio patterns Unusual 2-Notes-Per-String Arpeggios More Guitarists Ought to Know

If you like playing arpeggios on guitar, but sometimes get bored with plain-old sweep picking, you’re going to love the unusual guitar arpeggio patterns I show you in this video. They sound great at any speed (fast or slow) and make you sound pro, even if you are not an advanced guitar player yet.

Use advanced guitar technique The Secret To Getting Advanced Guitar Technique
Want to develop advanced guitar technique that helps you shred just like the pros? Learn what skill helps you do it by reading this guitar technique article.

5 Guitar picking exercises Learn Effective Guitar Picking Exercises
Want to pick fast on guitar with better accuracy and faster speed? Learn 5 ways to do it in this guitar picking exercises article.

Sweep Picking Technique On Guitar Learn A Creative Way To Clean Up Sweep Picking Arpeggios
Tired of struggling with sweep picking? Use a creative practice approach to finally sweep pick on guitar with speed and accuracy.

How To Play With Directional Picking TechniqueHow To Make Fast Guitar Playing Easy Using Directional Picking
Becoming a fast guitar player requires using efficient picking technique. To make your picking technique more efficient, you need to master directional picking. Learn the 5 things you must do to master this technique so you can become a faster player by reading this speed picking guitar article.

How To Tremolo Pick Extremely Fast On GuitarHow To Tremolo Pick Fast On Guitar
Want to tremolo pick faster on guitar? Then STOP trying to "move your hands faster" - this will never work. I’ll show you the 4 steps you need to take to REALLY improve your tremolo technique so you can play lightning fast and make it feel super easy. Practice this exercise to greatly improve your tremolo picking.

The Best Picking Technique For Guitar SpeedBuild Lightning Fast Guitar Picking Technique
Don't take longer than necessary to build fast guitar picking technique. Fact is, most guitarists waste tons of time trying to do this, causing themselves a lot of frustration in the process. However, developing fast and efficient picking technique is easier than you think. Learn how by reading this article about building guitar speed.

How To Pick Faster On Guitar Learn The #1 Shortcut To Killer Guitar Picking Speed
Want to get lightning fast picking speed for guitar? You just need to master one concept. Learn what it is and playing faster than ever by reading this guitar speed article.guitar speed article.

How To Mute Unwanted Guitar String NoisePicking Hand Discipline
I have often been asked how I, and other players, are able to play really fast without playing sloppy. Playing sweep picked arpeggios cleanly while using a lot of gain (distortion) can be a big challenge. Many players have a hard time keeping all of the lower strings from ringing out while soloing on the higher strings, causing a sloppy noise. Read this entire guitar playing article to discover how to mute unwanted guitar string noise.

Get better picking technique for guitar Video: How To Play Better Licks On Guitar USA Flag
Wish you had guitar picking technique that gave you super fast, consistent and clean playing that felt totally effortless? Get started developing your speed by watching this guitar picking technique video.

How To Get Better Results From Guitar LessonsHow To Fix Sloppy Guitar Playing  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Want to quickly fix your sloppy guitar playing and become a better guitarist? To do this, you must first understand how to identify mistakes in your guitar technique. Learn how by reading this page about playing guitar cleanly.

Guitar Practice Articles

Regain The Guitar Playing Skills How To Get Your Guitar Skills Back After A Break From Playing

Getting back to playing guitar after a break? Do the 5 things I talk about in this guitar practice article to get your skills back fast and continue improving to a level far beyond where you were before you took the break.

how practicing correctly saves you years of practice time The Best Practice Habits 90% Of Guitarists Aren’t Using

Want to improve faster, but can't practice more than you do right now? The answer lies in improving your practice habits. The better your guitar practice habits, the easier it is to make faster progress without practicing more. This guitar practice article shows you how.

Best guitar practice method Pro-level practice tips 99% of guitarists don’t know

This article reveals 5 of my go-to guitar practice methods that make it easy to improve your guitar playing fast and have more fun, without practicing more than you do right now. All my top students have used these very same methods to become pro-level players without practicing more than 1 hour per day (in most cases). You can too.

Guitar practice integration Get Results With Guitar Practice Circuit Training
Want to get more results from your guitar practice to improve your technique faster? Do it by using this guitar technique practice routine.

Guitar string gauge Guitar String Gauge Guide
What is the guitar string gauge you should choose? Learn right now by checking out this free guide to choosing guitar strings.

Holding a guitar pick How To Hold A Guitar Pick Correctly
Playing guitar by holding the pick correctly is critical for playing at your highest potential. Learn how to hold a guitar pick correctly in different situations.

Most Guitarists Are Totally Out Of BalanceMost Of You Are Totally Out Of Balance
Have you ever felt out of balance with your guitar skills? Maybe you are strong in some areas but lagging behind in others. It is not important to be strong in 'every' area of guitar playing, but it is important that you are strong in the 'right areas'. You need to be clear on exactly 'what to practice on guitar'.

Ear Training For Guitarists The Most Important Skill That Most Guitar Players Don't Have
Ear training (also known as aural skills) is one of the most underdeveloped skills for guitar players. Learn what you can do immediately to improve your aural skills. Read the full article on developing your aural skills.

effective guitar practice secretsThe 80/20 Rule
20% of what we do brings us 80% of our results, but the other 80% of what we do brings us only 20% of our results. Understanding this simple, yet profound theory and applying it to your guitar practice can make a huge difference in your guitar playing. Read the whole guitar playing article on guitar practice secrets.

How the CAGED system hurts your guitar playingHow The CAGED System Is Hurting Your Guitar Playing
The CAGED system is one of the worst things you can learn as a guitarist. If you want to become a great guitarist and reach the highest levels of musical freedom, avoid this system like the plague. Learn how the CAGED system hurts your guitar playing and what to do about it

Guitar warmup exercises 5 Guitar Warm Up Tips That Get Results
Want to learn the best ways to warmup on guitar to get better results from your practice? No problem! Learn 5 right now by reading this guitar practice warmups article.

Rock Lead Guitar Phrasing VideoIncredible Guitar Practice Hacks That Get Results
Learning how to make your guitar practice more effective makes it easy to get results without practicing many hours a day. Learn how to do it by reading this guitar practice article.

Motivation To Practice Guitar Get Motivation To Practice Guitar With These 10 Tips
Sometimes it feels like a struggle to pick up your guitar and practice. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to bet this way. Learn 10 ways to massively boost your motivation by reading this guitar practice article.

Guitar Practice Exercise Improve Everything In Your Guitar Playing Using One Exercise
It’s possible to improve your guitar playing massively with just one exercise when you know what to focus on and use an efficient practice schedule. Learn the steps to this exercise now by reading this guitar practice article.

Make Your Guitar Playing Sound Better How To Play Guitar Faster And Cleaner In 10 Minutes
Want to become a faster and more clean guitar player in just 10 minutes? Mastering 2-hand synchronization helps you do this. Read this article to get the 10 minute guitar practice exercise to become a faster guitarist now.

How To Practice Guitar Using A CircuitUse This Guitar Practice Circuit To Improve Your Creativity
Becoming a great guitar player requires integrating your musical skills by combining different skills together and being creative. Learn how to practice this by checking out this guitar practice circuit.

How To Practice Guitar EffectivelyHow To Stop Wasting So Much Guitar Practice Time
Most guitar players completely WASTE 40-70% of their guitar practice time. This is because they consistently practice using one (or more) of the four most destructive habits. Until you understand how to avoid these habits, your guitar practice will not be anywhere close to as productive as it could be. Read this article to learn them and find out how to practice guitar more effectively.

What to practice on guitar5 Key Traits Of Effective Guitar Practice Schedules
You become a better guitar player when you use effective guitar practice schedules. There are 5 key elements every practice schedule must have to improve your guitar playing. Learn what these elements are and how to use them to create perfect guitar practice schedules.

Practice Guitar More Effectively5 Effective Guitar Practice Habits
Until you develop effective guitar practice habits, your practice sessions will be frustrating and provide slow progress. Learn how to become a better guitarist faster by reading this article that discusses the most effective guitar practice habits.

How To Solve Guitar Playing ProblemsHow To Quickly Solve Your Guitar Playing Problems
Before you can make fast progress in your guitar playing, you must learn how to solve your biggest issues while you practice. If your guitar practice does not make your playing feel easier and sound better, something is wrong. Learn the most effective process for fixing any guitar playing problem by reading this guitar practice article.

Guitar Practice EnduranceImprove Your Guitar Playing Fast With Circuit Training
Want to become a better guitarist and have more fun in the process? Add circuit training to your guitar practice routine. Athletes use this training method to improve their bodies. You can use it to greatly improve your guitar playing.

How To Find Guitar Exercises To Make You BetterHow To Find Guitar Exercises That Will Make You A Better Guitarist Faster
To become a great guitarist, you're going to need to practice the right things that lead you towards your ultimate musical goals. Most guitarists do not know how to do this and end up making slow progress in their playing at best. Find out the exercises you should be practicing by reading this guitar exercises article.

Motivation To Practice GuitarTop 5 Reasons Why You Lack Motivation To Practice Guitar
Do you sometimes feel a lack of motivation for practicing guitar? For most guitarists, this occurs because they do not understand how to get the most out of their guitar practice time. As a result, they make very slow progress and become frustrated. Find out how to increase your motivation to practice guitar by learning how to practice guitar more effectively.

Eliminating Mistakes From Your Guitar PlayingHow To Eliminate Mistakes From Your Guitar Playing
The first step you must take while learning something new on guitar is simply trying to 'get it right'. However, using this approach all the time will neither prevent you from making mistakes in the future nor help you become a truly great guitarist. To do these things, you must practice to 'never get it wrong'. Learn how by reading this article on how to practice guitar effectively.

How To Practice Guitar After Taking A Long Break From PlayingHow To Get Your Guitar Skills Back After Taking A Long Break From Playing
If you've ever taken a long break away from guitar playing, you know how much it sucks when you discover that you've lost some of your skills. Good news is it doesn't take long to get them back. Get your guitar playing skills back fast by reading this guitar practice article.

What To Practice On GuitarHow To Find The Best Guitar Exercises
If you feel frustrated with not knowing how to make sense out of millions of guitar playing exercises, guitar method books and videos, you need to read this article that will show you exactly how to determine the best guitar exercises for you.

3 Step for and effective guitar practice sessionHow To Play Anything On Guitar
Have you ever spent a long time trying to play something on guitar only to end up frustrated when you couldn't play it right? It's time to finally get it right! Read this article with guitar practice advice and discover the exact steps to playing anything you want.

how to use a metronome effectively How To Practice Guitar Effectively With And Without A Metronome
When it comes to practicing guitar with a metronome, guitarists typically fall into two camps: some use the metronome very frequently and others almost never use it. Fact is, both approaches are misleading and will severely limit your guitar playing progress. Read this article to learn how to use a metronome effectively and discover how to make a lot more progress in your guitar playing.

How to practice guitar more effectivelyThe 4 Building Blocks Of Perfect Guitar Practice
Your musical progress is directly shaped by the effectiveness of your guitar practice. Start achieving the maximum results possible in your guitar playing by learning the key elements of perfect guitar practice.

How To Practice GuitarGet More From Your Guitar Practice - 8 Steps To Develop A Highly Efficient Practice Schedule 
If you are like most guitar players you sometimes feel frustrated with your guitar playing. You know mastering guitar playing takes a LOT of time, energy and effort. It seems like a huge mountain to climb in order to reach the highly advanced levels of guitar playing. You know that few people who attempt to climb that mountain will actually achieve it... but if you are truly determined to reach these goals you certainly can! Read this guitar playing article to learn how to develop your own guitar practice schedule.

Practice guitar without timeHow To Practice Guitar With A Limited Amount Of Time
It may be difficult to increase the total amount of time you have available to practice guitar, but it is actually easy to maximize the results you get from your practice time. Read the full guitar playing article for tips on how to practice guitar.

Make your guitar practice more effectiveMake Your Guitar Practice Effective And Fun
If practicing guitar consistently is hard for you because your practice routines feel boring, you are missing a huge key aspect on practicing guitar effectively. To get the best out of every time you practice guitar find a balance between making it fun and effective simultaneously. Read this article and find out what to do if your guitar practice isn’t fun.

Why Not Tracking Your Progress Hurts Your Guitar Playing5 Problems That Happen When You Don’t Track Your Guitar Playing Progress
Tracking your progress on guitar every week improves the effectiveness of your practice by helping you understand which weakness or strengths to focus on. When you don’t track your progress, it causes problems in your playing. Learn the 5 biggest problems that occur when you don’t track guitar playing progress.

Become A Better Guitar Player FasterHow To Become a Better Guitar Player Faster
Do you practice guitar every day but see little or no progress? If your answer is yes, chances are that you are doing some key things wrong when you practice. Once you identify the things that hold you back and correct them, your progress will become much faster. Read this article and learn the mistakes that keep you from making huge progress on guitar and how to avoid them.

Effective Guitar Practice TechniqueMindless Exercises
Do you sometimes feel that your practicing consists of boring mindless exercises and your improvement on the guitar is slow? This guitar practicing article will help you find the balance between 'exercises' and real progress in your guitar playing. Transform your mindless exercises into an effective guitar practice technique.

How To Fix Guitar MistakesHow To Stop Making Sloppy Mistakes While Playing Guitar  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Do you ever have bad guitar playing days where you make a lot of mistakes and don’t play as good as you know you can? You’re not alone – every guitarist does. Read this guitar playing article to learn how to play at your best even on your worst days.

Common Guitar Practice ProblemsTom Hess Interview And Review Of Common Guitar Practice Problems
One of the biggest reasons that guitar players do not make fast progress is a lack of efficient and organized guitar practice. If you do not understand how to practice guitar in a way that helps you reach your musical goals effectively, you will waste a great deal of time only to end up frustrated when you cannot play guitar how you want to. Learn how to practice guitar to reach your musical goals faster by reading advice for some of the most commonly asked guitar practice questions in this Tom Hess guitar practice review.

How To Reach Your Guitar Playing Goals

Big stretch licks How To Play Stretchy Guitar Licks With Small Hands
If you’re finding it difficult to play big stretches on guitar and think you have ‘small hands’, this week’s video (and article) will improve your fretting hand technique and help you play stretchy guitar licks that feel impossible right now.

Fix Sloppy Guitar Playing How To Clean Up Sloppy Guitar Playing And Play Guitar Cleanly Like A Pro
If you struggle with sloppy guitar playing, this lead guitar article will show you the common sources of guitar string noise and how to clean them up (without practicing more), so you sound more pro with everything you play.

Killer Neoclassical Arpeggios Yngwie-Style Arpeggios You Have To Try
Check out these awesome neoclassical (Yngwie-style) guitar arpeggios that sound way cooler than simply playing a single arpeggio up and down. You don't have to be advanced to play them. And practicing these arpeggios will help you build 'more' speed, if that's your goal.

Lean notes on guitar How NOT To Memorize Your Fretboard
STOP trying to learn the fretboard by memorizing ‘letter names’! Instead, follow this fast, simple and powerful way to memorize your fretboard that gives you the ultimate freedom to play guitar the way you want (and saves you from memorizing mostly useless info).

How to improve any guitar lickWant To Become A Pro-Level Creative Musician Fast? Practice This!
If you're short on time and want to work on something that's nearly guaranteed to make you sound like a pro guitarist quickly, work on combining your guitar skills together. Doing this helps you become a better guitarist faster than just about anything else.

Guitar Skill IntegrationHow To Develop Lead Guitar Skills Faster Through Guitar Skill Integration
Guitar Skill Integration is possibly the quickest way to play guitar better and sound more pro with the skills you already have (without spending more time practicing). This lead guitar skill integration article shows you how.

Test for reaching your musical goalsGuitar Playing Quiz About Reaching Your Musical Goals
There are many myths about playing and practicing guitar. If you believe any of these myths, you will struggle to reach your musical goals. Take this quiz and learn how much you know about becoming a great guitar player.

11 Mistakes Guitarist Make11 Damaging Mistakes Guitar Players Make And How To Avoid Them
Do you know how many guitar players practice a lot in order to improve their guitar playing, but they still struggle to play guitar exactly the way they desire? They don't improve quickly. They begin to doubt their guitar playing potential, and wonder if they will ever learn to become a better guitar player. Read the full guitar playing article and learn how to improve your guitar playing.

Why you don't get results from taking guitar lessons3 Reasons Why You May Not Be Getting Big Results From Taking Guitar Lessons
Have you taken guitar lessons, but became frustrated and quit? Perhaps you weren't making enough progress? Do you doubt that guitar lessons are worth investing your money and time? Many guitar students do not get the benefit from guitar lessons that they could be getting. Find out the secrets to better guitar playing.

Steve Vai's Secrets For Musical Greatness - Part 1Guitar Lessons You Must Learn From Steve Vai To Greatly Improve Your Guitar Playing - Part 1
Learn the secrets behind Steve Vai’s guitar playing greatness and how to use these secrets to improve your OWN guitar playing. Hint: These secrets have nothing to do with learning Steve Vai solos. Learn how to improve your guitar playing by studying a guitar master.

Steve Vai's Secrets For Musical Greatness - Part 2Guitar Lessons You Must Learn From Steve Vai To Greatly Improve Your Guitar Playing – Part 2
Part 2 of this article will reveal more key secrets behind Steve Vai’s musical greatness and how to apply them to grow as a guitar player. Become an awesome guitar player by studying this Steve Vai guitar lesson.

How To Get Better At Guitar Much Faster5 Ways To Turbocharge Your Guitar Progress
You won't be able to move your guitar playing forward until you eliminate the poor practicing habits that hold you back. Additionally, to become a great guitarist fast, you must look for more than just new things to practice. Learn which things slow down your progress and cut them out of your guitar playing so you can become a better guitarist faster.

Why you don't get results from taking guitar lessonsChoosing A Guitar Teacher
Looking for a local or an online guitar teacher? Not all teachers are the same, there are a LOT of bad ones out there, and the majority are just mediocre guitar teachers. Read this guitar article to find and choose the best guitar teacher for you.

Why you don't get results from taking guitar lessonsDo You Really Need A Guitar Teacher?
If you want to quickly learn to play guitar, find a great teacher as soon as possible. This guitar article is a MUST READ if you have any doubts about whether you need guitar lessons.

 Reach Your Guitar Playing GoalsBegin At The End
Why do most guitar players fail to reach their guitar playing goals? Contrary to popular belief, the fastest, easiest and most effective way to reach your guitar playing goals is to begin from the 'top down', NOT the 'bottom up'. Find out what this means and what you need to do to reach your guitar playing goals.

how to reach your guitar playing goalsPlans Are NOT Goals
Many musicians make the mistake of confusing "plans" to do something with "goals". This common fundamental misunderstanding leads guitar players to start out on the wrong path to achieve what they want musically. Read the entire guitar article on how to become a great guitar player.

Questions Guitarists Ask5 Common Guitar Playing Questions You Should NOT Be Asking
There are 5 common questions guitar players ask when trying to become great players. However, if you ask these same questions, you will make slow progress at best. Learn what these questions are and what you should be asking instead by reading this article on how to become a great guitarist.

7 Things Your Guitar Teacher Will Never Tell You7 Things Your Guitar Teacher Will Never Tell You
If you have ever been frustrated with the lack of results from guitar teachers you've worked with, you are not alone. Most guitar players skip from guitar teacher to guitar teacher many times before they find someone who can help them effectively achieve their musical goals as a guitar player. The truth is, 19 out of 20 guitar teachers simply do not understand how to help you become a better guitarist. Learn how to become a better guitar player by finding a great guitar teacher.

How To Master Guitar Stuck In Your Guitar Playing? Read This…
What is the biggest reason why guitar players fail to reach their goals and give up? It’s not what you think! Find out now by reading this article about why guitar players get stuck.

How To Improve Guitar TechniqueHow To Improve Your Guitar Technique - Part 1
Discover the 5 secrets to improving your guitar technique. Play cleanly by becoming more accurate. Eliminate any sloppy playing and unwanted string noise. This guitar article is designed to improve guitar technique.

Stop Unwanted Guitar String Noise & Sloppy Guitar PlayingHow To Improve Your Guitar Technique - Part 2: Stop Unwanted Guitar String Noise And Sloppy Guitar Playing
If you are still suffering from sloppy guitar playing, the cause is likely unwanted guitar string noise. For some guitar players, improving guitar technique may have nothing to do with how they are playing the notes they ‘want’ to hear. The sloppy noises we sometimes hear are caused from the notes (strings) we do ‘not’ want to hear. Learn how to eliminate unwanted guitar string noise

Getting the most from your guitar playing practiceThe Best Way To Get Huge Results On Guitar
What if your guitar progress became so fast and predictable that it was like playing a video game with all cheat codes unlocked? It’s awesome to see yourself getting better every time you practice guitar. It’s even better when you can practice only a fraction of the time you used to, and have your skills progress faster than ever before. Read this and learn the most effective way to make huge progress on guitar.

 Why Too Much Progress Can Hurt Your Guitar PlayingWhy Making Too Much Progress Too Fast Is Harmful For Your Guitar Playing
Think the best way to become a great guitarist is to make the fastest progress possible? Think again! Fact is, making fast progress is not the same as reaching your guitar playing goals in as little time as possible. Learn the difference between the two by reading this article about fast guitar playing progress misconceptions.

How To Get Better Results From Guitar LessonsHow To Get Better Results From Taking Guitar Lessons  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version
Many guitarists misunderstand how taking guitar lessons will help them become much better players. Contrary to popular belief, taking guitar lessons is not just about learning new things... but much more. Learn what else you can do to get maximum results from working with a guitar teacher by reading this article about taking guitar lessons.

how to become a better guitaristCan YOU Really Become A Great Guitar Player?  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version 
Find out if you can really become a great guitar player (hint: Yes you can!). If you want to become a better guitarist, read this guitar article about how to become a better guitar player.

How To Know If You'll Become A Great GuitaristHow To Know If You'll Become A Great Guitarist USA Flag
The main difference between average guitarists and great guitarists isn't necessarily the amount of hours they spend practicing... nor is it simply possessing "natural talent". Although many do not become great, everyone has the potential to do so (and it's not that hard). Find out how to do it for yourself by reading this article about becoming a great guitar player.

Article about pursuing artistic greatnessThe Pursuit of Artistic Greatness  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version 
The pursuit of artistic greatness has been among us for thousands of years, yet it has eluded most of us. It seems almost impossible to pursue that which we can hardly define (artistic greatness). It's not surprising that so many people who may possess all the potential they need, still fall short because they didn't realize they already possessed the single most important element. But what is the right path to the pursuit of artistic greatness?

Guitar Player Motivation

Reasons Why You Aren't Yet A Better Guitar PlayerWhy Aren't You A Better Guitarist?
Struggling with your guitar playing? We've all been there. Discover the 20 guitar playing secrets you need to know to become a better guitarist. Read the full guitar article on how to become a better guitarist.

How to become a great guitar player3 Things That Will Keep You From Becoming A Great Guitarist
Are you not a great guitarist yet because of a lack of technical playing ability, no natural talent or just not enough musical creativity? Wrong! These are merely the symptoms of a much deeper root cause. Learn exactly what keeps you from becoming a great guitarist by reading this guitar playing article.

becoming a much more better guitar playerAre You A Bad Student? I Was!
I wasted years of valuable time, thousands of dollars and much frustration in my pursuit to become a great guitarist and make it as a professional musician. If I knew then what I know now, I might have become a great guitar player at a young age instead of getting off to a slow start with my guitar playing. Read my guitar article on how to become a better guitarist so you will never repeat my stupid guitar learning mistakes.

top secrets to becoming a kickass guitar playerTop Secrets Of Common Sense - Part 1
No matter what your musical skill level is right now, there are going to be many significant challenges ahead of you. Your attitudes, and the ways you deal with musical challenges, will be the single greatest factor in determining how much you will achieve as a musician. Continue reading the guitar article to discover the first step in how to become a better guitarist.

how to become a badass guitar playerPerseverance - It Will Make You Or Break You!
Whenever you're frustrated and ready to give up, read this guitar article about perseverance for guitar players.

How to solve your guitar playing problemsHow To Solve Guitar Playing Problems
Are you frustrated by a lack of progress in your guitar playing? The reason why you are struggling is you have developed several bad habits in your playing and they are holding you back. Fortunately, it is not as difficult as you might think to overcome these problems. Learn how to solve guitar playing problems and become a better player fast.

How To Get Better At Guitar Much FasterWhy You Are Not Getting Better At Guitar And What To Do About It
Having more practice materials is not the answer for becoming a better guitar player. Endlessly searching for “things to practice” will actually hurt your progress in the long run. To speed up your guitar playing progress, learn the elements of guitar playing fluency.

Reasons Why Some Guitarists Become GreatThe Biggest Reason Why Most Guitar Players Fail To Achieve Greatness
Are you frustrated with your lack of progress in your guitar playing? Do you practice for hours but still struggle to get results from your practice sessions? Learn how to change this now. Read this article and discover the most important secrets of great guitar playing.

Best Guitar PracticePracticing Guitar: Self Discipline or Fun?
Do you find it difficult to fully enjoy the process of highly disciplined practicing? Most guitarists either have lots of fun practicing, but are not highly disciplined, or try to be very disciplined, but find it boring or unfulfilling when they do so. So most people make a (conscious or unconscious) choice to sacrifice 'fun' for discipline, or discipline for fun. Making sacrifices with your guitar practice is not only unnecessary, but can be counterproductive to becoming the guitar player you want to be. Read this guitar article and learn the best way to practice guitar.

Killer guitar practice adviceAn Analysis of "SUCK"
A cool guitar article about a true story of one frustrated guitar player and his friend who rapidly became a much better guitar player. Read the good guitar practice advice I gave him.

Avoiding Musical Burn OutHow To Avoid Musical Burn Out
Do you sometimes find it difficult to stay focused and motivated to practice or play music? We've all been there at some point in our guitar playing lives. Discover new inspiration to practice guitar. Overcome musical burn out. Read this guitar article about inspiration to practice guitar.

Fears That Holds You Back From Becoming A Great GuitaristAre You An Unhappy Musician? 10 Ways To Get Musical Pain Relief  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version 
Are you happy and fulfilled with your level of musical skills? Can you honestly say that you have reached all of your musical goals? Has your guitar playing consistently gotten better during the time you have been playing? If you answered 'no' to any of these questions, then read the full guitar article to get 10 guitar playing tips to put you on the path to say 'yes' to every question above!

Fears that hold you back from becoming a great guitarist4 Fears That Keep You From Becoming A Great Guitarist USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version 
You will go years without advancing your guitar playing skills if you don't identify and overcome the mental barriers you've created for yourself. These barriers are built from your greatest 'fears' (such as the fear of failure, criticism or performing in front of others). Overcome these fears so you can become a great guitarist much faster by reading this article about making progress on guitar.

Stage Fright Remedy for Guitar PlayersPlaying Live: What To Do With The Little Voices In Your Head  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version 
Whether you play for tens of thousands of people every night as part of a world tour, or 20 people at a backyard barbeque, most of the mental anxieties musicians experience while playing live are the same. In almost every case the negative little voice in your head is centered around fear (fear of rejection, self doubt etc.). We all have experienced some level of stage fright, performance anxiety, fear or nervousness when playing live at some time or another. Read the complete guitar article to discover a stage fright remedy for guitar players.

How to overcome guitar playing frustrationMusical Frustration  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version
Are you musically frustrated with yourself? Are you not the guitar player that you want to be? Or not as good as you could be or should be? Do you look with envy at other guitarists who are doing what you wish you could be doing? Does reaching your musical goals seem out of reach? Read the full article if you want to be a better guitarist.

inspiration for guitar playersFire and Inspiration  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version 
Think back to the time when your interest in playing guitar was born. Remember the time when you got your first guitar and actually started playing it. For most of us, even when we were total beginners, clueless about how to play anything, it somehow didn't matter because we were just so excited about beginning our musical/guitar journey. Want to get that inspiration back? Read this guitar article on inspiration for guitarists.

Critique Of Conventional Guitar AdviceGuitar Practice Myths – A Tom Hess Interview And Review Of Common Guitar Advice
Do you ever wonder if the guitar playing advice you find in online videos, forums or blogs is actually useful? The truth is, most of the conventional guitar tips you get from others might actually ‘slow down’ your progress as a guitar player. Learn how to avoid bad guitar advice by reading this special Tom Hess review of guitar practice myths conducted in interview format.

Guitar Performance

How To Get Your Guitar On The AirplaneHow To Travel With Your Guitar And Carry The Guitar On The Plane
If you’d like to know how to travel with your guitar and carry the guitar on the plane (without having to check it with your luggage, check it at the gate or buy an extra seat for it), this article about traveling with your instrument will show you how.

How To Play Guitar Fast And CleanHow To Play Guitar Better In Real-Life Situations
How do you know when you are a great guitar player? Answer: When you are able to consistently play at your best in front of other people. You need a practice method that trains you to play guitar in real life without making embarrassing mistakes. Learn how in this article about playing guitar in real-life situations.

Learn how to develop great live guitar playing skills4 Mistakes Guitarists Make When Preparing For Live Performance And How To Avoid Them
When you play guitar for others, you want your playing to be perfect, consistent and reliable, don’t you? To make this possible, you must learn how to practice to make your guitar skills dependable in any situation. Read this article to learn about 4 deadly mistakes guitarists make when preparing for live performance and how to overcome them.

How to improve your live guitar playing skillsHow To Stop Making Mistakes When Playing Guitar Live (In Front Of Others)
Tired of making mistakes when playing guitar live? To build superior confidence when you play guitar in front of people (and stop making embarrassing mistakes), you must practice your live performing skills in the same way as the pros do. Learn how to do it in this article about practicing guitar for a live performance.

Guitar Teaching Articles

Getting Started

Guitar lesson ads Guitar Teaching Advice For Guitar Teachers Starting Out From 6-Figure-Earning Guitar Teachers

In this guitar teaching article, you get answers to the most common guitar teaching questions from successful guitar teachers (who earn at least 6-figures per year, teaching part-time) and music school owners from all over the world.

Begin teaching guitar The 3 (Big) Things You Need To Begin Teaching Guitar

This article shows you how to get into teaching guitar and learn how to teach guitar at a high level, even if you’ve never taught anyone before.

Learn how to get started teaching guitarHow To Get Started Teaching Guitar  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Do you want to get started teaching guitar, but don’t feel confident in your teaching abilities yet? Don't give up just yet, it's much easier to become a successful guitar teacher than you think. Gain confidence and become a great guitar teacher fast by avoiding the most common guitar teaching mistakes - Read this article about how to start teaching guitar while avoiding the largest mistakes made by new guitar teachers.

Tom Hess teaching guitar for a livingHow To Quit Your Day Job And Make A Living Teaching Guitar USA Flag
You do NOT have to work at a 9-5 job you hate for the rest of your life! Making a living as a gutar teacher is fun, rewarding, and much less risky. Plus, you're probably ready to start teaching guitar right now... Learn why by reading this article on how to teach guitar for a living.  

Learn how to teach guitarLearn How To Teach Guitar American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
To learn how to teach guitar well and build a successful guitar teaching business, you need to know some critical steps that most new guitar teachers either don't know or don't do. Once you learn these things, you will be able to quickly move forward as a guitar teacher - making more money and better helping your students become great players. Read more in this article about how to teach guitar.  

Overwhelmed Guitar Teacher 7 Things That Guarantee Financial Failure For Guitar Teachers USA Flag
Even those guitar teachers who genuinely ‘try’ to earn more money from teaching often destroy their chances of success by following traditional ‘common sense’ tactics in their businesses. These ideas appear perfectly logical, but they WILL hurt you in big ways. Read this article to protect yourself from certain failure as a guitar teacher.  

Why guitar teachers are successfulWhy Some Guitar Teachers Are Highly Successful: The Psychology Of A Guitar Teacher American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Have you noticed some guitar teachers are very successful while others struggle to make ends meet? Fact is, becoming a great guitar teacher requires both knowledge of teaching guitar AND an understanding of how psychology can work 'for' you. Become a successful guitar teacher by learning how to take advantage of your strongest personality traits.  

Confused guitar teacher doesn't know what guitar teaching questions to askCommon Guitar Teaching Questions You Should Never Ask  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Before you have reached a great level of success as a guitar teacher, you will have many questions that need solutions. However, many common guitar teaching questions are based on false assumptions that will be harmful to your guitar teaching business. Discover the top 7 guitar teaching questions you should never ask if ever you want to become a highly successful guitar teacher.  

Guitar Teaching Business

Help guitar students practice effectively 5 Simple Ways To Make A Music School more Profitable

In this guitar teaching article, I show you 5 simple ways to take home way more of what you earn teaching music without attracting more new guitar students or spending more time advertising your music school than you do right now.

Teaching musical application This 3-Letter Word Wrecks Most Guitar Teachers

Whether you’ve been teaching music for years, or if you’re just thinking of getting started teaching music, there is a simple 3-letter word that destroys most guitar teachers' ability to make money and help their students. And it has nothing to do with your age, intelligence, musical skills or where you live. Find out what 'it' is and how to protect your guitar teaching business from it in this guitar teaching article.

The Best Guitar Teaching Format The Best Guitar Teaching Format: Teaching Guitar In Groups Vs. 1-1 Guitar Lessons

What is the best guitar teaching format? Is it teaching guitar in groups? Or 1-1 guitar lessons? Conventional guitar teaching wisdom says: 1-1 guitar lessons. But I disagree. Here are 11 reasons why teaching guitar in groups is better than 1-1 guitar lessons.

Why Guitar Students Quit 5 Surprising Reasons Why Guitar Students Quit

Most guitar students don't quit for the reasons they 'say' they do. Understanding the 'real reasons' makes it much easier to recognize the warning signs before the student actually stops lessons. This article reveals 5 surprising reasons guitar students quit that most guitar teachers don't know about.

How To Break Into The Music Industry 5 Roadblocks That Ruin Your Guitar Teaching Business American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Why do so many guitar teachers get stuck earning only a modest living teaching lessons? They use the same mindset, strategies and models. Learn how to not end up like them and make great money teaching guitar.

Build A Thriving Guitar Teaching BusinessThe Key To Building A Thriving Guitar Teaching Business American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
When you struggle as a guitar teacher, you are falling short in one (or more) key areas of your guitar teaching business. Learn how to identify and overcome these weaknesses and build a successful guitar teaching business.

Tom Hess coaches a guitar teacherThe Best Way To Become A Successful Guitar Teacher American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
Becoming a truly great guitar teacher and climbing to the top of Mt. Everest have many things in common. Both professions require a lot of hard work, decision and commitment - but, there is one more thing that both guitar teachers and mountain climbers share in common. Learn what it is so you can get started building a successful guitar teaching business.  

Common Guitar Teaching Business Mistakes7 Guitar Teaching Mistakes Caused By Fear American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
The greatest challenge you face as a guitar teacher is overcoming your irrational fears. Your fears keep you from providing maximum value to your students and limit your income. Learn 7 common mistakes guitar teachers make (due to fear) and how to overcome them.

The key to guitar teaching successThe 5 Steps You Must Take To Become Successful At Teaching Guitar American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
You will not become the number one guitar teacher in your area until you understand (and take action on) the principles that massively successful guitar teachers use. It doesn't matter what level your teaching skills are, where you are located or how much experience you have. These 5 principles for guitar teaching success are essential for your growth and prosperity.  

Tom Hess coaches a guitar teacher on how to be successfulHow To Become The Number One Local Guitar Teacher American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Wondering what you need to do to become the best guitar teacher in your local area? Most guitar teachers are destined to achieve mediocre results for their students and fail to earn good money in their guitar teaching business. Don't become one of them! Learn the 5 main reasons why you haven't become the number one teacher in your city and how to change this. Read this guitar teaching article.

Tom Hess coaches a guitar teacher on how to be successfulHow To Instantly Improve Your Guitar Teaching Business By Eliminating These Top 9 Mistakes Guitar Teachers Usually Make  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version
Are you struggling to be a highly successful guitar teacher? Do you want to have more new dedicated guitar students who remain committed for the long term, but your guitar teaching methods are not working as effectively as you would like them to? Are you unhappy because most guitar students don't reach their musical goals and/or an advanced level of guitar playing? Read this guitar teaching article to build your own highly successful guitar teaching business.

Tom Hess Teaching A Guitar StudentThe BIG Error That Keeps You ‘Just Out Of Reach’ Of Becoming Successful Teaching Guitar USA Flag
The difference between wild success and total failure as a guitar teacher comes down to one fundamental thing that one group does and the other doesn't do. It explains why there are many teachers who possess equally good teaching skills and potential, yet only ‘some’ of them will succeed, while the rest will continue to struggle. Learn why this happens and how to prevent this from happening to you in this article about the biggest guitar teaching mistake.  

Why guitar teachers failWhy Guitar Teachers Fail And How You Can Succeed American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
Most guitar teachers can’t earn more than $40,000 per year teaching guitar no matter how hard they try. Successful guitar teachers earn $30,000-40,000 (or more) per MONTH. Learn the key difference between guitar teachers who fail and those who succeed and discover how to become hugely successful teaching guitar.

Making Money By Teaching Guitar

How to earn money teaching guitar lessons How To Earn More Money Teaching Guitar Lessons

In this week’s guitar teaching article, I break down 6 simple things the highest earning guitar teachers do differently than average teachers (and show you could do the same to increase your guitar teaching income very fast).

Getting paid as a guitar teacher 6 Ways To Get Paid For All Weeks Of The Year As A Guitar Teacher

This guitar teaching article shows you how to structure your guitar teaching business to make sure your students pay you for every week of the year (without complaining or haggling over it).

Begin teaching guitar Why Making Big Money Teaching Guitar Isn't Complicated

Here are 5 unique advantages that teaching guitar has over most other businesses (or jobs) and how to harness them to build a 6-figure (or higher) guitar teaching business, even if you are not an advanced guitar player yet.

How to set guitar lesson rates Want Some Help Deciding What To Charge Your Guitar Students For Lessons?

This guitar teaching article helps you set your guitar lesson rates so you can reach your financial goals as a guitar teacher, make your students feel like they're getting a bargain no matter what you charge and all but ensure you become the go-to guitar teacher in your area.

Successful guitar teachers 13 Habits Of 6-Figure Earning Guitar Teachers

If you want to make more money teaching guitar, copy these (simple) things all 6-figure earning guitar teachers do to attract more students, help them better than any other teacher in their area and have more fun building and running their guitar teaching businesses.

Earn money teaching guitar Why Guitar Teaching Specialists Make More Money

If you want to make more money teaching guitar, attract more serious guitar students (and more of them), plus - enjoy teaching way more, you have to become a guitar teaching 'specialist'. This guitar teaching article shows you why that is and how to do it.

Teaching guitar in the summerHow To Increase Your Guitar Teaching Income In The Summer  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Most guitar teachers lose money in the summer, but you don't have to be one of them. This guitar teaching article shows you how to increase your guitar teaching income in the summertime.

Making a living teaching guitar in a recessionHow To Earn A Living Teaching Guitar During A Recession   American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Want to grow your guitar teaching business but are afraid that the recession will get in your way? Learn how to make a living teaching guitar during a recession.

Making 6-Figures per year by teaching guitarHow To Become A Guitar Teacher Who Earns $100,000 Per Year   American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been teaching guitar for 30 years or if you just started – you CAN become a massively successful guitar teacher. In order to do it, you must have 5 crucial elements. These elements are the same elements that all successful people have (not just guitar teachers). Learn about them by reading this article on how to become a successful guitar teacher.  

Become a money magnet by teaching guitarWhy Copying Other Guitar Teachers Will Not Help You Earn Good Money Teaching Guitar  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Want to make a great living teaching guitar? The first thing you need to do is stop copying what other guitar teachers are doing! This might sound odd at first, but copying others is actually a huge mistake - Truth is, most guitar teachers are merely “guessing” what works or doesn’t work... and this method will NEVER bring great results. Read this article about earning money teaching guitar to learn the other main reasons why copying other guitar teachers doesn’t work, and what to do instead.  

Making money teaching guitar5 More Reasons Why Guitar Teachers Don't Make 6-Figures And How YOU Can  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
You can easily make 6-figures or more as a guitar teacher IF you don't make the same mistakes as the majority of other teachers. Fact is, your financial future is in your hands (regardless of a bad economy, the city you live in or your current musical skills). Learn 5 key reasons why so many guitar teachers don't earn good money and what you can do right now to make good money for yourself by reading this guitar teaching article

Mistakes most guitar teachers make in their lesson ads4 Mistakes Guitar Teachers Make In Their Guitar Lesson Ads That You Must Avoid American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Wish you had a lot more guitar students in your teaching schedule? Then you absolutely must learn how to make your guitar lesson ads highly effective. Discover how you can get a lot more guitar students while earning tons of money in your guitar teaching business by staying awaying from the 4 most mistakes guitar teachers make in their guitar lesson ads.

Making money teaching guitarMake Money Teaching Guitar  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Most guitar teachers struggle to support themselves full time on their income from teaching guitar. Many simply give up the idea of pursuing teaching guitar as a career path and instead get a non music related day job. Fact is that there are several key reasons why most music teachers struggle financially that can easily be avoided once you become aware of them and take steps to correct them. Read this article to learn how to make money teaching guitar.

Teaching Guitar Students

Guitar teaching mistakes with beginners A Very Lucrative Guitar Teaching Skill Most Guitar Teachers Are No Good At

This guitar teaching article shows you how to balance giving students what they 'need' to learn with what they 'want' to learn, so they become awesome players faster and remain your students longer - making it easier for you to earn a lot of money teaching guitar.

Create guitar teaching ads How To Teach Guitar To Your Intermediate Guitar Students

As you get better at teaching guitar to intermediate guitar students, the demand for you as a guitar teacher will go up. This article shows you how to teach guitar to intermediate students the right way.

Teach barre chords to guitar students How To Maintain Your Beginner Guitar Students' Interest

When you can maintain your beginner students' interest, it becomes easy to motivate them to practice at home, believe in themselves (and in you) and not give up when things are hard- making it far easier to reach your goals as a guitar teacher. This guitar teaching article shows you how to maintain the interest of your beginner students.

Teaching advanced guitar students How To Teach Guitar To Very Advanced Guitar Students

Advanced guitar students have very different needs from those who are beginners and at an intermediate level. Here is how to teach them to turn them into highly advanced players and make yourself the go-to guitar teacher in your area.

Teaching musical application The Guitar Teachers’ Guide to Teaching Musical Application

Teaching musical application to students makes them want to practice more, makes lessons more fun and motivates them to keep taking lessons with you for years. Here is how to teach musical application to your guitar students.

Get guitar student referrals 5 Secrets Of Teaching Guitar To Kid Guitar Students

The better you are at teaching guitar to kids the more fun your guitar teaching career becomes. Here are 5 secrets of teaching guitar to kids all guitar teachers ought to know.

How to teach a new guitar studentWhat To Teach In A Guitar Student's First Lesson
Want your guitar students to stay with you longer? Teach the first lesson with every student like I show in this guitar teaching article. Here is how to run a kick-butt first lesson with a new guitar student to earn their respect and make them glad they chose you as their teacher.

How To Train Guitar StudentsHow To Train Your Guitar Students To Become Better Players American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Helping your guitar students become better players requires more than teaching them musical ideas. You also need to coach and train them. Learn how to do these things by reading this guitar teaching article.

Common Guitar Teaching Mistakes15 Major Guitar Teaching Mistakes You Must Avoid American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
The easiest way to become a better guitar teacher is to learn from the mistakes of other guitar teachers and not repeat them. This helps your students become better guitarists, makes you stand out among other guitar teachers and helps you to earn a lot more money. Avoid these 15 guitar teaching mistakes.

Best guitar teaching meterialsBest Guitar Teaching Methods To Use With Your Students American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
Using cookie-cutter methods for teaching guitar won’t help your guitar students become great players. Learn what to do instead to help your students progress faster and create your own highly effective guitar teaching methods.

Tom Hess helps a guitar student make more progressHow To Teach Guitar More Effectively And Help Your Students Make MASSIVE Progress American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
Do you have a difficult time helping your guitar students to make powerful progress in their guitar playing so they can become much better players? This is a very common problem that prevents many guitar teachers from ever becoming truly successful. Check out this article about how to teach guitar to quickly learn how to help your students to become awesome musicians.

Motivate Your Guitar Students To PracticeHow To Get Your Guitar Students To Practice Consistently American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
The single most important habit you can instill in your guitar students is the ability to practice guitar correctly and consistently on their own at home. Read this article to learn 5 key ways to motivate your guitar students to practice.

Tom Hess teaches a guitar student how to practiceHow To Teach Your Guitar Students To Practice And Make More Progress  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
One of the biggest challenges for many guitar teachers is getting their guitar students to make progress during each lesson. Fact is, most guitar teachers spend a lot of time doing things such as showing their students new techniques or licks to play on guitar but spend very little time showing them how to actually ‘practice’ what they learn. Learn how to teach guitar students to practice by reading this guitar teaching article.  

Tom Hess teaches a guitar student creativityHow To Teach Creativity To Your Guitar Students American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Want to transform all of your guitar students into awesome players a lot faster? Then you need to stop giving them “tons of stuff to practice” every single time they have a lesson. Instead, you must start training them so that they can creatively apply their skills and stop using inferior guitar teaching models. Find out how to do all of this and a lot more by checking out the points in this article about teaching guitar more effectively.

Guitar teacher teaches beginners5 Big Mistakes You Should Avoid When Teaching Beginning Guitar Students  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version
Do your beginning guitar students usually progress slowly? Do they sometimes 'get stuck' in their guitar playing? Is teaching beginning guitar students sometimes very frustrating for you? Do you have a significant number of beginning guitar students who quit lessons with you after less than 1 year? Discover the 5 most common mistakes guitar teachers make when teaching beginning guitar students by reading this article about how to teach beginner guitar.  

Guitar teacher teachers chords to beginner studentsHow To Effectively Teach Guitar Chords To Beginning Guitar Students  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version
Beginning guitar students very often struggle with changing guitar chords quickly, fluently and musically. This can become very frustrating for them, and for you, the teacher - If left unchecked, this issue can greatly damage a student's self-confidence, causing them to quit lessons altogether. Learn how to solve this problem by reading this guitar teaching lesson on how to effectively teach guitar chords.  

Tom Hess fixes a guitar student's bad habitsTeaching Guitar: How To Fix Bad Habits And Solve Problems Your Guitar Students Have  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
Do you sometimes struggle to get your guitar students to correct bad habits or solve problems in their guitar playing? You're certainly not alone. Many guitar teachers struggle with this and never really learn how to help their students become much better players. Read this article and learn how to teach guitar better by discovering how to solve guitar teaching problems.

How To Get More Guitar Students

Questions that get you more guitar studentsGuitar Teaching Tips That Get You More Students American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Getting more guitar students starts with asking yourself the right questions. These questions shape your guitar teaching business strategy and help you take the right actions that fill your guitar teaching schedule fast. Read this article and learn 6 guitar teaching questions that help you get more guitar students.

Guitar students signing up to take lessonsWhy You Struggle To Get Guitar Students American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version 
Do you struggle to attract a lot of new guitar students? Do your guitar teaching ads and website not seem to really work like you want them to? Are you sick of constantly having to put effort into promotion and aren't getting enough students from it? Does it seem impossible to fill up your teaching schedule? Read this teaching article to discover how to increase your ability to get guitar students.  

Growing Your Guitar Business Over The Summer How To Not Lose Guitar Students Over The Summer USA Flag
Learn how you can keep a full schedule of students during the summer while your competition suffers and their rosters dwindle as fewer students inquire about guitar lessons. This article shows you the 4 reasons that most teachers lose money over the summer and how you can not only maintain, but grow your guitar student roster during the summer.  

Tom Hess coaches a guitar teacher on how to get new studentsHow To Attract More New Guitar Students American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Do you have a very hard time keeping your teaching schedule full of guitar students? Most guitar teachers do because they 'only' focus on advertising as much as possible. Truth is, you will only attract a lot of guitar students when you can do, show and prove 6 things. Learn what these things are by reading this article about attracting new guitar students.  

Music Career Articles

How To Get Started

Make money in musicMusic Career Advice I Wish I’d Gotten When I First Entered The Music Industry

Many musicians who try to enter the music industry are completely ‘blind’ to what they should be doing, how they should be doing it, and in what order... as well as to the reasons why the music industry works the way it does. This music career article reveals 5 things every musician ought to know when first entering the music industry.

What It Really Takes To Get Into The Music BusinessWhat It Really Takes To Get Into The Music Business

This music career article shows you 5 simple (as in: 'you can start doing them today') ways to impress record companies, managers, booking agents, promoters or even established bands you might want to do business with, and make it far easier to get the things you want in the music industry.

Why guitar teachers are successfulThe Right And Wrong Ways To Break Into The Music Business American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
There are two main types of musicians in the music business. Knowing what they are and which one describes you determines whether you make it big or not at all. Learn what they are by reading this music business article.

Important music career questionsThe Main Factor For Your Music Career Success American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
There is one key thing that determines your music career success more than anything else. You must know what it is and how to make it work to your advantage in the music industry. This article explains the key to becoming a professional musician.

How To Succeed In The Music IndustryWhy Only Few Musicians Succeed In The Music Industry And How You Can Join Them  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Have you ever wondered why some musicians become highly successful in the music industry while others have a difficult time earning a good living? Learn how to become a successful professional musician by reading this article and finding out how to reduce and eliminate the amount of risk you pose to others in the music industry.  

Achieve Success In Your Music CareerHow To Achieve Success In Your Music Career  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Most musicians attempt to build a music career on their own by reading music business books or asking for advice from their friends. To reach your goals in music quickly and effectively, you must find a mentor who has already achieved success in the music industry. Learn how  by reading this music career mentor article.

Get Into The Music BusinessTop 15 Mistakes Musicians Make When Trying To Get Into The Music Business  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
If you want to become successful in the music industry, there are many things you need to know and do. Many bands and musicians seeking a career in music have the same patterns of assumptions, problems and mistakes over and over again. Read about the Top 10 mistakes musicians make.

How To Get Music GigsHow To Build A Music Career As A Successful Pro Musician American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Ever wondered what successful musicians did to make it in the music business? Even though all musicians seem to have achieved success in different ways, they all have several key things in common. Read this article and learn the secrets for developing a successful career in the music industry.  

Become A Professional MusicianWant To Become A Professional Musician? Start Here  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version
If you are like most people who want a music career as a professional musician, the first question you ask is probably, "What do I have to do?". You ask this because you are not sure what you need to do first, second, third, etc. Read more about how to become a professional musician in the complete music career article.

Why Musicians Fail In The Music Industry5 Reasons Why Most Musicians Fail To Break Into The Music Industry  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
You want to get into the music industry? Thousands of musicians attempt to make it in the music business every year but very few succeed. The reason why is musicians believe in incorrect myths about 'making it' in their music careers. Learn which myths will lead you to failure so you can avoid them and break into the music industry and build a career as a successful professional musician.  

How To Become A Professional Guitarist And MusicianHow To Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician ~ Part 1: Facts and Myths  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version 
What does it take to become a professional guitar player and musician? The answer remains a huge mystery for the vast majority of musicians... but it doesn't have to be. Read the complete music career article about how to become a professional musician.  

How To Become A Professional MusicianHow To Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician ~ Part 2: Facts and Myths  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version 
Insider secrets to becoming a professional musician. Read this music career article and case study of an artist in the process of becoming a professional musician and learn how to apply what you learn into your own music career.

Become A Professional Guitarist And MusicianHow To Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician ~ Part 3:   American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version 
Acquire an Accurate Map

You don't drive your car aimlessly in an unfamiliar city without a map (or at least a GPS). So it does not make sense to 'aimlessly' wander the music industry to start a career, yet that is what most artists try to do... and it's why these artists fail. Learn how to start a music career.  

Become A Prol Guitarist And MusicianHow To Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician ~ Part 4: "Making It"  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version 
Most people believe there are only 2 outcomes when trying to become a pro musician: You "make it"... or you don't. Fact is, there are many opportunities that musicians overlook. Read the complete music career article and learn more about how to make it in the music business.   

Become A Pro MusicianHow To Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician ~ Part 5: How Successful Musicians Build Their Careers  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
To become a successful professional musician you must do more than just copy other successful musicians. Fact is, musicians succeed based on how they 'think'. Learn how to build a successful music career by reading about the 5 mindsets used by successful musicians. 

Playing guitar for love or moneyFor Love or Money  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version 
Are you torn between creating the music that you REALLY 'want' to make and playing 'what sells'? You don't necessarily have to make sacrifices.

Go far beyond your musicTake The Test  USA Flag - Tom Hess Article English Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version 
Do you think you REALLY know what you want from music? Read this guitar article to find the truth.

Music Career Success

How To Build A Music CareerHow To Ensure You NEVER Make It In The Music Business

Want to build your music career faster? Make a 'what-NOT-to-do' music career list of mistakes that are sure to wreck your music career and avoid every item on that list. This music career article shows you the most damaging mistakes all successful musicians avoid.

Grow a music careerHere Is What You Need To Make It In The Music Business

Whether you want to get a record deal, go on tour, work as a session player or become a professional musician in other ways, this music industry article shows you the 6 keys you need to start (or grow) a successful career in the music business.

Find the right musicians for your bandWhy Musicians Give Up & Quit On Their Music Careers – And How To Ensure You Don’t

Most musicians (at least 98%) looking to build a music career and become professional musicians give up on their dreams and quit on themselves. This music career article helps you join the 2% of musicians who virtually always make it.

Successful career in musicHow To Become A Touring Musician: The Beginner’s Guide To Touring In The Music Industry

If you want to become a touring musician in the music industry, this music business article gives you an inside look on what touring is 'really' like from a world-touring professional musician.

Music Career QuestionsSimple Way To Get Gigs As An Unknown Band

Use this little-known way to fill your schedule with gigs without the common problems most musicians (and bands) face, such as: getting ‘ghosted’ by club owners and promoters or having to ‘chase down’ key decision makers who never seem to be available when you call.

Grow a music careerHow To Build A Music Career

Is it better for your music career to join a band or start your own? Find out right now by reading this article about building a successful music career.

Music career moneyTop 15 Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Get Into The Music Business

The quickest way to level-up your music career is to avoid the common mistakes most musicians make as they try to enter the music industry. This music career article shows you what these mistakes are and what to do about each one, so you can become a professional musician much faster.

How To Practice Your Instrument For Real-Life PerformanceHow To Practice To Play Music On Stage Like A Pro
Real-life performance is a crucial skill for anyone looking to break into the music industry. If you want to become a professional musician and play music on stage like a pro, this article about real-life performance practice will show you how.

Music record dealDo You Have What It Takes To Make It In The Music Business?
If you feel unsure of what to do to break into the music industry, or you feel paralyzed by self-doubt, fear of failure or by the well-intentioned (but wrong) advice from friends or family members, this article will show you how to start a career in music the right way.

Loyal music fansHow To Make The Right Music Industry Contacts
Wondering who to contact in the music industry? This music career article shows how to make the right music business contacts, turn them into fruitful relationships and reach your music career goals faster.

Do You Need A Music Degree To Become A Professional MusicianIs Getting A Music Degree ‘Worth It’ For Making It In Music?
Before investing years and countless thousands of dollars to go to music school, you’d better weigh ALL the likely pros and cons of this decision. Find out if a music degree is a good music career investment.

Music career be in the right place at the right timeHow To 'Actually' Be In The Right Place At The Right Time In The Music Industry American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Here’s some of the best music career advice I *wish* someone had given me on how to be in the right place at the right time and make it in the music industry.

7 Things Musicians Do Out Of OrderWhy Musicians Do Things Out Of Order & Fail To Grow Music Careers American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Musicians often fail to grow successful music careers because they take steps out of order or do the correct things at the wrong time. These actions are usually based on false assumptions or advice from other musicians who are not successful. Learn how to avoid these same mistakes by reading this article on how to become a pro musician.

Music Industry MythsMusic Industry Myths About Building A Career In Music American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
There are many misconceptions about the music business that sabotage your music career. Learning the truth helps you become a professional musician a lot faster. Read this article and learn what it takes to build a successful music career.

Beating your music career competitorsHow To Overcome Your Music Career Competition American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Fact: The music business is not as competitive as you might think. You can overcome your music industry competition no matter where you live, what your background is or what your goals are. This article explains how to overcome your music industry competition.

Important music career questionsFive Music Career Questions That Determine Your Success American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
On your way to becoming a successful musician, you will naturally have many questions about how to make it in the music business. However, asking the wrong questions will cripple your future in the music industry. Learn 5 most important questions you must ask if you are serious about building a successful music career.

Keys To Music Career Success5 Keys To Music Career Success American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
You will not succeed in the music business unless you acquire five main keys possessed by all successful musicians. Once you possess all five, achieving your musical goals will be infinitely more easy. However, you must have them ALL or you will not make it. Learn what they are by reading this article about building a successful career in music.

Become A Professional MusicianWhy You Still Aren't A Professional Musician American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Tired of NOT being a professional musician? Wish you could make a great living playing music, touring, or releasing albums? Most musicians go many years without becoming professionals only to end up frustrated and disappointed. Don't become another statistic like them! Learn the 6 things that will bring you music career success.

Music Career SuccessThe Biggest Enemy Of Success For Your Music Career American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
No matter what level you are at in your music career, your biggest enemy will always be that which you fear most. Why? It is inevitable that if you focus most of your thoughts on what you fear, it will eventually become your reality. Find out how to avoid this problem by reading this article about how to build a successful career in music.

How To Break Into The Music Industry5 Reasons Why You Haven’t Made It In The Music Business Yet American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Why do so few musicians ever turn their passion for music into a great living? Many wrongly assume they need to simply “practice more” or “get better” on their instrument to have a successful music career. This is dead wrong. Read this article to find out the 5 main reasons why you’re not a professional musician yet.  

Become A Highly Successful Professional MusicianThe Best Way To Become A Highly Successful Professional Musician American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
To become a pro musician you'll need more than just musical skill. Most successful pro musicians aren't that much more skilled or talented than those who don't ' make it' . However, there is one crucial thing that separates them from everyone else. Learn what it is by reading this article about becoming a professional musician.  

Music Career Questions4 Music Career Questions You Should NOT Be Asking  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Your success in the music industry all depends on the quality of the questions you ask. Most musicians ask low quality questions that lead them down the long path to failure. Learn which questions you 'should' be asking by reading this article on how to make it in the music industry.

How To Start A Successful Music CareerHow To Start A Successful Music Career   American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version 
Do you need some immediate music career advice? You won't stand a chance for success if you follow most advice given to you by friends, family or amateur musicians who never achieved real success. Discover 4 key things you can begin to focus on right now to start a successful music career.

Professional Musician Tom Hess Playing Guitar LiveReview Of Common Music Career Advice - An Interview With Tom Hess  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
When you talk to others about pursuing a career in music, do you ever get their "expert" advice on what you should do? In most cases, these people have good intentions to help you succeed in reaching your musical dreams. However, their advice is likely to do more harm than good.Become a successful musician by learning the difference between successful and amateur music career advice in this Tom Hess music career review.

How To Make The Right Connections In The Music IndustryHow To Make The Right Connections In The Music Industry  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version
You know that making the right music industry contacts is a key factor in developing a successful music career. The problem is, most musicians don't know 'who' the most valuable contacts are, where to find them and how to transform a 'first contact' into a meaningful relationship. Get advice on how to make the right music industry contacts.   

Getting A Record Deal

How To Beat Music Career CompetitionHow To Not Get Ripped Off In A Record Deal

Musicians: here is how to make sure you don't get ripped off when you are presented with a record deal... as well as simple things you can do today to make it WAY more likely you'll end up with a record deal in the first place.

What Record Companies Look For22 Things That Record Companies Will Look For And Find Out About You American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Out of the many hundreds of thousands of aspriring professional musicians, why do so few ever actually achieve their goal? Fact is, your musical ability is only ONE of the things you need to get a record deal. Learn the 22 things that record companies are looking for in you in this music career article.  

How To Get A Record DealThe Pursuit of the Record Deal  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version 
Would you like to know what record labels, music producers, and artist management companies are looking for? There are many musicians who can't build a successful career in music because they don't know what these music companies want. Read my music career advice in this article about taking your first step to getting a record deal.

Playing In A Band

Avoid getting screwed in the music business12 (Stupid) Ways You Can Get Fired From A Band And Wreck Your Music Career

Whether you're in a band already or just want to join one 'someday', you can go quite far in the music industry simply by avoiding the common mistakes most musicians make that destroy their (and their bands') music careers. This music career article shows you how (not to) get fired from a band.

Build a music careerHow To Run An Effective Band Practice Rehearsal

If you want your band to become more successful and you want to come across as a pro to everyone in the music industry, you've got to know how to run an effective band practice rehearsal. This music career article shows you how, step by step.

how to make your band successfulWhat To Do If You’re The Only Serious Musician In Your Band
If you often feel like you’re the only serious musician in your band, this article will show you what to do to change this and make your band successful.

Find The Right Musicians For Your BandThe 7 Rules About Finding The Right Musicians For Your Band  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Building a great band full of highly motivated musicians can seem like an overwhelming challenge. However, there are 7 rules that will help your band succeed in finding truly dedicated musicians. Learn how to find the right people for your band in this article on how to find band members.

Find New Musicians For Your BandHow To Find The Right Musicians For Your Band American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Looking for new musicians for your band? It’s critical for your band’s success to not choose musicians who will waste your time. Learn how to choose the best musicians the first time around using these music career tips.

Get More Fans

How To Get More Music Fans Promote Your MusicHow To Get More Music Fans And Promote Your Music To More People  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Regardless of what it is you do in the music industry, you need to have fans who are excited about what it is you are offering, so this particular topic is a very important issue for all professional musicians, particularly those who make a living as performing artists. Read more in this article about how to get more fans and promote your music.  

Getting Music Gigs

Make Your Live Shows BetterHow To Prepare For Gigs And Make Your Live Shows Better  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version
The very best way to get more people to repeatedly come out and see your band play live is word of mouth. When your live shows are great, people will like it and talk about you to their friends both online and offline. Read the full music career article about how to prepare for gigs.

How To Get More Fans To Your GigsHow To Get More Fans To Your Gigs  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version 
Getting 'new' people to come to your gigs is not even the main challenge, even most of your own friends and fans usually won't come to your gigs regularly. This fact makes it harder to get bigger and better gigs that pay more money. Read the full article and learn how to get more fans to come to your gigs

How To Get Music GigsHow To Get More Music Gigs American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Are you struggling to get music gigs? Fact is, music venue owners are always trying to find great musicians to work with, but most musicians are totally clueless about what thesvenues are looking for... don't let yourself be one of them! Find out what venues are looking for and start getting a lot more gigs by reading this article about getting more music gigs.

Making Money In Music

How To Make More Money In MusicHow To Make More Money In Music  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
It does NOT have to be difficult to make a great living working as a musician. If you avoid the common mistakes that most musicians make when trying to develop a music career, you will have no problem achieving financial security in the music industry. Read this article to learn how to make more money in music.  

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