Learn How To Play Guitar With Emotion & Predict How Notes Will Feel Before You Play Them
Many guitarists want to play great lead guitar phrases with emotion and passion but struggle to do so. Chances are, the reason you have a hard time playing guitar solos with emotion is because you focus more on 'what' you play (the notes themselves) than the way what you are playing feels. In order to become a truly great lead guitarist, you must learn how each note will 'feel' before you even play it - this is the true 'secret' used by all the greatest guitar players during their solos.
Watch the video below and I will personally demonstrate how to play guitar with emotion so you can predict how each note will feel before you even play it.
Click on the video to begin watching it.
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Want to play emotional guitar licks every time you pick up your instrument? It doesn't take as long as you think to develop this awesome skill. Get started doing it right now by taking the best guitar lessons online.