Here's How To Play Guitar Licks That Are Totally Badass By Only Making Small Changes To A Single Note

The Holy Grail of lead guitar playing is being able to play licks that are highly self-expressive, emotional and inspiring for anyone who listens to them. Does this describe the way your lead guitar licks sound right now? If you're like most guitar players, it doesn't. That said, it is much easier to play great guitar licks than you might expect. However, before you can play truly KILLER guitar licks, you must learn how to get the maximum level of expression out of each note you play.

Watch the video below and learn exactly how to get maximum expression and feeling from each note in your lead guitar licks every time you play a solo.

Click on the video to begin watching it.


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There are many more ways to play killer guitar licks and develop your own soloing style than what I talked about in the video. Learn them and become a complete lead guitar player by taking online rock guitar lessons.

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