What Is The Format Of Your Online Guitar Lessons?

Your lessons consist of a variety of formats –  all depending on the topic you will be learning.

- Some lessons will be in video.
- Others will be in audio. 

- Some others will be text and/or tab lessons
Most of the time it will be some combination of the above. 

Why combine lesson formats? 


You learn different topics faster in different mediums. 

Take improvising for example. 

When I teach you improvising, almost all lessons on this topic are in audio (not video).


Because video causes you to learn with your eyes. And in the case of improvising, your eyes distract you from learning with your ears. 

You don’t listen as carefully to note choice, phrasing, vibrato, rhythm or the chords under the solo, because it’s so easy to become distracted by watching my hands instead.

The result? 

You learn slower (which costs you time and money) and stay frustrated a lot longer.

Same with a topic like rhythm guitar playing.

You learn rhythm playing more quickly by listening to it. Your eyes will not tell you if you are playing in time, if your palm muting is tight and if your articulation is consistent. 

Your ears will.

On the other hand, when you learn a topic like Music theory, you learn faster and more easily when it’s all written out for you in detail.

And of course, when I teach you guitar technique, video is critical. (So, many of your guitar technique lessons are in video format.)

Part of my job for you is to decide not just “what” to teach you, but also choose the best format to teach each topic to you for maximum results.

And as you practice your lessons, I’ll be here for you every step of the way. 

For example: 

  • Every week I hold live video office hours where you can get your questions answered by me directly.
  • I give you in-depth feedback on your playing (when you send me recordings), so you know how to overcome your toughest guitar challenges with less time and effort.
  • I give you unlimited support via email whenever you need it. I observe and pay attention to the questions you ask (and don't ask) and I can tell from your questions how well you are progressing.
  • I ask you to leave me your feedback about each lesson I give you. This helps me to keep the finger on the pulse of your progress and adjust your lesson strategy if/when it's needed. Plus, you can ask me questions right in your feedback form. I read it an reply to you with detailed answers.
  • You can ask me to change your lesson strategy at any time (for example: when your goals change or you have less time to practice in a certain month).

You get all of this personal help when you need it the most - in between your lessons. 

Look at the results my guitar students are achieving:


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