The Common Music Career Mistake That Successful Pro Musicians Don't Make

by Tom Hess

One of the most common mistakes made by unsuccessful musicians is:

Focusing only all on improving musical skills while not investing time into building other aspects of a music career

Here’s why this is a mistake that successful musicians don't make (and you shouldn’t make either):

1. It Takes More Than Musical Talent To Build A Successful Music Career

Improving your musical skills is certainly important, but this is only one element of many that is needed to make it in music. Successful musicians improve all aspects of their music career at once in order to become the complete package.

This video discusses a complete list of skills you need to work on in your music career:


2. There Will Never Be A Time When You Are 100% Happy With Your Musical Skills

Believing otherwise means you waste a lot of time trying to perfect with only one element of music career success. Then you never feel completely happy with it and never do all the other things that are needed to make it in music.

Solution: Focus a bit of time on all elements you need to make it in music (as shown in the video) and improve in all of them every week, so that over time little improvements add up to massive progress.

Write down each one of these elements and track your progress every week to see which areas are moving forward and which ones need the most work. This ensures that you are always moving closer to your musical goals and not letting some areas hold you back.

Note: Working too much on your musical skills is just one of the many common mistakes that harms your chances for success. To increase your chances for success, learn other mistakes so you know what not to do to become more successful.

Learn more about other common music career mistakes to avoid to make growing a successful career easier - read this music business training article.

Tom HessAbout Tom Hess: Tom Hess is a guitar teacher, music career mentor and guitar teacher trainer. He trains musicians how to leave their day jobs and build successful fulltime careers in the music industry.

Learn how to achieve your musical dreams by using a mentor to build a music career.

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