Music Career Advice And Articles

Get the music career advice you need by reading the music career articles below. These articles will instantly improve your knowledge and ability to start or build your music career. You may also check out and enjoy my guitar articles and guitar teaching articles.


Articles About Developing A Successful Music Career

Make money in musicMusic Career Advice I Wish I’d Gotten When I First Entered The Music Industry

Many musicians who try to enter the music industry are completely ‘blind’ to what they should be doing, how they should be doing it, and in what order... as well as to the reasons why the music industry works the way it does. This music career article reveals 5 things every musician ought to know when first entering the music industry.

Successful career in musicHow To Become A Touring Musician: The Beginner’s Guide To Touring In The Music Industry

If you want to become a touring musician in the music industry, this music business article gives you an inside look on what touring is 'really' like from a world-touring professional musician.

Music Career QuestionsSimple Way To Get Gigs As An Unknown Band

Use this little-known way to fill your schedule with gigs without the common problems most musicians (and bands) face, such as: getting ‘ghosted’ by club owners and promoters or having to ‘chase down’ key decision makers who never seem to be available when you call.

Grow a music careerHow To Build A Music Career

Is it better for your music career to join a band or start your own? Find out right now by reading this article about building a successful music career.

Build a music careerHow To Run An Effective Band Practice Rehearsal

If you want your band to become more successful and you want to come across as a pro to everyone in the music industry, you've got to know how to run an effective band practice rehearsal. This music career article shows you how, step by step.

Music career moneyTop 15 Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Get Into The Music Business

The quickest way to level-up your music career is to avoid the common mistakes most musicians make as they try to enter the music industry. This music career article shows you what these mistakes are and what to do about each one, so you can become a professional musician much faster.

How To Beat Music Career CompetitionHow To Not Get Ripped Off In A Record Deal

Musicians: here is how to make sure you don't get ripped off when you are presented with a record deal... as well as simple things you can do today to make it WAY more likely you'll end up with a record deal in the first place.

What It Really Takes To Get Into The Music BusinessWhat It Really Takes To Get Into The Music Business

This music career article shows you 5 simple (as in: 'you can start doing them today') ways to impress record companies, managers, booking agents, promoters or even established bands you might want to do business with, and make it far easier to get the things you want in the music industry.

How To Practice Your Instrument For Real-Life PerformanceHow To Practice To Play Music On Stage Like A Pro
Real-life performance is a crucial skill for anyone looking to break into the music industry. If you want to become a professional musician and play music on stage like a pro, this article about real-life performance practice will show you how.

how to make your band successfulWhat To Do If You’re The Only Serious Musician In Your Band
If you often feel like you’re the only serious musician in your band, this article will show you what to do to change this and make your band successful.

Music record dealDo You Have What It Takes To Make It In The Music Business?
If you feel unsure of what to do to break into the music industry, or you feel paralyzed by self-doubt, fear of failure or by the well-intentioned (but wrong) advice from friends or family members, this article will show you how to start a career in music the right way.

Loyal music fansHow To Make The Right Music Industry Contacts
Wondering who to contact in the music industry? This music career article shows how to make the right music business contacts, turn them into fruitful relationships and reach your music career goals faster.

Do You Need A Music Degree To Become A Professional MusicianIs Getting A Music Degree ‘Worth It’ For Making It In Music?
Before investing years and countless thousands of dollars to go to music school, you’d better weigh ALL the likely pros and cons of this decision. Find out if a music degree is a good music career investment.

Music career be in the right place at the right timeHow To 'Actually' Be In The Right Place At The Right Time In The Music Industry American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Here’s some of the best music career advice I *wish* someone had given me on how to be in the right place at the right time and make it in the music industry.

Why guitar teachers are successfulThe Right And Wrong Ways To Break Into The Music Business American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
There are two main types of musicians in the music business. Knowing what they are and which one describes you determines whether you make it big or not at all. Learn what they are by reading this music business article.

Find New Musicians For Your BandHow To Find The Right Musicians For Your Band American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Looking for new musicians for your band? It’s critical for your band’s success to not choose musicians who will waste your time. Learn how to choose the best musicians the first time around using these music career tips.

7 Things Musicians Do Out Of OrderWhy Musicians Do Things Out Of Order & Fail To Grow Music Careers American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
Musicians often fail to grow successful music careers because they take steps out of order or do the correct things at the wrong time. These actions are usually based on false assumptions or advice from other musicians who are not successful. Learn how to avoid these same mistakes by reading this article on how to become a pro musician.

Music Industry MythsMusic Industry Myths About Building A Career In Music American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
There are many misconceptions about the music business that sabotage your music career. Learning the truth helps you become a professional musician a lot faster. Read this article and learn what it takes to build a successful music career.

Beating your music career competitorsHow To Overcome Your Music Career Competition American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Fact: The music business is not as competitive as you might think. You can overcome your music industry competition no matter where you live, what your background is or what your goals are. This article explains how to overcome your music industry competition.

Important music career questionsThe Main Factor For Your Music Career Success American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
There is one key thing that determines your music career success more than anything else. You must know what it is and how to make it work to your advantage in the music industry. This article explains the key to becoming a professional musician.

Important music career questionsFive Music Career Questions That Determine Your Success American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
On your way to becoming a successful musician, you will naturally have many questions about how to make it in the music business. However, asking the wrong questions will cripple your future in the music industry. Learn 5 most important questions you must ask if you are serious about building a successful music career.

How To Get Music GigsHow To Build A Music Career As A Successful Pro Musician American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Ever wondered what successful musicians did to make it in the music business? Even though all musicians seem to have achieved success in different ways, they all have several key things in common. Read this article and learn the secrets for developing a successful career in the music industry.  

How To Get Music GigsHow To Get More Music Gigs American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Are you struggling to get music gigs? Fact is, music venue owners are always trying to find great musicians to work with, but most musicians are totally clueless about what the venues are looking for... don't let yourself be one of them! Find out what venues are looking for and start getting a lot more gigs by reading this article about getting more music gigs.

How To Succeed In The Music IndustryWhy Only Few Musicians Succeed In The Music Industry And How You Can Join Them  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Have you ever wondered why some musicians become highly successful in the music industry while others have a difficult time earning a good living? Learn how to become a successful professional musician by reading this article and finding out how to reduce and eliminate the amount of risk you pose to others in the music industry.  

How To Break Into The Music Industry5 Reasons Why You Haven’t Made It In The Music Business Yet American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Why do so few musicians ever turn their passion for music into a great living? Many wrongly assume they need to simply “practice more” or “get better” on their instrument to have a successful music career. This is dead wrong. Read this article to find out the 5 main reasons why you’re not a professional musician yet.  

What Record Companies Look For22 Things That Record Companies Will Look For And Find Out About You American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Out of the many hundreds of thousands of aspiring professional musicians, why do so few ever actually achieve their goal? Fact is, your musical ability is only ONE of the things you need to get a record deal. Learn the 22 things that record companies are looking for in you in this music career article.  

Become A Highly Successful Professional MusicianThe Best Way To Become A Highly Successful Professional Musician American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
To become a pro musician you'll need more than just musical skill. Most successful pro musicians aren't that much more skilled or talented than those who don't ' make it' . However, there is one crucial thing that separates them from everyone else. Learn what it is by reading this article about becoming a professional musician.  

How To Get More Music Fans Promote Your MusicHow To Get More Music Fans And Promote Your Music To More People  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Regardless of what it is you do in the music industry, you need to have fans who are excited about what it is you are offering, so this particular topic is a very important issue for all professional musicians, particularly those who make a living as performing artists. Read more in this article about how to get more fans and promote your music.  

Achieve Success In Your Music CareerHow To Achieve Success In Your Music Career  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Most musicians attempt to build a music career on their own by reading music business books or asking for advice from their friends. To reach your goals in music quickly and effectively, you must find a mentor who has already achieved success in the music industry. Learn how  by reading this music career mentor article.

How To Make More Money In MusicHow To Make More Money In Music  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
It does NOT have to be difficult to make a great living working as a musician. If you avoid the common mistakes that most musicians make when trying to develop a music career, you will have no problem achieving financial security in the music industry. Read this article to learn how to make more money in music.  

Get Into The Music BusinessTop 15 Mistakes Musicians Make When Trying To Get Into The Music Business  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
If you want to become successful in the music industry, there are many things you need to know and do. Many bands and musicians seeking a career in music have the same patterns of assumptions, problems and mistakes over and over again. Read about the Top 10 mistakes musicians make.

Make It In The Music BusinessThe Truth About Who Makes It In The Music Business  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
Many musicians unknowingly spend most of their time working on things that decrease their chances for sustaining a successful music career. Avoid this and learn about the most important qualities you must possess to build a long-lasting, successful music career by reading this article about how to make in the music business.

Become A Professional MusicianWhy You Still Aren't A Professional Musician American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Tired of NOT being a professional musician? Wish you could make a great living playing music, touring, or releasing albums? Most musicians go many years without becoming professionals only to end up frustrated and disappointed. Don't become another statistic like them! Learn the 6 things that will bring you music career success.

Music Career Questions4 Music Career Questions You Should NOT Be Asking  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Your success in the music industry all depends on the quality of the questions you ask. Most musicians ask low quality questions that lead them down the long path to failure. Learn which questions you 'should' be asking by reading this article on how to make it in the music industry.

Music Career SuccessThe Biggest Enemy Of Success For Your Music Career American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
No matter what level you are at in your music career, your biggest enemy will always be that which you fear most. Why? It is inevitable that if you focus most of your thoughts on what you fear, it will eventually become your reality. Find out how to avoid this problem by reading this article about how to build a successful career in music.

How To Get More Fans To Your GigsHow To Get More Fans To Your Gigs  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version 
Getting 'new' people to come to your gigs is not even the main challenge, even most of your own friends and fans usually won't come to your gigs regularly. This fact makes it harder to get bigger and better gigs that pay more money. Read the full article and learn how to get more fans to come to your gigs

Make Your Live Shows BetterHow To Prepare For Gigs And Make Your Live Shows Better  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version
The very best way to get more people to repeatedly come out and see your band play live is word of mouth. When your live shows are great, people will like it and talk about you to their friends both online and offline. Read the full music career article about how to prepare for gigs.

Find The Right Musicians For Your BandThe 7 Rules About Finding The Right Musicians For Your Band  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
Building a great band full of highly motivated musicians can seem like an overwhelming challenge. However, there are 7 rules that will help your band succeed in finding truly dedicated musicians. Learn how to find the right people for your band in this article on how to find band members.

Keys To Music Career Success5 Keys To Music Career Success American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
You will not succeed in the music business unless you acquire five main keys possessed by all successful musicians. Once you possess all five, achieving your musical goals will be infinitely more easy. However, you must have them ALL or you will not make it. Learn what they are by reading this article about building a successful career in music.

How To Start A Successful Music CareerHow To Start A Successful Music Career   American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version 
Do you need some immediate music career advice? You won't stand a chance for success if you follow most advice given to you by friends, family or amateur musicians who never achieved real success. Discover 4 key things you can begin to focus on right now to start a successful music career.

Quit Your Day Job And Build A Successful Music CareerHow To Transition From Your Day Job Into A Successful Music Career  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version
Do you want to be a professional musician, but don't know where and how to start? Do you really want a successful career in music, but your fear of failure is holding you back? Are you unsure about what to do if your plan doesn't work? Learn how to start a music career.  

How To Make The Right Connections In The Music IndustryHow To Make The Right Connections In The Music Industry  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version
You know that making the right music industry contacts is a key factor in developing a successful music career. The problem is, most musicians don't know 'who' the most valuable contacts are, where to find them and how to transform a 'first contact' into a meaningful relationship. Get advice on how to make the right music industry contacts.   

How To Get A Record DealThe Pursuit of the Record Deal  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version 
Would you like to know what record labels, music producers, and artist management companies are looking for? There are many musicians who can't build a successful career in music because they don't know what these music companies want. Read my music career advice in this article about taking your first step to getting a record deal.

Become A Professional MusicianWant To Become A Professional Musician? Start Here  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version
If you are like most people who want a music career as a professional musician, the first question you ask is probably, "What do I have to do?". You ask this because you are not sure what you need to do first, second, third, etc. Read more about how to become a professional musician in the complete music career article.

Why Musicians Fail In The Music Industry5 Reasons Why Most Musicians Fail To Break Into The Music Industry  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
You want to get into the music industry? Thousands of musicians attempt to make it in the music business every year but very few succeed. The reason why is musicians believe in incorrect myths about 'making it' in their music careers. Learn which myths will lead you to failure so you can avoid them and break into the music industry and build a career as a successful professional musician.  

How To Become A Professional Guitarist And MusicianHow To Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician ~ Part 1: Facts and Myths  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version 
What does it take to become a professional guitar player and musician? The answer remains a huge mystery for the vast majority of musicians... but it doesn't have to be. Read the complete music career article about how to become a professional musician.  

How To Become A Professional MusicianHow To Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician ~ Part 2: Facts and Myths  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version 
Insider secrets to becoming a professional musician. Read this music career article and case study of an artist in the process of becoming a professional musician and learn how to apply what you learn into your own music career.

Become A Professional Guitarist And MusicianHow To Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician ~ Part 3:   American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version 
Acquire an Accurate Map

You don't drive your car aimlessly in an unfamiliar city without a map (or at least a GPS). So it does not make sense to 'aimlessly' wander the music industry to start a career, yet that is what most artists try to do... and it's why these artists fail. Learn how to start a music career.  

Become A Prol Guitarist And MusicianHow To Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician ~ Part 4: "Making It"  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version  German Flag - Tom Hess Article German Version  Russian Flag - Tom Hess Article Russian Version  Portuguese Flag - Tom Hess Article Portuguese Version  Finnish Flag - Tom Hess Article Finnish Version  Spanish Flag - Tom Hess Article Spanish Version 
Most people believe there are only 2 outcomes when trying to become a pro musician: You "make it"... or you don't. Fact is, there are many opportunities that musicians overlook. Read the complete music career article and learn more about how to make it in the music business.   

Become A Pro MusicianHow To Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician ~ Part 5: How Successful Musicians Build Their Careers  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version
To become a successful professional musician you must do more than just copy other successful musicians. Fact is, musicians succeed based on how they 'think'. Learn how to build a successful music career by reading about the 5 mindsets used by successful musicians. 

Guest Articles

Professional Musician Tom Hess Playing Guitar LiveReview Of Common Music Career Advice - An Interview With Tom Hess  American Flag - Tom Hess Article American Version 
When you talk to others about pursuing a career in music, do you ever get their "expert" advice on what you should do? In most cases, these people have good intentions to help you succeed in reaching your musical dreams. However, unless they actually are a professional musician, their advice is likely to do more harm than good. In order to become a professional musician, it is important to seek the advice of someone who has already achieved a high level of success in the music industry and knows what it takes to succeed. Become a successful musician by learning the difference between successful and amateur music career advice in this Tom Hess music career review.


Tired of your day job? Are you looking for a music career mentor to help? I'll show you how to start a music career.

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