How To Create Great Lead Guitar Solos And Improve Your Overall Guitar Playing

by Tom Hess

The Secret To Adding Fire &
Emotion To Any Guitar Lick

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Do you struggle to come up with great lead guitar solos that “fit the song”?  Do you spend a lot of time on the internet looking for hundreds of new licks and dozens of new scale fingerings only to find that these skills are NOT helping you to improve your lead guitar playing?

Most guitarists who try to improve their lead guitar soloing by using the approaches above, not only end up frustrated with their lack of progress but also begin to lose faith in their potential to become really great musicians.  Very often they also start to believe in the myth that their ability to create great lead guitar solos is limited by their amount of natural talent. 

The Secret To Adding Fire &
Emotion To Any Guitar Lick

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Fortunately, it IS possible for anyone to greatly improve their lead guitar soloing skills with the right approach.  If you haven't reached this goal yet, I want to show you the most common reasons why guitar players struggle with creating truly GREAT guitar solos and give you the steps you can take now to massively improve your lead guitar playing. 

The truth is that most guitar players focus on entirely the wrong things when trying to improve their lead guitar soloing and improvising skills.  Many guitarists assume that the solution to their guitar soloing challenges is in learning more "new" skills (innovative soloing concepts, new guitar licks/scales/arpeggios etc…).  In reality, simply acquiring new musical skills will not (in and of itself) make your lead guitar playing better, just like having a lot of ingredients in the kitchen will NOT make you a "better" cook.  While having a lot of musical skills will give you more options to choose from, these skills will NOT "increase your ability" to create great lead guitar solos until and unless you learn how to "integrate" them to make the best musical choices possible in any musical situation.  For the vast majority of musicians, it is this lack of ability to fluently APPLY and INTEGRATE their existing skills that prevents them from mastering the art of lead guitar soloing. 

If you are not clear on what the concepts of musical application and integration mean and how they play a critical role in helping you improve your lead guitar soloing skills, watch this free guitar practice video before reading the rest of this article. 

Now that you understand more about why the traditional ways of improving your guitar solos are ineffective, here are some specific steps you need to take to begin to integrate your existing lead guitar playing skills on a deeper level and greatly improve your lead guitar solos in the process.

Now that you understand more about what it takes to improve your lead guitar playing, you should become excited as you realize that all of your musical goals are entirely within your control to achieve.  When you begin to implement the steps I have outlined above, your lead guitar soloing skills will begin to improve rapidly.

If you haven't already done so, watch this free guitar practice video and download this free guitar phrasing lesson to get more specific advice on how to improve your lead guitar soloing.

Learn how to get better faster, every single time you practice lead guitar - accelerate your guitar playing.