Here are the important guitar teaching similarities:
1. Very few people in the world have fully reached either goal (either climbing the mountain or being able to teach guitar successfully).
2. Every person who has attempted to climb to the top of Mt. Everest ‘without training’ has either failed or died. The ONLY people who ever made it to the top are the ones who had the right training to make it. Likewise, any guitar teacher who attempts to build their businesses (and learn to teach guitar) without any guidance or proper training will also fail… while the ones who become hugely successful virtually always had expert training in how to teach guitar the right way. More on this below.

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What Does This Comparison Have To Do With You As A Guitar Teacher?
From now on, I want you to visualize reaching your ultimate goals in your guitar teaching business like climbing Mount Everest as you teach guitar. At the top of this (proverbial) Mt. Everest is a golden box. The box contains the ability to reach any possible goals you have set for your guitar teaching business, such as: a 6-figure income as a guitar teacher, the ability to transform your guitar students into amazing musicians (as you teach guitar to them) and the kind of freedom that only having a successful guitar teaching business can bring you.
If you knew that all you had to do is climb this "guitar teaching" mountain and that the "guitar teaching" box would be waiting for you there (with the benefit(s)/goal(s) inside) and you had the key to open it, would you climb that mountain? If your answer is ‘yes’, then you need to do everything possible to make sure you reach the top of your ‘guitar teaching mountain’ as quickly as possible. This starts with learning the best ways to teach guitar.
That said, no sane person (and no sane guitar teacher) would attempt to climb Mt. Everest without training and expect to reach the top. Doing so would be a near-certain suicide. Likewise, starting to build a guitar teaching business from scratch without training will cause you to fail as a guitar teacher in much the same way.
Why Does The Average Guitar Teacher Without Training Fail?
Building a massively successful guitar teaching business requires you to focus on so much more than merely being a guitar teacher. In reality, any guitar teacher who is massively successful, focuses relentlessly on perfecting the following 7 areas of their guitar teaching business:
- Getting hundreds of inquiries every year from strongly interested new prospects who want you to teach guitar lessons to them.
- Helping your prospects realize that YOU are the best and the only logical guitar teacher for them.
- Keeping your students addicted to your guitar teaching methods (by giving them greater results than anyone else can.)
- Growing your guitar teaching business through referrals and word of mouth from your current students.
- Easily and consistently attracting guitar students from the 'past' to return and ask you to teach guitar lessons to them again.
- Becoming highly efficient at handling the day-to-day administrative tasks to have more time for yourself and for growing your guitar teaching business. (This makes you more able to focus on your students when you teach guitar lessons to them.)
- Maximizing your guitar teaching effectiveness, so that your students get bigger and better RESULTS from you than they can get from any of your competitors.

Find out how to become effective
at attracting new guitar students.

Discover how to make your guitar teaching business more succesful.

Learn 11 steps you should take to earn more money teaching guitar.
Each of these areas of your guitar teaching business requires you to develop a unique set of skills and overcome very specific challenges, much like climbing Mt. Everest consists of a broad range of challenges that must be overcome in order to reach the top. Unfortunately, the average person who starts to teach guitar without any training sets themselves up for failure in 2 ways:
1. They start their guitar teaching business without even being aware of the 7 distinct areas they must focus on in order to succeed.
2. They don’t know ‘what’ exactly they must do when they teach guitar to grow in the above 7 areas, let alone ‘how’ to actually do it.
I'm not saying all this to scare you away from becoming a guitar teacher. I'm simply telling you ‘how guitar teaching really works. As a mentor to hundreds of people who teach guitar for a living, I understand exactly what challenges the average guitar teacher faces every day.
The good news is that the steps needed to become massively successful as a guitar teacher are quite simple. Anyone can learn how to focus on the 7 areas of guitar teachign described above. Likewise, all the common obstacles and challenges you face when you teach guitar can EASILY be avoided (or resolved) with proper guidance, training and mentoring.
If you have not yet reached your goals as a guitar teacher, realize that the reason for this has nothing to do with you or with your guitar teaching potential or with the economy or with any of the other factors your average guitar teacher typically blames for their lack of guitar teaching success. You are struggling because you are standing at the bottom of guitar teaching "Mt. Everest", trying to climb it without knowing how to even take the first step in your guitar teaching business. What you need is to have a proven guitar teaching trainer take you by the hand, train you on every step of climbing your guitar teaching mountain and then hold your hand all the way to the top… where your golden treasure chest is waiting.
To start your ascent to the top of your guitar teaching mountain, read this page about guitar teacher training.