Question: How do I develop my music career when I’m in Srilanka (or any country where music career opportunities are less as opposed to a country like the US). I need to know where to go to start a music career…Do I have to relocate in order to have a chance at success in the music business? What are the best music career cities?
Tom Hess's Answer: Your location has little to no influence on your music career success. Today it is more common than ever for musicians in different parts of the world to collaborate together on musical projects such as: writing songs, recording and releasing records, planning tours and doing session work. The internet has really reduced the importance of finding popular music career cities and made the world a much ‘smaller’ place for musicians. Fact is, many more opportunities exist now to have a career in the music industry than ever before.
In every major band that I have played with in my music career, the musicians all lived far from each other (on different continents) and yet we successfully managed to record and release albums as well as tour the world. In my Music Careers Mentoring Program, I work with musicians from all over the world and many of the members of the program partnered together on many music business related projects (that now make them money) and anybody can do the same regardless of their geographical location.
To learn more about how to begin your music career (regardless of where you live in the world), study these music career resources.
Work with a music industry success coach to become a successful professional musician.