Do I Need A Webcam, Chat Or Skype To Take Lessons?

No, you don’t need a webcam, chat or Skype for the guitar lessons themselves.

I create your lessons in advance and upload them in your lesson account to study & practice. (The lessons are customized to you, your skill level, your musical background and the goals you tell me about in your evaluation from.)

That means: 

You can study your lessons without a webcam at any of the time of day or night – even in your underwear :)

However, if you want to:

  • Send me recordings of your guitar playing for feedback (so I can help fix any bad habits you might have, help you make your practicing more efficient and refine your lesson strategy, as needed).
  • Attend live video office hours (I do them every week. It’s where I can see you, hear you play and answer your questions live on video.)
  • Participate in weekly guitar training classes (where I break down the hardest guitar playing topics and make them easy to understand, practice and master).
  • Join us for live video guitar practice session (where you, me and my other students all practice guitar together and work on things it’s normally hard to get yourself to do when you are alone).
  • Attend other guitar instructional classes I do throughout the month…

…then you need either a webcam or a smart phone. 

That’s because we need to see who you are to let you into the meetings and there is no way for me to see you and help you with your guitar playing if I don’t see you.

That said, if you own a smartphone, it already has a webcam built in. So, you don’t need to “buy” a webcam if you don't want to.

For example:

Just record a video of yourself on your phone and send it to me for feedback. Or use your phone to attend our live classes instead of your computer.

Also: webcams are generally very cheap to buy and very simple to install (you can often literally just plug it into your computer and it starts working). 

Note: all live classes are optional to attend. The core of your learning happens through the guitar lessons I make for you. And you can even get your questions answered without a webcam (by emailing me and/or using my student forum).

Look at the results my guitar students are achieving:


Watch even more of my guitar students play at: 

Student Spotlight Page

Tom Hess Guitar Students


Student Feedback Page:

Tom Hess Online Guitar Students Review


Student Playing Page: 

Tom Hess Online Guitar Students Playing

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Check out tons of videos of my students playing in the final round of my guitar/music playing contests:

Tom Hess Student Contest


Tom Hess Student Guitar And Music Contest

© 2002-2025 Tom Hess Music Corporation