Can You Show Me Some Proof That You Are A Good Teacher? Are Any Of Your Students Actually Good Guitar Players?

Of course. Look at the results my guitar students achieved:


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The vast majority of these excellent guitar players started out as ordinary people.

They weren’t gifted with natural talent. Most were nowhere near the advanced guitar playing level when I began teaching them. 

They were simply normal, average, regular people who followed what I taught, trained and coached them to do. And they didn’t practice for 8 hours per day either. 

Most of my guitar students practice less than 1 hour per day. 

Many of my top guitar students are now guitar teachers themselves.

I train and certify them on how to teach guitar inside the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle.

Want to know my secret to helping so many people become such great guitar players?

Here is the process you go through:

First, you fill out an in-depth evaluation form telling me about yourself as a guitar player. I ask you dozens of questions about your guitar playing strengths and weaknesses, musical knowledge and goals.

Don't worry, you don’t have to (and likely won’t) answer all the questions correctly. The evaluation from isn’t a test. 

It’s a way for me to see what you know and don’t know, so I can do the next step for you.

The next step is:

I create an in-depth guitar lesson strategy for you for what I intend to teach you for the first 3-6 months.

This step takes me about 2-3 hours to do for you. 

Next, I create your first guitar lesson with specific exercises, drills and etudes for you to practice.

Each lesson you get from me is a step towards you reaching the goals you want to reach.

Then you begin to practice.

Only you don’t practice on your own.

I'm here for you every step of the way to give you the support, feedback and training you need to get the most from your lesson. 

For example: 

  •  Every week, I hold live video office hours where you can get your questions answered by me directly.
  •  Every week, I hold live video guitar training classes where I break down the most challenging guitar playing topics, make them easy to master and train you on them live. I also answer questions (and get to watch you practice) during this time.
  • I give you in-depth feedback on your playing (when you send me recordings), so you know how to overcome your toughest guitar challenges with less time and effort.
  • I give you unlimited support via email whenever you need it. I observe and pay attention to the questions you ask (and don't ask) and I can tell from your questions how well you are progressing.
  • I ask you to leave me your feedback about each lesson I give you. This helps me to keep the finger on the pulse of your progress and adjust your lesson strategy if/when it's needed. Plus, you can ask me questions right in your feedback form. I read it an reply to you with detailed answers.
  • You can ask me to change your lesson strategy at any time (for example: when your goals change or you have less time to practice in a certain month).

You get all of this personal help when you need it the most - in between your lessons.

The longer we work together, the more I get to know you, your guitar playing and your learning style. This way I can refine my lesson strategy for you over time.

All I ask from you is to make the time to do what I tell you for at least 30 minutes per day – 5 times per week. And make use of as many of the support resources available to you as you can. 

If you do your part even half as well as I do mine - it becomes almost impossible for your playing not to improve. 

Get started with online guitar lessons right now.

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