Question: Taking into consideration you know me by my evaluation sheet and the course of lessons you've sent me thus far, am I at a level that I can be considered a Guitar Teacher? I know I can teach beginners but I don't know if I should advertise that way or write an ad saying intermediate and beginner lessons available. I was thinking I could give out a free lesson and see where the prospective student is at with their own abilities and ask them what they're looking to learn. I know I wouldn't attempt to teach advanced students until the day you tell me I'm at that level. I am going to join your EGTIC program, even if I'm doing this backwards, after I have a few students to pay for it. All I need to do is get rid of my roommate and I'll have a nice little studio to start off with. Any advice would be more than appreciated.

Tom Hess's Answer: Your playing ability is already good enough to get started, but here is what you should do to prepare yourself to begin teaching guitar (to beginning students and other types of students as well):

1. Get real guitar teacher training as soon as possible. Not only will it rapidly prepare you to teach guitar, but it will help you make more money teaching guitar.

2. (In your specific case) learn more about music theory (which you are doing now with me via online electric guitar lessons).

3. Make sure that you have a good approach for teaching beginners. Most new teachers think teaching beginning guitar players is easy. Fact is, it is not. Beginners are the hardest type of student to teach well. I strongly recommend specialized training on how to effectively teach beginner guitar students using a method called the Geometric Guitar Teaching Method™. Find out more about my beginner guitar book method.

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