What Excuse Will You Make When Guitar Students Ask You About Your Guitar Teaching Training - And You Don't Have Any?
When you get caught with your pants down because you've been taking their money not yet having earned the right to do so, you'll crawl across broken glass on your bare naked knees to finally get 'real' training on how to teach guitar… Let's avoid that and get you trained right here, right now, today.
You see, having no actual guitar teacher training is not only bad for your students, it also severely limits your ability to attract more students, earn more money and build a highly successful guitar teaching business.
Here is what typically happens with guitar teachers who don't pursue training:
They copy from all the other untrained guitar teachers out there everywhere, giving their students mediocre results as they limp along earning barely $20,000 per year ($30,000 if they are 'lucky') when they could easily earn $100,000 if they knew what to do, how to do it and then 'actually' did it.
Listen, just because the world is filled with hacks who call themselves 'experts' doesn't make them so. Having lots of 'experience' doing the 'wrong' things and producing mediocre results doesn't make them good at anything except producing lame results.
They spin their wheels trying to figure everything out about guitar teaching on their own - this simply doesn't work, if it did, the average guitar teacher would not be so horribly bad at what they do… If you're not consistently producing great results for your guitar students and have a 'thriving' successful guitar teaching business, then in my book you're not yet great at what you do… but you can be.

How To Attract A Lot Of New Guitar Students
Learn how to attract guitar students like crazy using highly effective strategies that are proven to work! In this eCourse I will show you: how to attract students to you who may not live near your teaching location, where to publish your guitar lesson ads to get maximum results, and how to position yourself (and your lessons) in such a way that price will not be the main factor for your prospective students. I will also teach you how to avoid the damaging mistakes guitar teachers make during their very first conversation with prospects and how to make students want to study with you vs. your competitors. Most importantly, you will learn not just one way, but ‘many’ new and proven methods to get students so that you are never dependent on just a single way to grow your business! If you are still struggling to make ends meet teaching guitar, this course will show you how simple it really is to have new students pound on your door daily and earn a great income as a guitar teacher.

How To Teach Guitar Like A Wizard (Even If Your Own Guitar Playing Isn’t Very Advanced Yet)
If you want to teach guitar “someday”, but are worried you “don't know enough to teach anyone yet”, this eCourse is THE place to start. It dives deep into a skill that no amount of “working on your own playing” will ever give you... and a skill that – amazingly – most “guitar teachers” completely suck at: the ability to make another person (who isn’t you) a better guitar player... while making sure they have fun along the way. Guitar players who teach the way I show you in this eCourse often start with no experience, no students and with their own playing at just an intermediate level... and manage to replace their old 6-figure salaries, earning more money (in fewer hours) by teaching guitar. Buy this eCourse, learn ‘about’ teaching guitar (without the pressure of having to teach anyone yet) and you’ll “feel ready” to teach guitar a whole lot sooner than you would ever believe.

How To Effectively Teach Beginning Guitar Students
Beginner guitar students make up the majority of all guitar students and they can easily remain studying with you for a long time, ‘if’ you are extremely good at: getting them to believe in their potential, making their first guitar playing steps easy and rewarding, and keeping their motivation high along the way. This eCourse will show you (step-by-step) how to do all of the above by using the teaching method that has proven to work for thousands of students I have taught over the years as well as for the students of hundreds of teachers whom I train to teach guitar. You will also discover why the vast majority of guitar methods (and guitar teachers) for beginners drive most beginners to quit lessons (and guitar) and how to make sure this doesn't happen to you! I will also give you the exact materials to use with your beginning guitar students to help them progress faster, easier and more effectively than they ever could with any other guitar teacher in your area. Applying the proven strategy and materials in this eCourse will give you the tremendous satisfaction of helping huge numbers of people learn to play guitar well while growing your reputation and business at the same time!