What Is Expected Of Me?

Do these 7 things starting right now.

1. Make the DECISION to become a truly successful professional in the music business – it’s easy, you just have to do it.

2. Be totally committed to your decision to grow your current or future music career – it’s easy, you just have to do it.

3. Join the Music Careers Mentoring Program – it’s easy, you just have to do it.

4. Listen To Every Coaching Session – it’s easy, you just have to do it.

5. Do the simple assignments and projects I ask you to do for yourself – it’s easy, you just have to do it.

6. Be an active and participating member on the exclusive Music Careers Mentoring Program network forum – it’s easy, you just have to do it.

7. Follow through and never give up – it’s easy, you just have to do it.

NOTHING about becoming a success in the music business is ‘hard’ and most things are quite simple (hey, this is music, not rocket science)… but you must DO THEM!

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