Unique Sweep Picking Guitar Lesson - How To Play Finger Rolling Guitar Arpeggios Fast & Clean

by Tom Hess

the guide to playing endless
killer arpeggio guitar licks
endless killer arpeggio guitar licks

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Want to play impressive sweep picking arpeggios?

If you want to sweep pick fast & clean, you’d better put in some time into mastering finger rolling guitar arpeggios.

How are finger rolling guitar arpeggios played?

It’s done by playing more than one note on the same fret on several strings..

… with the same finger.

Finger rolling guitar arpeggios come in many shapes that you play on guitar (and in some scale sequences too).

the guide to playing endless
killer arpeggio guitar licks
endless killer arpeggio guitar licks

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The hardest part about playing finger rolling guitar arpeggios is separating the notes and not letting them bleed together.

Many guitarists (even those who play scales at eye-popping speeds) struggle with this technique and avoid it as much as they can.

But fear not:

You are about to learn a simple, almost fail-safe way to master finger rolling guitar arpeggios.

It works even if you’ve struggled with it for a long time.

To begin...

...watch this video where I show you the ins & outs of fast & clean finger rolling guitar arpeggios.

Ok, now that you’ve seen the right way to play finger rolling guitar arpeggios clean, what’s next?

Here are 4 more tips on how to sweep pick cleaner & faster… plus: create arpeggio guitar licks you’ll feel proud to play for others.

How to sweep pick cleanly

Sweep Picking tip #1: Practice The Other Elements For Better Sweep Picking Arpeggios

As you might have guessed…

… there is more to sweep picking than just playing fast finger rolling guitar arpeggios.

Fortunately, those other elements are simple to master, IF you know what to listen for while you practice… and if you practice the right exercises.

What exercises?

The ones that help you focus on the key elements of sweep picking arpeggios that most guitarists overlook.

Here is what I'm talking about:

Sweep Picking Tip #2: Combine Sweep Picking Arpeggios With Tremolo Picking

This is one of my favorite ways to not only clean up sloppy guitar arpeggios… but also play ripping fast licks you can use in your guitar solos or simply impress others with.

The concept is simple: you stop on a random note of any arpeggio using tremolo picking.

If the note you stopped on sounds clean – it means your hands are in sync and the arpeggio is sounding GOOD.

And if it doesn't?

Then you know exactly what to focus on as you practice the arpeggio.

Watch this video & I’ll show you this technique, step by step:

Sweep Picking Tip #3: Combine Sweep Picking Arpeggios With 2-Hand Tapping

If you love guitar arpeggios and love 2-hand tapping, there is no reason NOT to combine these techniques together.

It’s simple to do and makes your guitar playing sound very advanced (even if you can’t do either technique fast yet).

Watch this video to see my favorite “slacker-friendly” ways to practice sweep tapping:

Sweep Picking Tip #4: Use Sweep Picking Arpeggios Melodically

No doubt about it: sweep picking arpeggios sound awesome when you play them fast and clean.

But you know what?

They can sound equally awesome, when you (tastefully) use them over slow, emotional backing tracks.

Do it right and you’ll play heart-piercing guitar licks that even anti-sweeping fanatics will want to learn from you.

Check out this video and see how to play melodic sweep picking arpeggios for yourself:

Now that you know more about sweep picking arpeggios, transform the rest of your guitar playing into top-level playing you’ll feel really proud of.

I helped thousands of guitarists master sweep picking arpeggios and improve all areas of their playing in Breakthrough Guitar Lessons and I can help you too, if you want. To learn how, go to: https://tomhess.net/Guitar

Tom HessAbout Tom Hess: Tom Hess is a guitar teacher, music career mentor and guitar teacher trainer. He teaches rock guitar lessons online to students from all over the world and conducts instructional live guitar training events attended by musicians from over 50 countries.

Master sweep picking arpeggios with heavy metal online guitar lessons.

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