What Guarantees Come With The Music Careers Mentoring Program?

ZERO, here is why: I mentor musicians from all over the world. And the reality is this, some of these people actually DO what I tell them to do and in every single case they have grown their music careers and lives to levels they have never done before. But you and I both know that some people do NOT follow through. Some people do NOT implement what I coach them to do, so these people continue to struggle... Their careers (or lack of one) limp along. So there is no way I can say to you that you will get ‘X result’ simply by ‘joining’ the program, because I have no idea yet which type of client you will be. One of those who will actually do what I coach you to do, or one who may listen but in the end won’t really do anything serious with the coaching you are getting... That is why it is pointless (and misleading) for me to offer any ‘guarantee’.



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