4 Mistakes Guitar Teachers Make In Their Guitar Lesson Ads That You Must Avoid

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How well are your guitar lesson ads working for you right now?
There is a simple way to find out.
If you don’t have as many guitar students as you want...
... your ads can probably be a lot better.
And the fastest way to make your guitar lesson ads more effective...
...is to audit them for 'mistakes' that make them 'less effective' than they could and should be.
Because once you do that...
... getting the ads to work better is simply a matter of 'stopping' the things that don't work.
Do that and you'll likely start filling your teaching schedule faster.
(Even without changing anything else in your guitar teaching business.)
... guitar teachers make many of hte same mistakes that make their guitar lesson ads not work as well as they should.
Want to learn them?
Here are 4 common mistakes to avoid in your guitar lesson ads, so you can attract a lot more guitar students:
Guitar Lesson Ad Mistake #1: Mentioning The Price Of Your Guitar Lessons In The Ad
Most guitar students can’t tell which teacher is best for them from reading an ad. Many assume (incorrectly) that all guitar teachers are the same and the only difference from one teacher to another is the price.

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When you list your price in your guitar lesson ad, guitar students often decide whether or not to contact you by comparing your price to another teacher’s price.
This makes it much, much harder to stand out from other guitar teachers in your area and get prospective guitar students to contact you.
Question: “But Tom Hess, what if I want to attract guitar students who are looking for cheap lessons?”
Answer: There are several problems with this:
- Guitar students who look for cheap lessons usually don’t have a lot of money, aren’t really serious about learning guitar and aren’t likely to take lessons from you for a long time.
This means you will need A LOT of new guitar students to replace those who quit, so you can keep earning a steady income.
- The less you charge for lessons, the less motivated you feel to help your guitar students get results. This means your guitar students progress slower while you make less money. This also hurts your reputation as a guitar teacher.
- It’s hard to be the cheapest guitar teacher in town for a long time. Another guitar teacher can always charge less money to take students away from you.
The most serious guitar students (who want to improve fast and have money to invest in guitar lessons) understand that you get what you pay for. Low price makes these students skeptical of the quality of your guitar lessons and they become less likely to contact you.
Solution: Show Your Potential Guitar Students What They Miss Out On By Not Taking Guitar Lessons From You
Focus your guitar lesson ads on:
- The problems, frustrations and guitar playing challenges you help your guitar students solve.
- The way you make the learning process very enjoyable for your students (so they look forward to taking lessons from you).
- How great your students will feel once they learn to play guitar the way they want to play.
Invite the readers to contact you at the end of your ad. This not only helps you get more potential guitar students to contact you, but also makes it much easier to get them to actually START guitar lessons with you.
Guitar Lesson Ad Mistake #2: Talking Too Much About Yourself
Have you ever noticed how many guitar teachers talk about the exact same things in their guitar lesson ads? Most ads describe the teachers’ musical experience, background and credentials.
When you talk about those things in your guitar lesson ads, you create 2 problems for yourself:
- Your guitar lesson ads become a lot less effective. Guitar students don't really care about your age, musical background or what bands you played in. They only care about themselves and about learning to play guitar the way they want to play. Your bio, no matter how great it is, won’t inspire many people to take lessons from you.
- Your guitar lesson ads begin to look and sound like the ads of all the other guitar teachers in your area. This means guitar students don’t see a major difference between taking lessons from you or someone else.
Question: “But Tom Hess, what if I'm a well-known professional musician? Is it ok then to talk about my musical accomplishments in my guitar lesson ads?”
Answer: No. Your guitar students don’t really care if you are famous (or not) - they only want to know if you can help them play guitar better. Also, if you are a very famous rock star, your name alone should be enough to tell people who you are (without you having to explain your credentials and background).
Solution: Focus Your Guitar Lesson Ads On The Things Your Guitar Students Actually Want
When guitar players read your ad, they need to feel that you:
- Can relate to them and their guitar playing frustrations.
- Care about helping them overcome their challenges.
- Know how to help them reach their goals and have fun in the process.
When guitar players feel these 3 things after reading your ad, your phone won’t stop ringing with calls from new prospective guitar students.
Make a list of common problems and desires that guitar students have and include them in your guitar lesson ads. Talk about specific frustrations that you solve or specific goals that you help your students reach. This helps guitar players to feel that you understand them and makes them more motivated to contact you.
Warning: Do not make any claims that are not true or that you cannot deliver on! Back up any claim you make with proof of your ability to teach guitar effectively. If you aren't confident in your guitar teaching skills, get guitar teacher training.
Guitar Lesson Ad Mistake #3: Listing Too Many Details About What And How You Teach Your Guitar Lessons.
Listing specific details of how you teach guitar lessons in your ad often works against you. Guitar players usually don't know what they need to learn to reach their goals (if they did, they wouldn’t need to take lessons from you).
When guitarists see a long list of specific guitar techniques and musical concepts you teach, many will:
- Feel confused about how the things you list will help them play guitar better. When this happens, they won't take the action you want them to take (which is: to contact you about guitar lessons).
- Feel overwhelmed or bored with the idea of taking guitar lessons. Some might think they don’t practice enough to justify the expense of taking guitar lessons.
- Feel like they are not advanced enough as musicians to take lessons yet (or to take lessons from you).
- Feel like they can learn these topics on their own and teach guitar themselves to save money.
When guitarists think these thoughts, they have very little motivation to contact you (or anyone else) about guitar lessons.
Question: “But Tom Hess, how can anyone think or feel these things? Everyone knows that guitar lessons make learning guitar easier and more fun!”
Answer: Most guitarists doubt their ability to become great musicians. Many allow fear to stop them from taking action to improve their playing. Your guitar lesson ads need to make people feel good about taking lessons (with you) and help them believe in themselves.
Also, the general list of things you teach in your lessons cannot possibly apply to every single student. Every guitar student is different - with unique goals, skill level, mindset and personality type. The way you teach one student cannot (and should not) be exactly the same as the way you teach another student.
Watch this video to learn how to teach guitar students with different personality types:
Solution: Focus Your Guitar Lesson Ads On The Correct Things Your Guitar Students Look For, Need And Truly Want
The key to writing effective guitar lesson ads is knowing exactly what your potential guitar students look for in lessons.
Hint: beginner guitarists seek out guitar lessons for totally different reasons than advanced students. Adult guitar students have different needs (and wants) than children and teenagers. Think about the type of student you are talking to in your ad and speak to their core desires, challenges and goals.
Tip: one of the things all guitar students want is a teacher who truly cares about helping them succeed. Watch this video to learn how to become this teacher for your guitar students:
Guitar Lesson Ad Mistake #4: Not Knowing Who You Are Writing Your Guitar Lesson Ads For
Most guitar teachers promote lessons to many different groups of guitar students all in the same ad. Many assume that it’s better to attract all types of students (beginner guitar students, intermediate students, advanced students, children, adults and guitar students in every possible style).

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at attracting new guitar students.

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Learn 11 steps you should take to earn more money teaching guitar.
The opposite is actually true. When you focus your guitar lesson ads on one group of students you want to attract, you attract greater quality and quantity of students.
Question: “Tom Hess, what do you mean by “greater quality” of guitar students?”
Answer: The quality of a guitar student has nothing to do with their worth as a human being. It has everything to do with:
- Their desire to become the best guitarist they can be.
- Their commitment to invest time and money into guitar lessons (with you).
- Their willingness to keep an open mind and apply what you teach them.
- Their readiness to begin lessons with you today (instead of some time in the future).
The most serious guitar students want to study with a guitar teacher who specializes in what they want to learn.
Want proof?
If you have a toothache and need a doctor, who are you going to call? A general practitioner type doctor or the very best dentist in your area who specializes in treating the exact type of pain you have? The answer is obvious here… and your guitar students think exactly the same way.
Solution: Focus Your Guitar Lesson Ads On Attracting A Specific Type Of Guitar Students
To make your guitar lesson ads more effective, run several different ads... each one focusing on a specific type of guitar students you want to attract. You will get many more students from this one simple change in your advertising strategy.
You now know a lot more about writing guitar lesson ads than most guitar teachers in your area. The next step is to learn what to do when prospective guitar students contact you to make them excited to begin lessons with you immediately. Download this free guitar teaching eGuide to learn how to never struggle again to fill your teaching schedule.

Learn how to get tons of new guitar students.