How To Find Effective Guitar Exercises And Practice Them The Right Way To Become A Killer Guitarist Faster

by Tom Hess
How To Play Everything You Know On Guitar Perfectly
The Guide To Playing Guitar Accurately Consistently And Reliably

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Finding the right guitar exercises is an important part of your musical progress.
The right guitar exercises help you develop the skills needed to reach your guitar playing goals.

The right exercises also solve the problems that get in the way of your musical progress.

But when you practice the wrong exercises?

This slows down your progress and keeps you stuck.

To make things worse...

Practicing the wrong guitar exercises also makes guitar practice very boring.

This can cause you to practice less and find excuses for "not having enough time to practice".

(All since you feel unmotivated to do work on your guitar playing.)

Bottom line:

Having the right systems for finding effective guitar exercises is just as important as having effective practice habits.

How To Play Everything You Know On Guitar Perfectly
The Guide To Playing Guitar Accurately Consistently And Reliably

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But how do you find the right exercises for guitar?

Well, that's what this article is all about!

These steps help you find the right guitar exercises for your guitar playing goals and master them quickly:

Choosing The Right Guitar Exercises Step #1: Decide Where You Want To Go

Finding the right guitar exercises starts with setting specific guitar playing goals. There are 4 types of goals:

  • Long-term guitar playing goals – these are the guitar practice goals you want to achieve in 12 months or more. They are general skills you must learn (and eventually master) to play guitar the way you want.

  • Mid-term guitar playing goals - goals you want to achieve in 3-11 months. Mid-term guitar playing goals break down into:

  • Short-term guitar playing goals - goals you want to achieve in less than 3 months. Short-term guitar playing goals break down into:

  • Micro guitar playing goals - goals you want to achieve in a single guitar practice session.
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Long-term guitar playing goals feed into your vision: the ultimate skill level you want to achieve as a guitarist and musician. Your vision has many long-term goals that break down into mid-term, short-term and micro goals.

The right guitar exercises help you achieve micro goals in a way that is congruent with your short, medium and long-term goals. 

Question: “Tom Hess, how do I set my long-term, mid-term, short-term and micro guitar playing goals?”

Answer: An expert guitar teacher breaks down your musical vision into guitar playing goals and keeps you focused on these goals until they are reached. If you take guitar lessons, your teacher must do this for you.

If you are self-taught, identify what skills you must learn and master to play guitar the way you want. Then determine your current level of mastery with each skill.

Either way, your guitar exercises must help you close the gap between your existing skills and your desired skills.

To understand how to close this gap, check out this eGuide on how to play guitar perfectly, consistently and accurately without mistakes.

Choosing The Right Guitar Exercises Step #2: Determine Where You Are Right Now

Guitar playing mastery is about closing the gap between your current skill level and your desired skill level. You must determine your skill level gap in all the core areas of guitar playing. 

These areas include:

  • Lead guitar technique.

  • Rhythm guitar playing (your ability to play rhythm guitar tight, in time and clean).

  • Fretboard visualization with scales, arpeggios and chords all over the guitar.

  • Aural skills (training your musical ear to hear elements of music theory and know how they sound before you play a single note).

  • Lead guitar phrasing (your ability to make the notes you are playing sound great).

These skills apply universally to all musical styles.

The Guitar Playing Accelerator makes tracking your musical progress very simple (and fun).

Choosing The Right Guitar Exercises Step #3: Identify The Fastest Way To Get Where You Want To Go

After you identify your musical weaknesses, look for (or create) guitar practice items that close the gaps in your musical skills most quickly.

A great guitar teacher makes this simple.

Expert guitar teachers turn general guitar exercises into specific practice items that solve your musical frustrations and accelerate your progress.

This video shows how to customize guitar exercises to solve your specific musical challenges:

Beware of guitar teachers who give you random guitar exercises but don’t explain how they help you overcome your specific guitar playing weaknesses.

Choosing The Right Guitar Exercises Step #4: Get The Best Road Maps Possible

Practicing the right guitar exercises isn’t enough to become a great guitar player. You must also practice them in the right order and in the right way. Effective practice schedules are key for reaching guitar playing goals.

They help you to:

  • Avoid over practicing some items and under practicing others.

  • Manage your mental energy and focus. This ensures that your practice time isn’t wasted.

  • Improve in many areas of your guitar playing at once.

Choosing The Right Guitar Exercises Step #5: Track Your Musical Progress Consistently

You must track your progress with every exercise you practice. 

This tells you:

  1. How well each exercise is helping you close the gaps in your guitar skills and move towards your guitar playing goals.

  2. How close you are to mastering guitar exercises you are practicing.

  3. When it is time to look for new guitar exercises to add into your guitar practice schedule.

Use the steps in this article to find the right guitar exercises for yourself and practice them effectively. This ensures rapid and consistent progress in your guitar playing.

This guitar practice eBook helps you play the right guitar exercises consistently and reliably without mistakes for big results.

How to play guitar consistently
Free eGuide

Tom Hess
About Tom Hess: Tom Hess is a guitar teacher, music career mentor and guitar teacher trainer. He trains musicians how to leave their day jobs and build successful full-time careers in the music industry.

Learn how to accelerate your guitar playing faster than you ever thought possible.

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